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How do you deal with Door-knockers?

Whether they be Witnesses, Mormons, or another proselytizing religion, how do you deal with people coming to your door to spread their religion?
I just had my first experience since getting a place of my own and had a decent conversation through the crack in my door. After I told him I was an atheist he tried to use apologetics; when I told him I was familiar with his arguments and didn't find them convincing further explaining that I take a scientific route of belief and chose not to believe until there is evidence for a god. He understood and thanked me for explaining and listening to him and he left with a handshake. I was surprised at myself for how civil I was to him but how does everyone else usually respond?

Nicsnort 6 Oct 14

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Nudity, nudity will detour them an future door knocking lol. It worked for me


I enjoy talking to religious people that I have no relation to. There's no emotion, just an exchange of ideas. I had some Mormons back for a third time before they finally got tired and stopped calling.


I have posted a sign on my gate that says "Religious representatives: I am an atheist. Thank you for your concern but I DO NOT WANT TO BE "SAVED!" Please move on. Thank you. Haven't been bothered in weeks. And, a lot of people who do come to my door really like the sign. Of course, Dunedin, FL has a lot of Free Thinkers, Agnostics and atheists.


What about a sign saying a practicing witch lives here?


"Hey guys, this is a free country and you are entitled to believe what you want to. It's cool what you believe, but its not for me. Thanks"


I listen politely and say no thank you. If they persist I just stare at them and smile until they ask their next question which is usually, how certain are you that your soul is going to heaven today? To which I reply no thank you nodding and smiling. By then they are wondering what's wrong with me. I continue the polite no thank you's and awkward smiling until I just slowly close the door. I think they are relieved that I close it. They don't come back until a new batch comes to town. They think I'm out of my mind. Works like a charm. 😉


I have a hand made notice that sits on the wall beside my front door. It states that ANY Door Knockers have, by way of knocking, signified their acceptance of paying me $50.00 per minute in Cash and in Advance so that they may enter my home to 'discuss' whatever has brought them there.
Have NOT had even 1 Door Knocker since I put that sign up 3 years ago.


I simply say no thanks, I'm not interested. Have a nice day!
There's no need to get involved in a long discussion about a religion, because I am an agnostic.


Door knockers in my area only ask if I speak Spanish. When I tell them I don't, they move on.

d_day Level 7 Nov 24, 2017

Not an issue. I live in an apartment building. If asked on the street I will smile and say no thank you. If they persist I try to be firmer and even rude. Finally I just get away from their thoughtlessness.


Open up the door and pretend I don't speak the language. I know, I take a low road but it's still a lot of fun 😉

Maaga Level 3 Nov 24, 2017

I nod and smile through until they're done, thank then and close the door.


I've had the unfortunate experience of being on the other side of the door. I know that now is not a good time to undo their held beliefs but I sincerely tell them that I feel sorry for the way the church
is wasting their time. I actually wish it was true, but alas...


I was out walking my dogs. One is tiny and chill, the other is an 80 lb love monster that tried to lick the faces off of Sister Smith and Sister Pugsley. They were both dressed In a white button down long sleve blouse with a high waisted tea leangth navy skirt with black tights and black loafers. I thought they looked so weird. They were super persistant even though I was obviously trying to wrangle a big huge beast. I was curious so I figured I would let them talk. After they wouldn't stop going on and on I eventually kindly let them know I was a believer at one point and no longer identified as such. They asked why, let me know that their church is different and really doesn't sugar coat anything because they actually preach the word (they alllll say that), and tried to leave some literature with me. Later I had to leave the apartment and they were still walking around the building next to me. I was going to wave (it's Texas and friendliness is one of the few redeeming factors of living here in my opinion) but they made a 180 and scurried in the opposite direction of me... the whole thing was just weird, that's all.


I thank them for the literature. If I am in a good mood and have nothing else to do I invite them for a soft drink. I let them talk I don't contradict their opinion but I don't let them know mine.

Gabi Level 2 Nov 24, 2017

id like to tell them to stop wasting my time and if I ever want to become delusional ill go find them but I'm not such a bad person so i just say I'm not interested


Four years ago, I bought a building that used to be a church and I've been living in it. There's no sign on it, but the steeple is still there. So, they tend to avoid me, thinking I'm already "committed". Works out kinda nice in a way I wasn't expecting. 🙂


I say, "I am not interested in talking with you at all. Please don't come to my door again. Have a nice day." And close the door. You can't reason with them, and if you try they keep coming back.


I respond with a no soliciting sign

Tovie Level 2 Nov 24, 2017

There's a good videos about this on YouTube by Hement Mehta. Don't know if I spelled his name correctly


A few years ago I told some Witnesses I was a Satanist, they never came back.

Nor48 Level 4 Nov 24, 2017

I usually talk to them spread my world view. Of course my view is that I do believe in God, just not religion which is the construct of human hands and has led to way too much human suffering.


I actually have a few prewritten bullet-pointed arguments ready to roll out when they start their spiel. I live in an apartment complex that houses two pairs of the bicycle riders, one male pair, and one female pair. I get the knock on my door about once a month.

I first saw the male pair, then when they saw that I live with a female roommate, they sent the female pair. Now, I think they are alternating, and also sending other bicycle pairs to try to convert me.

Each time, 4 now, I lay out, or continue, an argument against the existence of a god. The first was, Imperfection begotten from Perfection which then shot down their subsequent free will argument. Then the all-knowing God creating suffering, and infinite punishment for finite sins.

Next up, the imperfect revelation of his word, and how we are supposed to navigate life's problems which he could easily solve, with a manual so difficult to decipher that it has spawned 40,000 different sects of Christianity. I think I might offer them drugs if I get tired of them, but right now, it's a sport.

I think their church has promised them bonus "spirit wives" on their own planet if they convert me because these little bastards are TRYING!!


However, one day, about 16 or so years ago I was getting my retail work polo out of the dryer which was located in the garage, which was open as I was about to leave for work. I was running a few minutes behind schedule. One of these Witness pairs just comes a-walkin' into the garage, and asks me if I know that "we are livin' in the last days". I responded with, "it's going to be your last day if you don't get the fuck out of here because I'm running late". They never came back.


I've tried something similarly and they want to know where I heard about the things that contradict their message. I tell them not to ignore the ugly parts of the bible and be honest about the info they share.

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