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What color was Jesus?
biguy12 comments on Aug 16, 2020:
I doubt he ever existed so I never contemplate this question .This is a good question for a believer.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 16, 2020:
@AmmaRE007 I have no idea the ratio of red hair in Palestine in 10 bce, however, I would expect it to be rare, especially if, according to legend, Jesus carried the Cohan gene at the time. If he existed, he most likely would have had brown skin, brown eyes, and curly hair. Had he been a carpenter, he would have been most likely physically fit. Had he been a rabbi, he would have been able to read (Not necessarily able to write though).
President Brings in New Doctor to Advise Him on COVID-19 Response As tensions grow between the ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Aug 16, 2020:
Honestly, I think the Three Stoiges could run the country better at this point.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 16, 2020:
@johnnyrobish Because they always did good in the end.
What about NDE's (Near Death Experiences)?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Aug 16, 2020:
I don't call them lies. The brain is a great mystery, still, even as our knowledge grows. Machines can only measure so much. NDE's are interesting because they often bring about profound changes in some peoples personal lives. The Egyptians used to lock future leaders in trunks, depriving them of ...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 16, 2020:
@JeffMesser Oprah is great for suggesting book titles; I do not know that doctor, but her introduction to the world of such hacks as Dr Oz and the fucking big ass, stupid Dr Phil doesn't bode well for any appreciation of said doctor.
What about NDE's (Near Death Experiences)?
HumanistJohn comments on Aug 16, 2020:
Why is it that people with NDEs always see an afterlife as it's defined by **their** culture? The brain is an amazing organ which is quite capable of constructing fantasies (for lack of a better word) under certain conditions. If you're really serious about this, read some books which deal ...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 16, 2020:
@JeffMesser the brain is quite imaginative and very capable of hiding forgotten information from our past or things we have heard along the way. Don't fall into the ancients weren't smart enough to build the pyramids logic; the brain is an amazing organ.
Survey: Pastors Say Adultery is a Forgivable Sin When Pastors Do It | Beth Stoneburner | Friendly ...
frvl comments on Aug 16, 2020:
Is adultery UNforgivable when everybody else does it, especially Pastors' wives? Aren't all sins forgivable by their loving father? Which ones are prevalent for CHRISTIANS, Moses' teachings (stone them to death) or JesusCHRIST's teachings (he who is sinless cast the first stone)? Didn't ...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 16, 2020:
Most xtions prefer to pick and choose who they follow for individual actions - Moses for ones that they get a bee in the bonnet over or HeyZeus for the ones they can follow without giving away too much compassion.
Tuned for life?
creative51 comments on Aug 16, 2020:
The planet is amenable to life. But if you believe in science, you realize that there have been any number of extinction events which killed off most the life forms, and that hominids only began showing up after the most recent extinction event. Also we do not have any true knowledge of distant ...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 16, 2020:
Well said.
What color was Jesus?
biguy12 comments on Aug 16, 2020:
I doubt he ever existed so I never contemplate this question .This is a good question for a believer.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 16, 2020:
I agree. I ask believers how a Palestinian Jew could be blue-eyed with reddish hair?
I'm So Tired · The Beatles []
Beowulfsfriend comments on Aug 16, 2020:
A great song, lesser played
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 16, 2020:
@FearlessFly It doesn't get much air time on the radio. Even the stations I listen to, which play a lot of stuff not played too often.
Now be honest.
zeuser comments on Aug 16, 2020:
What about a cousin? Don't get excited, I kid.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 16, 2020:
I have a funny story about my nephew offering to take a cute woman home one night. As he got closer to the place, memories from his youth must have appeared (His mother would have visited), and the woman asked him in for coffee, after she put her mother to bed. He said, "Is your Mom named Ruth?" "Yes." To which he replied, "We're cousins, happy to have given you a ride, but I gotta go." He told me later, also telling me not to tell anyone. My response, which he didn't appreciate was, "She's only your 2nd cousin, so it's legal."
I woke up with part of this song ringing in my head.
Marionville comments on Aug 16, 2020:
Love to know what you were dreaming of!
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 16, 2020:
Me too.
Here is an interesting version of what we think of as a George Harrison hit (it was and George tried...
joeymf86 comments on Aug 15, 2020:
George Harrison had some pretty good covers during his career. Gotta appreciate the originals too.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 15, 2020:
Without a doubt
AnonySchmoose comments on Aug 15, 2020:
Good article. It showed how deeply devastated someone with chronic pain can be. And it showed the ways they may overcompensate for and rationalize the nature of their pain, which is a source of deep conflict, self-deprivation, and sorrow for them. That makes their issues a compounded problem ...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 15, 2020:
Very true that chronic pain sufferers don't want to bring attention to themselves. I would like to add, people are good at hiding their pain sometimes. If we see someone pull into a handicapped spot and they have a sticker, but "look" perfectly well, it is possible that they may be masking or that they can literally only walk a short distance without pain. Please do not judge. ( I know you won't AnonySchmoose)
When is Jesus coming back? The question on the lips of almost every believer.
David1955 comments on Aug 15, 2020:
I wouldn't blame him for not coming back! Would you, given the flogging and nailing last time? These Christians are so gullible.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 15, 2020:
Old joke fits that. Aliens come to Earth. A large delegation of world leaders, including some religious ones gather to meet with them. The aliens are very friendly. Finally, after a day of talks in how we and they can benefit each other, the Pope asks, "Do you know Jesus." To which the aliens reply, "Of course,he comes back every couple if years to visit. He has been visiting for a couple if thousand years." The Pope and his entourage are visibly perplexed and saddened. "He hasn't visited us in two thousand years." To which the aliens reply, "Well, gee, he loves our chocolate, what did you guys give him?"
This is an article posted on slug.
Donotbelieve comments on Aug 14, 2020:
Keep an eye on this post. It'll go off the main feed pretty soon. The children are misbehaving again. 😅
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 14, 2020:
@Donotbelieve or non threatening for other reasons. I made a post two years ago about the 4ocean scam surfer dudes and somehow it got on the net so that when people went to check out 4oceaons, my post came up. A number of people joined just to yell at me or to say "yep, you are right here is more info." It disappeared a couple months back and then I was told things are not taken down because if age, which is what I figured. It was cool to type on Google "4oceans scam" and see my agnostic post come up in the top three
This is an article posted on slug.
Theresa_N comments on Aug 14, 2020:
The admin needs some psychiatric help. He's gone off the deep end.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 14, 2020:
Beware, you may be purged.
More US churches sue to challenge COVID-19 restrictions
LenHazell53 comments on Aug 14, 2020:
I have often wondered why, if heaven is so great, most Christians don't commit suicide, perhaps they feel taking your own life is a sin, but allowing a virus to do your dirty work for you is just conforming to the will of the Lard?
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 14, 2020:
Actually, that is part of Catholic history - back in the early days so many priests and monks, etc were committing suicide to get to the Lord that the church placed suicide on the mortal sins column.
Catholic Priest Kicks Autistic Child Out of Church During His Sister’s Baptism | Hemant Mehta | ...
barjoe comments on Aug 14, 2020:
The video was taken down. She should be thankful he didn't molest the boy.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 14, 2020:
Catholic bishop probably called and said, "be a good Catholic and bend over."
Putin knows
Merseyman1 comments on Aug 14, 2020:
Is that hydroxychloroquine?
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 14, 2020:
Probably the new Russian vaccine - it sure isn't truth serum.
Trump Admits Blocking Postal Service Funding to Prevent Mail-In Voting President Trump admitted...
bobwjr comments on Aug 14, 2020:
Nothing this moron won't do
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 14, 2020:
He put a guy in charge to run the post office who owns 3 competing delivery services. Corruption runs rampant
We seem to have a sudden influx of pagans, hello, i wonder have you travelled through the humanist ...
Cyklone comments on Aug 13, 2020:
I had noticed a sudden influx of scammers as well. I think that's because raven's been on a break.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 13, 2020:
@Cyklone when I think of pagans, I like to remember MASH when Hawkeye said he was a reformed Druid, he prayed to bushes. Maybe someone will request a "shrubbery."
We seem to have a sudden influx of pagans, hello, i wonder have you travelled through the humanist ...
Cyklone comments on Aug 13, 2020:
I had noticed a sudden influx of scammers as well. I think that's because raven's been on a break.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 13, 2020:
Scammers are usually worse than pagans - except for the white nationalist pagan groups.
Newsmax is the New Landing Spot for Ultraconservative Cable News Personalities Newsmax is ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Aug 12, 2020:
pope voices sadness.....xtiions......... Looks like a tabloid headline. I do not know what was said or why. I expect the pope expresses sadness over all the killings over there. Just trying to rial up the evans, who hate the pope on others days anyway.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 13, 2020:
@Theresa_N I agree with you. He is part of the old order dating back a thousand years or more. I was just noting that the pope has to express sorry at all deaths, not just xtions, and the headline makes it look like a call to war against those "Islamist butchers."
hag·i·og·ra·phy /ˌhaɡēˈäɡrəfē,ˌhāɡēˈäɡrəfē/ noun the writing of the lives ...
LenHazell53 comments on Aug 12, 2020:
It is well worth reading the history behind some of the Saints, especially the catholic ones, the reasons for their canonization is freaking hilarious St. Thomas Aquinas was not made a saint for his contributions to philosophy or theology, he got his halo for turning a pilchard in to a Herring ...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 13, 2020:
The story of Saint Dymphna is one of my favorites. Her father wanted to marry her because she looked like her beautiful mother. Dymphna ran away, with her money, and hid in a nunnery. Daddy tracked her down - as always, follow the money. Then he cut off her head.
Never gets old
Merseyman1 comments on Aug 13, 2020:
Absolutely right....I really love this cartoon!
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 13, 2020:
Pompeii and other sites are full of Latin obscenities.
Will Trump seize the opportunity to innoculate Americans with the Russian developed C19 vaccine?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Aug 13, 2020:
He has said it must be an American vaccine - thus boxing himself in (no matter his love for Vlad). I expected that "an American vaccine " meant keeping our allies from delivering one to us, no matter how much more effective it might be. BTW: the Russians are not the first as the Chinese have ...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 13, 2020:
@FrayedBear Here is actually a newer link with info I did not know before. The Saudis are going to use it.
Will Trump seize the opportunity to innoculate Americans with the Russian developed C19 vaccine?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Aug 13, 2020:
He has said it must be an American vaccine - thus boxing himself in (no matter his love for Vlad). I expected that "an American vaccine " meant keeping our allies from delivering one to us, no matter how much more effective it might be. BTW: the Russians are not the first as the Chinese have ...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 13, 2020:
@Redneckliberal Exactly.
Oh my eyes !!
Merseyman1 comments on Aug 12, 2020:
Wow! That slut won't be very successful in the business!
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 13, 2020:
Sh-it will brag about success and have Twitter fame.
There's been enough idiocy surrounding COVID-19 in London to launch a tip line?
barjoe comments on Aug 12, 2020:
The Canadian people are United. Trump had intentionally divided the American people. PM Johnson had caused division between UK and EU. He has made an attempt to unite the UK at this point. There have been positive signs there. US all negative, but for fantasy happy talk from the president.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 12, 2020:
@barjoe Correct, which makes the U.S. an even bigger failure
There's been enough idiocy surrounding COVID-19 in London to launch a tip line?
barjoe comments on Aug 12, 2020:
The Canadian people are United. Trump had intentionally divided the American people. PM Johnson had caused division between UK and EU. He has made an attempt to unite the UK at this point. There have been positive signs there. US all negative, but for fantasy happy talk from the president.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 12, 2020:
And it keeps getting worse in the U.S. We keep winning!!!!!! But, I see thst Brazil and India may be trying to catch up. Our prez says if you don't test, you don't have cases - ok then, no need for anyone to ever take a pregnancy test because if you don't test, you aren't pregnant.
An article with a progressive's view on Kamala Harris:[]
Allamanda comments on Aug 12, 2020:
The piece is a bit muddy, hard to know anything at this stage...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 12, 2020:
@Allamanda exactly.
Noam Chomsky: Trump Is Quite Capable of an “October Surprise”
HumanistJohn comments on Aug 11, 2020:
orange blob will do anything to win. The repugs are doing everything to not have a free and fair election: - voter suppression - closing of polling places (for voter intimidation, of course) - recruiting poll 'watchers' - legal chakkenges And they're already playing the china card, ...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 12, 2020:
Poll monitors became a thing last time. Just so people voting in Pennsylvania know - the law - any one from your district may challenge your id status. "Your district" is important here. If asked, say I will be happy to show you my address, AFTER you prove to be from my district. Then, if they pull out their id, write it down so you can Google it to see if it does fall into your district. This tactic stopped a lot of racists, who vehemently complained about said law, from going into black neighborhoods last time.
CIRQUE DU SOLEIL "ALEGRIA" This show is one of my favorite entertainment experiences, and I ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Aug 12, 2020:
My son and some friends in high school taught themselves acrobatics. He kept training with a group doing a mix of acrobatics and martial arts. He got pretty good. While teaching college in Philadelphia, he made friends with a couple who had a trapeze in there vaulted living room. The wife was hired...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 12, 2020:
@Marionville Yes they did. When he was in grad school, the family went to his cousin's wedding In Boston. The reception was at the Boston Yacht club, and it is as pretentious as it sounds. At one point, the manager came to me and snootily said, (put this in a Boston accent), "Sir! Your son is outside climbing the wall." I simple responded that he was a grown man and more likely to listen to him than to me. My son's older brother told me the next morning that little bro's actions got them invited to the all night French Canadian party. Lol.
Hi Everyone, I am working on trying to identify red flags.
bobwjr comments on Aug 11, 2020:
Exceptional praise , instant love ,distance means nothing because of love , texts only , bio too perfect ( large accomplishment and education) , big one I need money like gift cards
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 11, 2020:
And, don't forget, they never laugh at cheesy jokes 😁😁😁😁
Pastor Recited Bible Verses While Allegedly Sexually Assaulting Underage Girl | David Gee | Friendly...
xenoview comments on Aug 11, 2020:
I hope he gets his just desserts in prison.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 11, 2020:
I hope his butt hurts.
Here is an interesting version of what we think of as a George Harrison hit (it was and George tried...
Marionville comments on Aug 11, 2020:
This is the original recording...had to look it up! Was written by Rudy Clark and first recorded by James Ray in 1962. George heard it on a visit to the States and liked it.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 11, 2020:
@Marionville a great one
John Lennon collage I made a few years back.
MichelleGar1 comments on Aug 11, 2020:
That's cool!
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 11, 2020:
I agree. I used to enjoy doing those types of things. This one looks really nice.
Here is an interesting version of what we think of as a George Harrison hit (it was and George tried...
Marionville comments on Aug 11, 2020:
This is the original recording...had to look it up! Was written by Rudy Clark and first recorded by James Ray in 1962. George heard it on a visit to the States and liked it.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 11, 2020:
He held on to his liking of the song.
How do you like Biden's cabinet?
BitFlipper comments on Aug 10, 2020:
You didn't say where you got this list, and you didn't say you made it yourself. What is your agenda?
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 11, 2020:
@St-Sinner I believe it is where a friend of mine "invests" on his political speculations. He has made close to 2k "not gambling" legally. It may be another site. If I discover it, and you are interested I will post. Not my thing, although my lady friend says I should. Too late for this cycle to make any real cash without a big risk.
I have been losing my eyesight for many years now, on the bright side, my body has begun to squeak, ...
Allamanda comments on Aug 10, 2020:
Let's hope you get the echo-location, and please don't fly too fast.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 10, 2020:
I wouldn't suggest a penchant for insects either. Maybe a fruit bat.
In 500 years from now do you think history books will be telling the story of how Americans and ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Aug 10, 2020:
If any remnants of the US are left in 500 years, it will be a bunch of shit hole countries.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 10, 2020:
@redbai My guess is that a few regional powers, some with nucs, will have their own versions of history and why they survived while others have been brought under the spheres of influence of other powers, as of yet unknown.
A monument to sickness
bobwjr comments on Aug 10, 2020:
Assholes all
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 10, 2020:
@St-Sinner No stones intended. And I broke my windows long ago.
A monument to sickness
bobwjr comments on Aug 10, 2020:
Assholes all
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 10, 2020:
@St-Sinner Is it really sin? Just fun between friends.
A monument to sickness
bobwjr comments on Aug 10, 2020:
Assholes all
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 10, 2020:
And pervs,the evil kind, not like some around here, right @St-Sinner? 😁😁😁
While on a long drive recently, I was listening to a show on NPR about immortality and time.
Cutiebeauty comments on Aug 10, 2020:
Whatever it is that makes us immortal would also prevent scars, yes?
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 10, 2020:
Well, the guy on the radio excluded that and disfigurement. For whatever reasons, IDK. Pick your own version. Many would take the immortality with regenerative powers. Imagine when the big crush comes and the universe stops expansion and closes back up again. I know, that is a theory, the Universe may never stop expansion. Either way I won't see it.
Netflix has a new film based around Eurovision.
bobwjr comments on Aug 9, 2020:
Don't like will Ferrell
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 9, 2020:
For the most part neither do I. Many of his films are turds. I found it interesting that an American would make a film on Eurovision however.
Netflix has a new film based around Eurovision.
EyesThatSmile comments on Aug 9, 2020:
I haven’t had access to tv for several months. I am out of the loop.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 9, 2020:
I was given access to a friend's account. I watch no television except two shows that i find on line after they show. Both are on hold.
Moonlight Feels Right · Starbuck []
Beowulfsfriend comments on Aug 9, 2020:
Digging deep in the dusty archives.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 9, 2020:
@FearlessFly A few years back, my son was driving passed his old college and turned on their radio station. He heard them playing his old band from 2002 and thought, who the Hell dug that up, then he realized it was just the computer randomly playing stuff the college had recorded in their archives.
Demonstrations sweep Belarus after exit poll predicts victory for Lukashenko Egregious Falsification
Beowulfsfriend comments on Aug 9, 2020:
I was just discussing this. Seems the main contender voted this morning and then went into hiding. There was talk more that a week ago that Putin might invade if Lukanshenko were to lose. Putin wins no matter what. Lukanshenko is his buddy, just like trump who he can throw under the bus. He can ...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 9, 2020:
@barjoe Unfortunately, I said at the end of July, Watch Belarus for Russian troops by August 15th. I had hoped I was wrong. I still hope I'm wrong, but Lukashenko won't leave voluntarily, and claiming victory allows him to turn to Putin.
Sometimes honesty costs you. 😂
Beowulfsfriend comments on Aug 9, 2020:
When my son was young, second grade, two of his friends got him to yell at their teacher (my son went to a private school where I worked). He called her a "fucker." I found out about it and told him he would have to, at least, write an apology. He did. He drew a dragon and then wrote, "I am sorry...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 9, 2020:
@Diogenes Why would I put pressure on a kid for saying a word? I taught my kids there are times and places when language needs to be monitored. I also never punished any of my students, aside from a scolding of proper use, UNLESS a student used a word against another person.
While on a long drive recently, I was listening to a show on NPR about immortality and time.
Adarkhorserides comments on Aug 9, 2020:
Netflix has a movie called "The Old Gaurd" deals with this very issue. Well done and addresses male sensuality in a really healthy way. Now I think, in some ways, we are all immortal. It is just that we don't occupy the same physical form throughout time. I have had this same form for years 😲 ...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 9, 2020:
I watched that. It isn't too bad.
I certainly would not have wanted to serve under this guy.
FearlessFly comments on Aug 7, 2020:
(I wasn't military) If the military wanted its' soldiers to have opinions, it would ISSUE opinions to the soldiers :)
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 9, 2020:
@dumasarok Mine say No Pref as well. I always thought my Japanese-American friend's Bud was cool.
Here’s a question for those of you who love and listen to music.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Aug 9, 2020:
I most definitely agree. I could never understand why anyone would want to go to a concert to watch someone lip sinc and just dance.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 9, 2020:
@Marionville People go see "singers" like Brittany Spears who only lip sincs (last I knew) and Madonna (who does a mix of actual singing and lip sincing) I wouldn't pay for that.
A lot of people do not remember that this was written by Michael Nesmith of the Monkees right as ...
bobwjr comments on Aug 9, 2020:
Great voice
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 9, 2020:
I always loved her voice. And as a young man I was in lust with her. I had a cardboard cutout of her, from working in a record store; my ex made me sell it at a yard sale.
Where are you on the Political Compass.
dermot235 comments on Aug 9, 2020:
My results
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 9, 2020:
That is about where I came out.
While on a long drive recently, I was listening to a show on NPR about immortality and time.
oldFloyd comments on Aug 9, 2020:
No I wouldn't want to live forever, but I wouldn't mind having George Wells time machine (the one with the disc on the back) either that or a TARDIS but I liked the time machine it has pursed leather seats and fancy blinking lights. 😆
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 9, 2020:
Being a Dr Who would be advantageous.
While on a long drive recently, I was listening to a show on NPR about immortality and time.
JimG comments on Aug 9, 2020:
What are the conditions of immortality? Will it be absolute or can accidents, violence, or the destruction of the earth still kill me?
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 9, 2020:
IDK. The speaker seemed to be saying no illness or death, but bad events could damage you.
While on a long drive recently, I was listening to a show on NPR about immortality and time.
RobertMartin comments on Aug 8, 2020:
Being immortal wouldn't be good for many reasons. Every 20 to 25 years you would have to relocate. If you were to have children you would watch them grow old and die. After a few centuries of potentially being everywhere around the world there would be nothing new about any place. I think that ...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 8, 2020:
There is a pretty good film based on that - 2007s The Man From Earth.
Some bad jokes about the French.
RavenCT comments on Aug 8, 2020:
I don't think I want to ask because if they don't treat their pets like family their names are merde with me.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 8, 2020:
I posted the article elsewhere.
This is just wrong. French people discarding their pets. []
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 8, 2020:
People all over the world use and abuse animals daily for their pleasure. Not really sure what makes them any worse than anyone else.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 8, 2020:
@JeffMurray it is definitely a mixed bag. And, we, humans, consider ourselves the superior species on the planet. We certainly can kill anything and anyone that we want to. We can even destroy the majority of life that is currently here. We won't be here forever. In one of Kurt Vonnegut's lesser novels, he has mankind evolve, over a million years into a dolphin like creature.
This is just wrong. French people discarding their pets. []
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 8, 2020:
People all over the world use and abuse animals daily for their pleasure. Not really sure what makes them any worse than anyone else.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 8, 2020:
I believe if you take on a responsibility, you have a debt. When young I worked on a farm. Animals were used and were butchered - but done so in an ethical manner. I'm no crazy PETA person. Still, neglect is wrong and science has found links to how people treat animals corresponds with how they treat other humans.
Some bad jokes about the French.
bingst comments on Aug 8, 2020:
I think I'm missing something on the Un Deux Trois Cat joke.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 8, 2020:
The number five in French is similar to the sound sank
A lot of people do not remember that this was written by Michael Nesmith of the Monkees right as ...
EyesThatSmile comments on Aug 8, 2020:
Love Linda Ronstadt. The song is great, brings back memories...but a very complicated way of saying “sorry, I am not ready for a commitment “ isn’t you, it’s me...🙄
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 8, 2020:
Nesmith said that the song wasn't about him as he wrote it just after getting married and that he was very happy at the time. Your interpretation is right on.
Poor Franklin, such a disappointment!! "No, we're not a Christian country, we've never been a ...
DenoPenno comments on Aug 8, 2020:
Franklin is afraid that our current trend is taking us away from his religion. I certainly hope that it is.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 8, 2020:
Franklin just likes money and yachts and privilege. He has no core values.
TDS is causing unnecessary deaths. I wonder what the final TDS death count will be. [youtube.]
LovinLarge comments on Aug 8, 2020:
TDS is not defined by the DSM and is therefore a fake not a legitimate mental illness. It's the inaction of DJT that has caused tens of thousands of American deaths. "America's Frontline Doctors" have been discredited:
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 8, 2020:
All I needed to see in the article was the b's is backed by breitbart and Dr oz. Enough said. Oh and tnxs for saving me the energy of looking.
Do all Christian denominations believe only they will go to heaven?
linxminx comments on Aug 8, 2020:
I've been around several different christian religions in my life--catholic, lutheran, reorganized latter-day-saints, southern baptist just to name a few. They all think they will be the only ones in heaven as they are the only ones who have it right, and are the "chosen."
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 8, 2020:
Especially the Catholics - although in 1963 the Pope did one of his official thingies and declared that Jews, being god's chosen get in as well. That said, I had a Catholic coworker say that didn't count, it was just for looks.
Sometimes it’s just great to wallow in schmaltz and indulge in listening to some great 80s power ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Aug 7, 2020:
I haven't listened to them in quite a while.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 7, 2020:
@Marionville yep. Every month. A month in Pennsylvania for doctors and such AND then back to Chicago for my love, whom I met here, for a month.
Oh, uh. 🙄😅😂
Cutiebeauty comments on Aug 7, 2020:
No such thing as domestic terrorists.. Trump fabricated that term.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 7, 2020:
@Cutiebeauty I used that link because the FBI stats were pretty boring.
Oh, uh. 🙄😅😂
Cutiebeauty comments on Aug 7, 2020:
No such thing as domestic terrorists.. Trump fabricated that term.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 7, 2020:
@Cutiebeauty Hmm. I won't argue. You are most likely correct. The FBI has statistics and definitions of domestic terrorists on their web site, however.
I certainly would not have wanted to serve under this guy.
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 7, 2020:
It was people like him that took the sting out of leaving the military. I learned that Navy is short for "Never Again volunteer Yourself" ☮️
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 7, 2020:
Oh yea, having been in the Navy I know that and the FTN which many wrote shorthand in notes.
Oh, uh. 🙄😅😂
Cutiebeauty comments on Aug 7, 2020:
No such thing as domestic terrorists.. Trump fabricated that term.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 7, 2020:
Oh, there are domestic terrorists. Not BLM though. A list. I do not agree with all of the examples, especially from the 1800s, and without a doubt most labor unrest. But, it does list a lot of right-wingers in today's timeline. Just think - Oklahoma City.
This is a funny story out of Germany.
MissKathleen comments on Aug 7, 2020:
lol...looking at that belly, I am surprised he caught up with the boar, as they are fast.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 7, 2020:
She was running with two of her kids.
I am in a quandry and would like some opinions.
Petter comments on Aug 7, 2020:
Strangely, there are two religious charities to which I will donate, despite being a devout atheist. This is because I have personally seen the selfless way that the lay members of these two organisations help the most needy members of their local community. I have even seen them go without food in...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 7, 2020:
I occasionally give to an Ethiopian minister I know who runs an orphanage back in his home country. I taught his kids; he gives me way too much credit for "turning his son around." I know the guy accepts all children regardless of religion.
I am in a quandry and would like some opinions.
K9Kohle789 comments on Aug 7, 2020:
Find a place you don't mind donating to and be sure they address a thank you card to their family. I do most of my donations to Defenders of Wildlife. As an adult you don't have to do anything they say, you are free to do as you please.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 7, 2020:
This is the answer I agree with. I do Saving Southern Kitties.
I certainly would not have wanted to serve under this guy.
OldMetalHead comments on Aug 7, 2020:
"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 7, 2020:
Very well said.
I certainly would not have wanted to serve under this guy.
FearlessFly comments on Aug 7, 2020:
(I wasn't military) If the military wanted its' soldiers to have opinions, it would ISSUE opinions to the soldiers :)
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 7, 2020:
@Yogisan Some bases restrict bumper stickers on the base. They just added confederate flags (no problems off base, but cant be on base).
Visiting Walter Reed medical center...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Aug 7, 2020:
That sums him up. All about him. No sympathy and never any empathy.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 7, 2020:
And no mask.
I certainly would not have wanted to serve under this guy.
FearlessFly comments on Aug 7, 2020:
(I wasn't military) If the military wanted its' soldiers to have opinions, it would ISSUE opinions to the soldiers :)
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 7, 2020:
Pretty much. Although since I listed myself as no preference for religion I got sent to see a priest once. I was breaking up, by mail, with a girl and she got my parents involved, and long story short after a few minutes of being nice priest, he turned into full commander and ordered me to write a letter home (even though I had just telegramed from Hong Kong). I still want to call him a fucking prick to his face after 40 years.
Falwell apologizes for unzipped pants photo: ‘I’m gonna try to be a good boy’ - POLITICO
Theresa_N comments on Aug 6, 2020:
Falwell is a sleaze, but then most men seem to be. Some of the pictures I see here, posted by men, are pretty sleazy too. I wonder if it's the way most boys are raised.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 6, 2020:
@K9Kohle789 One of my old students has a four year old daughter who points at big pick-ups and says "micro-penis."
think-beyond comments on Aug 6, 2020:
We should have zero tolerance for any expression of hate, racism, intolerance...or whatever. I am appalled at it all. My Jewish background makes me cringe at the sight of these swastika numbskulls AND I am fervorently against displaying the Confederate flag and statues of Confederate heroes. There...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 6, 2020:
@AnneWimsey the "so called confederate" flag was actually the battle flag of Lee's Army. It was symbolized by the KKK for intimidation. I often ask thise folks wearing "Its heritage you wouldn't understand" real heritage questions. None have done very well. Few even know why there are 13 stars. I've even gotten the "slap your face" stupid, "original 13 colonies. " Most guess the states that rebelled and when I say there were 11 states, they have no idea.
think-beyond comments on Aug 6, 2020:
We should have zero tolerance for any expression of hate, racism, intolerance...or whatever. I am appalled at it all. My Jewish background makes me cringe at the sight of these swastika numbskulls AND I am fervorently against displaying the Confederate flag and statues of Confederate heroes. There...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 6, 2020:
After the Civil War the leaders should have been rounded up and hung, even Lee as he knew the war was lost after Gettysburg and fought on bringing more death. And I, technically qualify as a son of the confederacy (great grandpa Eli Greer). All confederate flags should have been banned. And the idiots flying the flag of Lee's Army of Northern Virginia have no concept of history and heritage.
My goofy girls.
azzow2 comments on Aug 6, 2020:
A Wyandotte and a Rhodisland Red. A predators got in my enclosure kill my Rhodisland Reds they use to follow me like the turkeys do,
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 6, 2020:
An old friend had his chickens attacked by a mink. Many years ago, my friend passed a decade ago. He studied up on mink and discovered that they run on an 8 day cycle returning and caught the mangy fellow - a snap trap, not a catch alive. Mink are quite nasty and they make multiple kills just to eat their favorite parts.
The fuel stop from hell.
NotReligious71 comments on Aug 5, 2020:
Oh my! Haven't been that far north yet.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 6, 2020:
It is pretty.
The fuel stop from hell.
Cyklone comments on Aug 5, 2020:
Link forbidden for me, even with vpn to US
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 5, 2020:
Photo of a gas seller - Krist, fuel for your life.
The fuel stop from hell.
guynoir comments on Aug 5, 2020:
residents of upper Michigan call themselves 'Uppers'; the pronounciation is usually with a long U as in Union...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 5, 2020:
@creative51 I'm spending about half my time in Chicago. My lady friend is working up there, sort of. My lady and I went camping and went around Lake Michigan and up to Superior and then visited friends in Wisconsin. A fun week. Even got my free National parks pass - disability. I'm looking at an apartment in SW Michigan.
The fuel stop from hell.
guynoir comments on Aug 5, 2020:
residents of upper Michigan call themselves 'Uppers'; the pronounciation is usually with a long U as in Union...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 5, 2020:
@creative51 I was surprised by how many Biden signs were up there. And BLM signs as well
The fuel stop from hell.
guynoir comments on Aug 5, 2020:
residents of upper Michigan call themselves 'Uppers'; the pronounciation is usually with a long U as in Union...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 5, 2020:
Yes they do.
فيروز: من قلبي سلامٌ لبيروت - YouTube
Beowulfsfriend comments on Aug 5, 2020:
It appears that years of neglect left explosives sitting in a warehouse. How it went up, no one knows yet. The same stuff used to blow up the federal building in Oklahoma City. That building got taken nearly down with 168 pounds of the stuff. There were tons of it sitting in the Beirut building....
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 5, 2020:
@Shaghaf I also heard that there is a derelict Russian ship sitting in the port with the same explosives. It is a shame how other countries take advantage of other countries having hard times.
The fuel stop from hell.
Jolanta comments on Aug 5, 2020:
To be avoided at all costs.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 5, 2020:
I didn't stop at any.
Fox's Jeanine Pirro: “I don't want a vaccine” for coronavirus | Media Matters for America
AmyTheBruce comments on Aug 4, 2020:
Does anyone here have enough medical knowledge to tell me whether this vaccine, if developed, is likely to be a "live" vaccine? I'm very curious.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 4, 2020:
Well, they are experimenting with different ones, including one that only uses a building block of the virus. So, we don't know which one will come out first and be accepted for one's country. China already has one that they are using on select military units.
It’s turned into a really rotten day here and I’m glad that I at least have something to look ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Aug 4, 2020:
Good for your government. If mine were to do so, I would only do so if take out or delivery.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 4, 2020:
@Marionville our evangelical churches are epicenters themselves as well.
It’s turned into a really rotten day here and I’m glad that I at least have something to look ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Aug 4, 2020:
Good for your government. If mine were to do so, I would only do so if take out or delivery.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 4, 2020:
@Marionville The U.S. is a mess. I noticed that even the Germans are acting up - I said to someone that they look like Americans - protesting masks. My state has been pretty good, still, our governor gets called a dictator - such fools.
Might be advisable to make a detour
St-Sinner comments on Aug 4, 2020:
Ha.. Ha.. everybody would love to have it.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 4, 2020:
It is funny. Having raised birds, they have no control over their sphincter. They do, however, seem to enjoy sitting above certain autos and trucks, especially orange ones.
Pakistani Man accused of blasphemy shot dead at his trial for Blasphemy So see if you can follow ...
jlynn37 comments on Aug 3, 2020:
There is little doubt in my mind that christians (and every other religion) would do the same thing if it weren't for a secular society and secular laws prohibiting it.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Aug 3, 2020:
Yep. Just a year or two ago a guy in India was killed by a mob for eating a cow - turns out the guy wasn't lying when he said it was a goat.
US coronavirus: Nation could see deaths in the 'multiple hundreds of thousands,' group says - CNN
Sgt_Spanky comments on Jul 29, 2020:
With Trump and the Repubs running the show, worst case scenario is pretty much a given.If you're going to let a monkey drive your car, don't be surprised when there's a crash. In fact, be surprised if there isn't.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Jul 31, 2020:
If he wins again, I'll wager big on near or beyond a million before a vaccine (And more even after unless requirements are in force - schools, military, etc.)
Trump to order China’s ByteDance to its U.S. operations of TikTok. [youtube.]
K9Kohle789 comments on Jul 31, 2020:
cuz he hears that sound in his sleep....tiktok...countdown to V-day VOTE BLUE!
Beowulfsfriend replies on Jul 31, 2020:
@273kelvin a friend buys stock on some online site. Pays off after an election.
I'd like to know if others in this forum agree with me on this.
Allamanda comments on Jul 31, 2020:
There's nothing TO disagree with - but it's like reparations for slavery, isn't it? To whom do 'they' pay the money? No-one is alive who was a victim or a perpetrator. All religions, all nation-states, all previous kingdoms, principalities and robber baronies were the same. So either you have a ...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Jul 31, 2020:
I'm in for the guillotine. Sometimes class warfare is needed; yet, one can argue that some innocents always get hurt in such upheavals. I know intellectuals who survived the Bangladesh uprising against West Pakistan. They got lucky and when things settled down again, they were welcomed back into the fold because their heritage was Bangladeshi.
Why We Should Not Fear Death [youtube.]
SCal comments on Jul 31, 2020:
I don't fear death, but I do fear dying.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Jul 31, 2020:
As in the means of doing so? Yes, quick and easy is always preferred.
Do you have an effective phrase or two to disengage from small talk? 😆
RobWard comments on Jul 31, 2020:
I usually just feign death.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Jul 31, 2020:
"Oh, oh, my heart. I'm coming Elizabeth."
Andrew Cuomo rejects increasing taxes on billionaires.
Cutiebeauty comments on Jul 31, 2020:
Increased taxes on billionaires may cause an exodus... Cuomo wants them here...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Jul 31, 2020:
In my simple opinion, all expats who leave for tax reasons and renounce their citizenship should NEVER be allowed back for any reason - death in the family, marriage guest, etc
I have read several articles recently which have bemoaned that as a result of COVID-19, the world ...
Riviks comments on Jul 30, 2020:
Population is not an inherit problem. It's a distribution of things (food, technology, knowledge, etc.), and lack of concern for environmental problems. We could, in principle, live on this planet with our current population and much more. Unfortunately, things won't change as quickly as we need ...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Jul 30, 2020:
@bubaj50 @rRivika Rivka is correct that distribution of food and other resources is a huge problem and with a proper system in place, the current population could be sustained - for now. The problem is that the rising population and the destruction of said resources without proper care AND the human impact on climate will make living on Earth more and more difficult. A lower population is definitely a great goal, if the human race wishes to survive beyond just a few thousand years.
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