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bi·con·vex /bīˈkänveks/ adjective convex on both sides con·vex ...
t1nick comments on Jun 27, 2020:
Convex, concave, and bi-convex are terms I teach in physics when time and student acuity allow.
Pence if possible worse than Dump. []
t1nick comments on Jun 27, 2020:
Yes in the sense that he is more intelligent than Trump. He knows the implications of his and the Presidents actions and doesn't care. He would rather serve as a sycophant and push his nazi Evangelical agenda than stand up for what is moral and ethical.
t1nick comments on Jun 27, 2020:
I havent thought of this one in a long time. If it's of German origination, then shouldn't it be pronounced as "mean". Short "e" sound?
McEnany's "good christian woman" claims get derailed by her former Christian academy teacher
t1nick comments on Jun 26, 2020:
I agree MacNinny is a hypocritical backstabber.
Name one capitalist that killed 50 million people like Communist Mao ZeDong
t1nick comments on Jun 26, 2020:
Directly or indirectly with bad policy. Trump is on the way to working on that number with his attempt to repeal Obamacare. The European colonists were capitalist based and in the two Americas 15 million fell to European Imperialist colonization. Many indirectly to disease, but many to colonial policy. European exploration was based squarely on capitalism. Control of the resources in the Far East and the New World. Death is not always at the point of a gun. Sometimes death comes through policy that deny access to select groups of people. Houston is not exactly a good example of humanistic capitalism. I know, I lived there once upon a time and have family there now.
Theres different kinds of sheep.
t1nick comments on Jun 26, 2020:
Capitalist sheep, slaves to money and commercial materialism.
Photo reignites debate over existence of Loch Ness Monster
t1nick comments on Jun 26, 2020:
The question of Loch Ness was solved about 5 years ago by a Norwegian research team. There is a direct connection between Loch Ness and the North Atlantic Ocean. There is a eel-like fish that occurs frequently off the coast of Iceland. It is sinuous and when rises to the surface appears to have characteristics of a snakelike creature. It has been found between northern Scotland and Iceland. Their evidence pretty much closed the book on the Loch Ness mystery, IMO.
Hi, i guess I'm new here.
t1nick comments on Jun 26, 2020:
America's response to the virus at the federal level has been a disaster, and we are now the ...
t1nick comments on Jun 26, 2020:
Don't know who is worse; Trump or Bolsanaro. You know the country is in trouble when the lesser of these two evils fall in same category of ineptitude.
Biden finally takes off the gloves, DESTROYS Trump in stunning rebuke - YouTube
t1nick comments on Jun 25, 2020:
Trump supporters do not want the pandemic to end because there is no pandemic. It's only a liberal scare tactic.............. YEAH RIGHT. Let's hope the Oklahoma and Arizona rally goers choke (literally) on their own ignorance while sucking air on a ventilator.
Indiana nurse loses job after rant slamming George Floyd and ‘Black privilege’ goes viral
t1nick comments on Jun 25, 2020:
Most city hospitals (outside of private hospitals) serve large populations of minorities. If this nurse does not realize that public sentiment is on edge and sensitivities are raw, then she shouldnt be a nurse. Working in a service industry that you are aware of the population you serve.
t1nick comments on Jun 25, 2020:
Kick ass first, take name later. Shootem' all,let God sort them out. Our police mindset today.
Me too hate that
t1nick comments on Jun 25, 2020:
Whiny conservative snowflakes
When will covid19 end?
t1nick comments on Jun 24, 2020:
If it patterns itself on the Spanish flu epidemic it will take up to two and a half years to reach heard immunity unless an effective vaccine is developed.
Floridians reject masks as work of the devil
t1nick comments on Jun 24, 2020:
It would be funny if it wasnt so sad.
stop testing? what an idiot.
t1nick comments on Jun 24, 2020:
So apropos. Unfortunately.
The View on Deck - 16” x 20” - Acrylic on Canvas
t1nick comments on Jun 24, 2020:
Circa 1980... [] Where were you?
t1nick comments on Jun 24, 2020:
I think you meant Genghis Khan. Lol. Easy mistake to make.
Until feminism came
t1nick comments on Jun 24, 2020:
Trolling again Sinning St.
Green party candidate Howie Hawkins: Why I'm running against Joe Biden, Donald Trump - YouTube
t1nick comments on Jun 23, 2020:
Another person who wants to hand the election to Donald Trump. Why can't we be pragmatic. We have a disease in this country called Donald Trump and the GOP. We want to get rid of the disease. The cure is going to take a long time to recover. Would it not be better to take a less tasteful medicine (Biden) and begin to recover ,albeit not as ideologically tasteful as our more desired brand (Hawkins), but guaranteed to begin the healing process, just at a slower rate. Otherwise, we stand a good chance of prolonging the disease.
if all humanity will perished Nothing will be changed in this world .
t1nick comments on Jun 23, 2020:
This "anhthropause" we are experiencing with COVID actually disputes your claim (if all humanity will perished Nothing will be changed in this world .). The rebound and response being experienced by wildlife of all kinds shows how much better Nature would be without human activity. Also, "... you know!!!!, the world can complete its journey Without you " presumes that the Earth is on a predetermined journey or destination. Just the opposite is true. The Earth evolves and reacts to circumstances at the time. It's not really going anywhere or travelling from anywhere in particular.
Is income inequality a problem in the US []
t1nick comments on Jun 23, 2020:
Fact checking?
t1nick comments on Jun 23, 2020:
Just to appeases Mr. Corbett, I did a media bias check on lol This is what I found. Corbett Report - Conspiracy - Fake News - Not Credible - Right BiasCorbett Report - Pseudoscience - Fake News - Not Credible - Right Bias Factual Reporting: Low - Not Credible - Not Reliable - Fake News - Bias CONSPIRACY-PSEUDOSCIENCE Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category may publish unverifiable information that is not always supported by evidence. These sources may be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information, therefore fact checking and further investigation is recommended on a per article basis when obtaining information from these sources. See all Conspiracy-Pseudoscience sources. Overall, we rate the Corbett Report a Tin Foil Hat conspiracy and Moderate pseudoscience website, based on the promotion of 9/11 conspiracies, False Flags, Chemtrails and Deep State conspiracies. Detailed Report Factual Reporting: LOW Country: Japan World Press Freedom Rank: Japan 66/180 History Founded in 2007 by James Corbett, The Corbett Report is an independent, listener-supported alternative news source. According to their about page “The Corbett Report is edited, webmastered, written, produced and hosted by James Corbett. James Corbett has been living and working in Japan since 2004.” They further state “It operates on the principle of open source intelligence and provides podcasts, interviews, articles, and videos about breaking news and important issues from 9/11 Truth and false flag terror to the Big Brother police state, eugenics, geopolitics, the central banking fraud and more.” Read our profiles on Japan’s media and government Funded by / Ownership The Corbett report is owned by James Corbett and funding is derived through subscription fees and DVD sales. Analysis / Bias In review, the Corbett Report publishes Youtube videos, podcasts, and articles from a right-wing conspiracy perspective. The website touches on many different conspiracies and pseudoscience propaganda. Below is a shortlist of topics. 9/11 Whistleblowers (Full Documentary) (promotes alternative theories about 9/11) How To Engineer A Crisis (False Flag Operations) Chemtrails Exposed: The past, present and future of the New Manhattan Project (Chemtrail conspiracies and pseudoscience) Never Forget: What the Deep State Wants You to Remember About 9/11 (Deep State) The IPCC Prepares to Release More Hot Air (Human Influenced Climate Change Denial) Interview 1370 – James Corbett on the New World Order (New World Order) Politically, the Corbett Report aligns with the right through the promotion of human-influenced climate change denialism and Socialism fear promotion. They also do not have a favorable view of President Donald...
For all, you drinkers out there Happy National Martini Day shaken not stirred a Gibson or Dirty ...
t1nick comments on Jun 22, 2020:
I once told a waitress that I wanted a dry martini. I said that I wanted it so dry that a desert would be envious. She brought me back a gin martini and told me that the bar mistress had just passed the bottle of vermouth over my drink Not actually added any. Wanted to know if it was dry enough? Lol
Race: Leftists vs Conservatives (one conservative's viewpoint) []
t1nick comments on Jun 22, 2020:
Fact Check Background on QUESTIONABLE SOURCE A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources. Reasoning: Extreme Right, Hate Group Notes: VDARE is an American website that publishes socio-political commentary pieces, particularly focusing on advocating for a moratorium on immigration into the United States as well as arguments related to race and American politics. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, VDARE is an anti-immigration hate website which regularly publishes articles by prominent white nationalists, race scientists and anti-Semites. (11/18/2016) hUpdated (D. Van Zandt 6/20/2017) Special Note: We provide a link below to their website for the purpose of our Chrome Extensions, which requires a link to the website in order to display on Facebook and the Chrome task bar. We recommend not clicking the link. (D. Van Zandt)
Feeling like you need to be rung out or maybe twisted well take this then. []
t1nick comments on Jun 22, 2020:
Arroz have you ever heard the Twisted Sister Christmas Carol's. And other Heavy Metal Christmas songs. Lol worth an investigation. Lol
It seems that all persons speaking for Trump and his administration lie repeatedly.
t1nick comments on Jun 22, 2020:
Birds of a feather flock together
It's no secret that the religion of Islam has long been an advocate for slavery.
t1nick comments on Jun 22, 2020:
"So does that mean people will soon be petitioning to close Mosques around the country?" [] Unfortunately there is no author listed. It might be Hewitt himself, but no way of knowing the credibility of the article. No author is different than an anonymous insider. CB is correct, there was no mention of the US in the article. Your presumption to imply it would happen in the US is an attempt to minimize or deflect from the real question that is occurring presently throughout the nation. Your statement, like one I made last week, remains a bit of demagoguery. You have a penchant to cheery pick items that appear to make your point, but in fact, when put in context do not hold up. Your motivation is clear, and is not news. You are just one more white southerner who wants to minimize the South's complicity in setting the stage for the circumstance we find ourselves in today. Again check your sources before you put thing out or at least understand what the article is talking about.
It's no secret that the religion of Islam has long been an advocate for slavery.
t1nick comments on Jun 22, 2020:
LiveLeak background; These media sources have a slight to moderate liberal bias. They often publish factual information that utilizes loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes) to favor liberal causes. These sources are generally trustworthy for information, but may require further investigation. Factual Reporting: HIGH Notes: Liveleak is a video service founded by Hayden Hewitt. The content is almost exclusively user submitted videos and covers a wide range of topics from around the world. From people’s pets to Rex Tillerson’s trip to Asia. Because of the conflicts in Syria and Ukraine, and the amount of video being uploaded from there, they currently have two sections dedicated to them. Due to being a video sharing service, and the videos being presented as submitted, the content can be very graphic and controversial, such as when Liveleak hosted footage of the beheading of journalist James Foley by ISIS in 2014. Mr. Hewitt has defended the practice of presenting submitted footage as is, stating in his own words: “Look all this is happening, this is real life, this is going on, and we’re going to show it.” While Liveleak has a video content-sharing agreement with Ruptly, state-run Russia Today’s video service, the overall content is apolitical. They do sponsor a live interview/call-in show which, again, covers a broad range of topics. Mr. Hewitt himself does have a left bias on the live show, but it does not carry over to the site’s content and is more editorial in nature. Therefore we rate Liveleak Left-Center based on editorial content. (D. Kelley 3/16/2017)
[] A visual image of the latest henge found near Stonehenge
t1nick comments on Jun 22, 2020:
Very cool. I enjoyed visiting Stonehenge.
😋 Name that celebrity..
t1nick comments on Jun 22, 2020:
I have no idea. Lol
In examining the dynamic in the current presidential race, it is necessary to understand that ...
t1nick comments on Jun 21, 2020:
Well written post. Dont agree 100%, but can't detract from the well thought out arguments.
Hello all.
t1nick comments on Jun 21, 2020:
Welcome, fellow Coloradan. I grew up in Longmont, just down the road from you. Line in NM now.
Well Facebook gave me a 3 day ban for calling KKK on a Meme White Trash - Calling me racist.
t1nick comments on Jun 21, 2020:
Zuckerberg prefers his conservatives.
This is yet another layer of the Blue Liners and how systemic racism is entrenched in the criminal ...
t1nick comments on Jun 21, 2020:
They just do not get it.
Trump's Lonely Walk Of Shame | Crooks and Liars
t1nick comments on Jun 21, 2020:
Serves him right.
Teens flooded the Trump campaign with fake ticket reservations.
t1nick comments on Jun 21, 2020:
It's all started with a TikTok post by a grandmother, now known as the TikTok grandma. About time somebody made Trump eat some of his own feces.
Trump Is Lying More Than Ever: Just Look At The Data As of early April, Trump has told 23.
t1nick comments on Jun 21, 2020:
He's a pathological liar, reinforced an egged on by sycophants in the GOP, and alt-right media like FOX, OAN, and info wars.
schadenfreude scha·den·freu·de /ˈSHädənˌfroidə/ noun pleasure derived by someone...
t1nick comments on Jun 21, 2020:
I resemble that remark. Lol
Keep your distance and stay safe out there!
t1nick comments on Jun 20, 2020:
The Real Story Behind All Those Confederate Statues – Mother Jones
t1nick comments on Jun 20, 2020:
We have explaining this publically for at least a decade. If the louts havent got it by now, they don't plan on ever getting it. Selective ignorance and loud- mouthed denial.
Just heard about this woman and her courses.
t1nick comments on Jun 20, 2020:
She has been around forever. One of the foremost Presidential historians.
Susan Rice calls Trump administration 'racist to its core,' says Senate backers belong in 'trash ...
t1nick comments on Jun 20, 2020:
Trunp had to cancel the overflow outdoor event in Tulsa, because no one showed up.
t1nick comments on Jun 20, 2020:
Biggest crowds since Abraham Lincoln. Lol
Truth Hurts Donald Trump is apparently losing his mind on twitter over this ad so watch it and ...
t1nick comments on Jun 20, 2020:
The truth is a bitter pill. Swallow republicans, the truth is good for what ails you.
Why I Stopped Talking About Racial Reconciliation and Started Talking About White Supremacy | ...
t1nick comments on Jun 20, 2020:
IMO White supremacy suggests a small extremist population that is outside the main stream of society. Unfortunately, systemic racism is not limited to a small splinter group. We would more appropriately talk about white privilege as opposed to white supremacy. White privilege suggests a greater totality of the mainstream white population. White privilege is a remnant holdover from Americas Colonialism and European Imperialism days.
t1nick comments on Jun 19, 2020:
Now if they just weild enough influence to effect the change.
t1nick comments on Jun 19, 2020:
Just shows you what incompetence can do for a Nation.
If given a choice between making election day a federal holiday in the USA and Juneteenth a federal ...
t1nick comments on Jun 19, 2020:
There is no reason to have to make such a choice. Americans are known for being workaholics. The European model demonstrates that shorter work weeks and longer vacation time dies not impair productivity. In fact productivity is potentially increased by less stress and less overworked working class. Therefore, we could afford to fo both and have both as Federal holidays.
Trump counters Secret Service recommendation for a Tulsa, OK curfew and a strong recommendation to ...
t1nick comments on Jun 19, 2020:
He definitely threatened them with promised violence and baited them.
For many African Americans growing up in the South in the 19th and 20th centuries, the threat of ...
t1nick comments on Jun 19, 2020:
Rand Paul is a racist putz. He only like rich white people like himself
Trump supporter on Tulsa rally, not worried about covid
t1nick comments on Jun 18, 2020:
Astronaut's view of Earth during a spacewalk []
t1nick comments on Jun 18, 2020:
Conservatives MELT DOWN After Company Retires Racist Syrup Brand - YouTube
t1nick comments on Jun 18, 2020:
Whiny conservative snowflakes.
Why some people will not believe the facts. []
t1nick comments on Jun 17, 2020:
"You are welcome to your own opinion, but what you are not welcome to are your own facts." Winston Churchill
This one got my heart pumping it resembles a rattle snake not to mention it is much large than my ...
t1nick comments on Jun 16, 2020:
Cant tell, bull snake? On first glance they can resemble one another
I try to unsubscribe to to this right wing obstructionist republican fascist tom cotton E- mail! ...
t1nick comments on Jun 15, 2020:
Lots of people....Everybody knows ..... they all agree. Terms that usually mean that they are the only one who actually believes this. Sound like the President?
How can people blame Trump for this countries ills.
t1nick comments on Jun 15, 2020:
The President sets the tone for the Nation. That is large part of his job. The President establishes the moral and ethical tone for the country. If the Nation is dysfunctional and immoral, gee guess who led us down that garden path. Trajan you are looking for a Democrat bogey man. Look a bit closer to home. You share the same values as the President, hmm not good dude.
To end racism, start with America's education system
t1nick comments on Jun 15, 2020:
And Hispanic and Native American. Can't stop with just black history.
People talking past each other.
t1nick comments on Jun 15, 2020:
She should have politely responded," My karma is just about ready to run over your white privilege. Buckle up it's going to be a bumpy road". No humor intended.
The Pandemic Claims New Victims: Prestigious Medical Journals Two major study retractions in one ...
t1nick comments on Jun 15, 2020:
It's possible external forces and events are causing people to get sloppy. Too much outside pressure to come up with answers too quickly.
I have only ever see one of these before they are relatively hard to locate because they blend in ...
t1nick comments on Jun 15, 2020:
Seen them frequently in both NM and southern Colorado. Always a joy to find.
The media are rightfully bringing to our attention the horrific Tulsa massacre almost a century ago.
t1nick comments on Jun 15, 2020:
At the end of the Civil War, every black family in the South was promised 40 acres and a mule to start their new life outside slavery. Very few ever got to see that realized. On top of that many Southern men fled the South after the war. Lack of jobs in the Reconstrction South drove them north and west. I have always postulated that a lot of the racism in the North was imported with this southern migration. Not that there wasnt racism, just it became amplified by southern emigres.
Can anyone really sink this low. Please tell me this is fake news.
t1nick comments on Jun 14, 2020:
It seems like fake news. She doesn't form her comments like that. She has more tact and would not say the Country be damned. This is a meme.
YANA KREMNEVA , a Russian dancer with a beautiful figure does her thing for us in this video! ...
t1nick comments on Jun 14, 2020:
Good body control.
Cops arrest man for filming them and then kill his dog - YouTube
t1nick comments on Jun 14, 2020:
F**kin cops
Anyone know what happened to @bigpawbullets?
t1nick comments on Jun 14, 2020:
We used to tangle politically, but haven't seen his name since the autumn.
Full frontal nudity is no longer allowed on this site. Thanks for understanding!
t1nick comments on Jun 14, 2020:
It never was allowed to my memory
😘😘 One of my fantasies... On my bucket list...
t1nick comments on Jun 14, 2020:
Woohoo. Me too. Lol
Music anyone? Thoughts? []
t1nick comments on Jun 14, 2020:
I like this one too. Lol
[] Watch this video! It is super duper wonderful! Woohoo! 😍😍😘😘😄
t1nick comments on Jun 14, 2020:
Why was this taken down? It was just a political piece like so many others. Being from Colorado and New Mexico, I found it enjoyable.
Interested on what people feel about CNN's Fareed Zakarias take on Trump []
t1nick comments on Jun 13, 2020:
I've listen to Fareed's show every Sunday morning. Hes very insightful and supports his claims with evidence.
Melania saddled taxpayers with millions in security costs so she could renegotiate her prenup
t1nick comments on Jun 13, 2020:
Does that surprise anyone!
Making people aware of their implicit biases doesn’t usually change minds.
t1nick comments on Jun 13, 2020:
Plus given the circumstances impratical.
Ex-US Police Officer debunks 'Black Lives Matter', taking a knee & protests - Brandon Tatum - BQ 19 ...
t1nick comments on Jun 13, 2020:
Check the credibility of your sources. RIGHT BIAS These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. Funded by / Ownership The Sun is published by the News Group Newspapers division of News UK, itself a wholly owned subsidiary of Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. The paper generates revenue through advertising, newsstand sales and subscriptions. Analysis / Bias In review, The Sun is a classic trashy tabloid that features celebrity gossip, current events and right leaning news stories. There is significant use of loaded sensational headlines such as this: SPREADING LIES Trolls are claiming Meghan Markle’s pregnancy is ‘fake’ in outrageous conspiracy theory. Politically, the paper has endorsed conservatives since 2010. In general, the paper publishes sensationalized misleading stories with a right wing bias. A factual search reveals numerous failed fact checks. Overall, we rate The Sun Right Biased based on story selection and political affiliation that favors the right. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to overly sensationalized headlines and numerous failed fact checks. (6/19/2016) Updated (D. Van Zandt 4/07/2019)
Do you believe the report?
t1nick comments on Jun 13, 2020:
☀⭐ Good night all. . Enjoy the twofer...
t1nick comments on Jun 13, 2020:
Nice artistic composition. There are sometimes when B/W is just superior to color.
Trump Unmasked –
t1nick comments on Jun 13, 2020:
I do know if there is a word in any lexicon to describe Trump and his supporters. So many negative traits rolled into one person and group. In order to describe Trump and his minions one needs more than a dozen descriptive adjectives to even approach a decent description.
Sexy and elegant Asian girl! 😮
t1nick comments on Jun 13, 2020:
She doesnt look Asian, but is sexy and classy for sure?
What we have become?
t1nick comments on Jun 13, 2020:
Sad but it seems to be so true
Hi all. Did you know this? Is it true?
t1nick comments on Jun 13, 2020:
Never thought about that particular aspect. Although the ideology and paradigm existed long before the Civil War. The war just made it name and define itself to the Nation.
20,000 Women and 100,000 Castrated Men to Serve the Emperor: The Imperial Harem of China | Ancient ...
t1nick comments on Jun 13, 2020:
Very true. Unimaginable indeed
John Prine's last song, "I remember everything" .
t1nick comments on Jun 12, 2020:
One of my all favorite artists
Enochlophobia Thought I’d add a little fun to this word and do it per cartoon (Frank & Ernest ...
t1nick comments on Jun 12, 2020:
Do you think President Trump disparage people who are not white as him?
t1nick comments on Jun 12, 2020:
Ya think?
😊😜 Ok men.. Man the missles!
t1nick comments on Jun 12, 2020:
Understand Trump has no empathy but surely his advisors should, at least one of them he hasn't ...
t1nick comments on Jun 12, 2020:
The reason that they are his top advisors is that they are like-minded to Trump. They may not have been as totally lacking in empathy as their leader, but they soon realized that is what it took to keep their jobs. They came in with the propensity for non empathy and was given a free ticket to expand it. In many ways it's not too unlike the leadership in the Nazi Party during WWII. They were all like minded and devoid of empathy.
Tulsa mayor said we are not shooting African Americans as much as we should be
t1nick comments on Jun 11, 2020:
What do you expect its Oklahoma. The place where the Bible Belt drains.
☺ Lock and load!
t1nick comments on Jun 11, 2020:
I've been considering enrollment into a certificate program because if an opportunity arises at the ...
t1nick comments on Jun 11, 2020:
I went back at age 54 for a PhD. I got it 5 years ago at the age of 60. It is possible to teach old dogs new tricks.
t1nick comments on Jun 11, 2020:
New word. Thanks
Confessions of a former bastard cop.
t1nick comments on Jun 10, 2020:
I would love to see the Trumpsters, Republicams, conservatives. Libertarians, and so called protectors of capitalism on the web site read this all the way through. That is they are capable of it.
God Damn Road Runner.
t1nick comments on Jun 10, 2020:
It has been said that Trumps presidency and his popularity back from 2016 on was as a result of his ...
t1nick comments on Jun 10, 2020:
Definitely. He tapped into Americas ugly underbelly. He has a 30 years history of racist acts surrounding his businesses.
Red Lion: Archaeologists 'find London's earliest theatre' - BBC News
t1nick comments on Jun 10, 2020:
Definitely a fun discovery
Minnesota may see fit to execute George Floyd's killer, or it may see fit to imprison him for life.
t1nick comments on Jun 10, 2020:
Two points: I am not sure that Chauvin is entirely aware of the actual reasons why he acted the way he did. It's part of his make up that was forged in childhood with many influences he may not be totally cognizant of. Second, the motivations for the type of racism and lack of empathy have been thoroughly studied and in general are well understood. He is not a unique specimen. He is a product of a undercurrent of white privilege and angst that pervades not only law enforcement, but a large segment of our society.
Here Are Some Common Sex Myths That Everyone Really Needs To Stop Believing | IFLScience
t1nick comments on Jun 9, 2020:
Surprisingly enough, I knew all except one of these beforehand.
Honest Question - Do you think we face Systemic Oppression? Or are we just intensely disliked?
t1nick comments on Jun 9, 2020:
Yes to both.
Stolen from my friend on Facebook Blaming all cops for the thuggish and murderous behavior of a ...
t1nick comments on Jun 8, 2020:
No quite. Cops are an agency that is established to Protect and Serve their community. If there are bad cops and their fellow cops turn a blind eye, then they are complicit. Blacks are not an agency, they are a population of individuals that have experienced 400 years of loathsome, atrocious, inhumane treatment. If many are angry, gee go figure. It is common for those born to white privilege, live in white privilege, and practice white privilege to lump all blacks together under one umbrella. It justifies their feeling of white privilege and unfounded superiority. It was born in European Imperialusm and is the last vestige of that system. So cops are hired to serve all in the community regardless of ethnicity. Just like the Presidentvwas elected to represent ALL people regardless of race, color, creed or etnincity.
Happy Monday, y'all! Let's get to it!
t1nick comments on Jun 8, 2020:


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