I live in America and am surrounded by Christians.
Whenever I talk about myself to religous people, I want to say ,"I am an atheist". Do you say that? Is there a better way?
I usually let the conversation lead there in a somewhat natural way. Like if they say some religious expression or thought, I question it and point out fallacies until they think I either really, really love asking questions, or realize I must not believe in what they are saying.
I just don't bring it up. If I do, I simply say that I am secular or I say that I am unaffiliated. Then I leave it at that.
I would not say i'm an athiest. I believe in a "creator".....I just don't believe in the biblical god.....and Jesus and all that bullshit....."the lake of fire" satan......the list goes on and on....I do believe in reincarnation too. Stevenson did some great studies on that.
I don't have one way of saying it. there are occasions on which the subject may come up. i might say "i'm an atheist" or i might say "i hold no gods" or, when appropriate, "i'm not christian" (which may then be followed by clarification -- but it DOES tend to be christians who bring such things up). if asked, i certainly am open. if not asked, i might mention it myself, depending on the context, or not. i don't introduce myself "hi, i'm an atheist" but i tend to let people know if i have a continuing relationship of any kind. there are no circumstances under which i lie about it.
Say what ever you want.... I am an Atheist. I am not religious. I am a secularist. I am not a violent believer. What the world needs now is science, not alleged gawds that are worthless, doing absolutely nothing to prevent harm or cure disease.... It is up to us Atheists to make a better world the religious fanatics have fucked up so badly the last 10 thousand years of shamanism, patriarchy, crusades, pogroms and priestly rape of children....not to mention the scientists who have been arrested, censored and murdered for proving religion wrong on everything
I don’t like to stir up the Christain’s to much as we conservatives need their help in order to beat the left wing liberals. Trump has figured that one out and that’s a big reason he’s been so successful.
Trump didn't figure much of anything out. He's only a symptom of what is going on in America today.
If they are strongly religious and I don't want to frighten them, I will refer to myself as a non-beliver rather than an atheist. For some reason it seems to be a more acceptable term.
I normally don’t share unless i am asked my religion or I feel that the person is open to talking to an Athiest. Some times I tell people I am a humanist, “good without god”. But Athiest has a stigma that makes it hard. Recently I have been telling people I am an Athiest, but it can get awkward. ?
Naturally they will try and say there is a gawd, I counter with asking what they learned about 1492 in school. After a few seconds the rhyme in 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue will pop out. I then explain that in 1492 many people still believed the earth was flat, something we know today to be ridiculous. I then point out that 1492 was only slightly more than 500 hundred years ago. A long time, but not a real long time, and that if people were that naive that recent, just imagine what they would fall for 2000 years ago.
Then there's the whole issue of non-flying birds (Penguins) in Antarctica and how the Ark must have swung by and dropped them off. (Hey, anti-Ark-tica, thats funny)
"I then explain that in 1492 many people still believed the earth was flat, something we know today to be ridiculous."
Nope, the flat earth movement is alive and well. Also Columbus was a greedy racist who committed genocide and never set foot on continental America. Sorry pet peev.
Noah also had the issue of the marsupials in Australia, the Buffalo in North America, and the layer of salt that would be spread over all landmasses. Busy guy.
The problem is that belief is a moving target. It is part of the "negative space" surrounding scientific thought.
I generally stick to discussing the the things I DO believe in, and if asked, tell people I struggle with religion (which is 100% true). Because of where I'm from, it's just a natural response for people to tell me to "pray about it" or "leave it to God." I choose to respect their beliefs and don't belittle people for those statements because I know it comes from a place of love, even if I don't believe in it myself. And to answer another commenter's question: Yes, believers deserve respect just as much as any other human being. If we went around persecuting every member of a group because of what SOME people in that group did in the name of religion, then we can't expect to be respected either.
I am an Atheist.
I am totally happy to "leave it to God". Just not going waste time while I am waiting.
Let the discussion first moving and after few exchanges, the other guy will eventually found out you are not a Christian believer. And that makes the discussion interesting for me without deviating from the topic.
Depends on the tone of the conversation and whether I am asked or not. I have no problem telling people what I believe but I have a slightly more tactful way to put it if I feel it may be offensive to come right out and say I don't believe in God or religion. I mean I will tell some I am atheist or agnostic but if I don't feel like it is a theological discussion or sharing of ideas and beliefs I prefer to say something like below.
I generally say something like God has not yet graced me with his presence but I don't feel like I am lost
If they ask, yes, tho where I live that isn't a common question. If I'm discussing religious issues it isn't hard to tell I'm a non-believer even if I don't say so.