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How do you tell religious people that you're an atheist?

I live in America and am surrounded by Christians.
Whenever I talk about myself to religous people, I want to say ,"I am an atheist". Do you say that? Is there a better way?

Bingogwak 6 Sep 10

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Most people of my country ( Czech rep.) are non religious, so I do not talk to them about atheism.


I try not tell religious people tha I am an atheist. Because I live in country that most of people are religious, and with some of them you can't feel comfortable if they know that you don't believe in God. But I always end up telling them haha


I live in Kentucky, 'atheist' is a dirty word. I don't tell people here that I am an atheist, or even that I am non-religious.

I live in california. A lot more of people are atheist around me at least.

Bingogwak: Do you live in northern or southern Cali?

Same here in SC. everybody says have a blessed day in stores or businesses. I know they mean well so I try to ignore them.


I tend to not have this conversation. But if pushed I have found that the direct route is the best " I am an agnostic, Agnosticism is the view that, the truth values of certain claims – especially metaphysical and religious claims such as whether God, the divine or the supernatural exist – are unknown and perhaps unknowable."


I have no want or need for your jealous powerless God.


It all depends on what's at stake. If I'm at work I'm not going to discuss my atheism. If I had parents who would throw me out of the house I'm not going to discuss my atheism. As an adult who is capable of taking care of my own needs, I let all my friends and family know I'm an atheist. I often times wear T-Shirts saying I'm an Atheist. If my theist friends don't want anything more to do with me then I'll deal with that loss, but I'm not afraid to tell someone I'm not convinced. I would say that Christians aren't afraid to tell you their beliefs so as long as you're not mocking them and you mention it with respect I wouldn't be afraid to tell them you're not convinced.

you are right


I don't socialize with religious people problem solved.


It depends on what they are saying and if they are addressing me. If they are looking to me for any kind of response to their religious talk, I will say I am an atheist.

So it's not a good idea to say "your religion is a load of crap, and so are you" even if they're not addressing me? 😛

@bingst It's a great idea!..... Not ?

@thislife Still doesn't keep me from thinking it, no matter how hard I have to bite my tongue. 😛

@bingst I know. It's so frustrating that nonsense is the "norm".


Just be real and say who you are. If they are real and decent people, it won’t matter what you believe. But history of course says different of course. Whoever cannot accept you as you are isn’t worth your time


It doesn't come up often but when people find out I lost a child, they often say "Well at least he's in a better place". Depending on my mood (and how self-righteous vs genuinely concerned they seem) my reply is usually that "Actually, according to your rules, he's burning in hell since he wasn't a born-again Christian...and neither am I".
The look on their face is usually priceless....but that's what they get for assuming we share beliefs


I don't say anything unless it comes up in conversation. Then it is normally well actually I am an atheist.

Me too sorta....Meeting new people at non-Atheist events I assume everyone is neither believer nor scientific....of course people often push xian shit with crucifix pendants, idiot bible billboard clothes or religious graffiti in/out their homes cars....bottom line I NEITHER HIDE nor "convert" to Atheism.....I am a politician and I am an American (1st) Atheist (2nd) everybody has the right to be wrong trial and error works but critical thinking is better


I don't volunteer it unless asked. Because it's not an important part of my life. If they do ask, then I might say something like oh I don't go to church or I'm not religious.


I usually match their wording. If they are discreet about how they say it, I will do the same such as, I do not have a religion. If they are in my face, then I can be too all the way to saying I am antitheist.


No I don’t. There is no reason for me to label myself. It’s like politics, you can’t change people from who they are and there is no reason to convince them to change. I know who I am. That’s all that’s important.

Mist Level 1 Dec 22, 2018

Depending on what community you live in (rural, Bible Belt) you could lose your job by "coming out". I would advise caution. Americans view atheists with suspicion. If your job is secure, and you are in an urban area, then you can probably just say you are atheist, or secular with fewer problems.

Orbit Level 7 Dec 2, 2018

It often feels like a 'secret society' to me...where I wait for the other person to say they're an atheist before I "come out of the closet" as the expression goes......


“Yo! I’m an atheist! Any questions?”


I tend to be blunt about it, if they wish me to except there faith, then they must except the fact that I don't have any


I grew up in a very religious country myself where Christianity was just assumed and the issue was what kind of Christian you were. The possibility of you having no belief was not even entertained. Happily my family did not take a strong prescriptive view on personal belief. There were all different denominations within my mothers family as all my grandmothers children adopted different denominations from the one she raised them in and remained in so it became accepted that people could have varying views. So although they presumed belief they did not challenge non belief when I came to it.
For me living in a secular country now I have little patience with pandering to the arrogance of the aggressively religious. If it comes up I just say I’m not religious and depending on how well I plan to know them I will say I’m an atheist. I never pretend to be religious although I may allude to previously belonging to and attending a church regularly as part of general conversation. I never wear an air of shame or secrecy about it. Frankly I’m proud of it.


If & When the subject comes up, I just say, "i am not religious At All" and move on.


I say, I am a rational evolutionist period or sometimes just evolutionist.


I don't feel the need to volunteer the information, unless someone steers the conversation to religion and then starts digging or demanding approbation or agreement. Then the gloves come off.

Deb57 Level 8 Oct 15, 2018

Try to be something that I found most religious people are not, HONEST, tell them straight out and openly that you are an Atheist and proud to be one. It may lose you a lot of 'friends' BUT over time you will come to realise that you didn't really need them after all as you gain even more stronger and truer friends from the world of Atheists.


I always try to do so with sensitivity and respect I do so in terms of explaing what works for myself and that we all most chose our own philosophical path to follow. We all seek contentment and context in our own way and that I would not fault others for choosing to believe differently


Depends on the interaction. If they are pushing beliefs on me, then yea, I step up. If they make some offhand comment about "God made such a beautiful day today", I will agree it's a nice day, but won't cause drama over it. Depends on how pushy they are with their delusion.


I do not feel the need to tell anyone what I believe. If I chose to, then I am truthful.

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