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Calvin and Hobbes is my favourite
Barnie2years comments on May 4, 2018:
Love K&H! I own at least four of the books, loved the newspaper strips!
Okay, so with religious zealots, who don't believe in science, running all of our agencies, what's ...
Barnie2years comments on May 4, 2018:
Works for me!
Has anyone else seen this?
Barnie2years comments on May 3, 2018:
Wow! In Egypt and most other Muslim countries, stating you don't believe in their God can get you killed! Freedom of speech is not a right over there, not even a possibility without inciting violence. Hope the kid made it out alive.
Intolerant Liberals?
Barnie2years comments on May 2, 2018:
What a great article! The most recent example of Right Wing double standards is all the hand wringing and teeth nashing over the comedy presentation at the Correspondents Dinner and a comment about Sarah Huckabees eye shadow, which was not the actual punch line of the joke. Those making the most noise are voters and supporters of a man that mocked a disabled reporter, called a female primary opponent ugly, makes fun of people's stature, perspiration, family connection and none of it in a comedic way, in a comedy venue. The Right finds this kind of evil humor from their president perfectly acceptable.
How did you celebrate your 21st birthday?
Barnie2years comments on May 1, 2018:
Way too long ago to remember! ?
Space Cadet?
Barnie2years comments on May 1, 2018:
Oh no, the Rethuglicans are putting the screws to NASA, but they love to play soldier, especially when it doesn't involve the lives of any of their family members. And I am sure he has watched way too many episodes of Star Wars and Star Trek, which he tends to confuse with reality. ??
Anybody else see this
Barnie2years comments on Apr 30, 2018:
Falls right in there with clouds that look like Jesus! ?
Should public nudity be legal?
Barnie2years comments on Apr 29, 2018:
I am totally supportive of nudism. I grew up in Europe, where religious driven body shaming does not have the strangle hold it does here in the US. I have been to nudist camps, beaches and resorts and had a great time. But on the other hand, I don’t believe in imposing my naked body on people who’s personal sensibilities make them view the human body as something disturbing. There are entire villages in France that are clothing optional. We could use some of thos over here in the good old hung up USA, but my guess is the “righteous” for miles around would go on the warpath! ?
What is it do you think that makes you resistant to organized religions! Is it the structure?
Barnie2years comments on Apr 29, 2018:
Because organized religions are personality driven, much more so than deity controlled. Why is there thousands of Christian sects, why? They are all working out of the same book. Religion is driven by the con men who make up the rules and collect the tolls. From the Popes to Martin Luther, from the TV evangelists to the tent ones, from Shakers to Amish, they are driven by the personalities of their founders and their leaders who follow in their footsteps. This is why I don’t believe in Religion, appart from the fact that the idea of a god defies any logic based in reality. They have less validity than many social clubs.
Extended Survey about Atheism - This survey is for atheists/non-believers/agnostics, etc.
Barnie2years comments on Apr 28, 2018:
They closed the survey it said when I tried the link.
Has anyone ever belonged...
Barnie2years comments on Apr 28, 2018:
Freedom From Religion Foundation. Contributing member for a couple of years now.
Dating: what's your ideal age range? How important is age?
Barnie2years comments on Apr 28, 2018:
When I was 19 I dated a woman 39. But at 66, a 71 year old would have to be a very special person! I have met some that would qualify! But my normal search area would be 5 to maximum 10 younger.
“The Perfect Man” Americans Love a Con Man!
Barnie2years comments on Apr 28, 2018:
I came VERY close to getting scammed! I had run into a few others, but most of them were pretty easy to spot and tripped themselves up early in the game. But one, on a legitimate foreign dating site (one of my friends met his wife on it) came very close to costing me a lot of money. Fortunately, at the last minute I started doing some research and all it cost me was depression and a little heartbreak (not major, because in the back of my mind, I knew it was too good to be true). My guess is the article made it seem lopsided to women getting ripped off because a lot of men would be too embarrassed to report it or file a complaint.
Sometimes I find an American post that I cannot understand because we have different words; or ...
Barnie2years comments on Apr 28, 2018:
I am quite certain that Canada and definitely Australia have some totally unique ways of saying the same things. Having grown up in Europe with teachers from a variety of English speaking countries, I can generally sort out what a variety of the differences mean.
How many atrocities have occurred throughout history, under the guise of religion, due to the lack ...
Barnie2years comments on Apr 28, 2018:
Sadly, humanity has often reversed course before moving forward. The forces of evil and fear of change are too often stronger than those of progress and forward thinking. Progress always wins in the end, but the detour of recidivism can be harrowing.
Dating after 50
Barnie2years comments on Apr 27, 2018:
For us people of a certain age, dating and finding that special someone is way more of a challenge than it is for the younger people. Dating is much easier for some than others at any age, but the older we get, the longer we are alone or not in a relationship, the harder it becomes as far as I can tell. When we are young and starting out, we meet someone who knocks us off our feet and fall in love. Chances are, we live at home, have limited income, big plans for the future and looking for someone to go through life with. Once we meet that person, we start our plans together, careers open up and we make life choices that meet our needs. And than the shit hit the proverbial fan, for whatever reasons, the relationship goes south, we don't meet each others needs, love dies, family and work take a toll on the romance and we get divorced, sometimes several times. Each time, we go in hoping the person will be the storybook romance we see others have, best friends, shared interests, shared families. But it doesn't work out. Then for many, there comes a time of just being single. For many women, it seems to be while their kids are growing up, they don't want to bring new men into their lives and have it not work out. For men, it could be a career that is just too demanding to have time for romance and the effort of dating. Or we just have no interest in the heartbreak. Time goes by and through some means (On-line dating, chance encounter) we meet someone who stirs up interest, maybe go out a few times, get to feel like we enjoy each others company. But unlike the young lovers, we have each a long history, own our homes, have our own families and friends, habits and interests that have been nurtured for years. Our own financial situations, debts, and spending habits. Maybe one likes to eat out most nights, one like to cook at home or eat spur of the moment. If you get together, do we spend our time in your place or my place? If we decide to be a couple, what do we do with the finances, our family obligations, our furniture and collections? Admittedly, some are better at this than others. Some people have limited possessions, no financial obligations and the transition is fairly easy, but most not so much. This is not to say it can't work, I have certainly known a few who made the transition without too much drama and had a very successful end of life relationship. But I have known many more that could not make it work. I have limited hope in finding that person, but have not closed the door as some on here have. But I try to keep my hopes realistic and accept that I may just die alone. I have grown comfortable with my own company after 10 years of being by myself. Not how I pictured my life, but better than being in a bad marriage as I see so ...
Diamond and Silk
Barnie2years comments on Apr 27, 2018:
I have ignored them in the past when they showed up on little TV news blurbs.
Does anyone else find it bizarre how countries like The US and the UK try and call the shots on ...
Barnie2years comments on Apr 27, 2018:
I am not sure the UK has nuclear weapons, but France exploded quite a few in the Pacific over the years (as far away from France as they could get ?).
Christians wage war against Sweet Jesus
Barnie2years comments on Apr 23, 2018:
I see violence in their future as they enter this country. The US Evangelical Christian is as militant as Radical Islamist when they feel they are being wronged. I wouldn’t want to work at one of their outlets, that’s for sure.
I just have to share this email that I received from a coworker.
Barnie2years comments on Apr 23, 2018:
First, he should be arrested as a seditionost and terrorist. Second, his position has been adopted by the current president, which means the people rebelling are going to have to be the “others” he so fears. Third, the “America” he misses so badly never existed in the first place. It was built by those he hates the most, only they were called slaves, coolies (Chinese slave labor that built the railroads), native Americans who were forced off their fertile ancestral lands into barren lands, then pushed off them again when they contained oil. This is the proud heritage this ass speaks of so proudly. American conservatives and Right Wing fundamentalists are dangerous and until they are neutered by voters and at some point rendered powerless, they will be as dangerous as the Taliban ever was in Afghanistan.
Has anyone come across any fake profiles?
Barnie2years comments on Apr 19, 2018:
Ha, ha. One wanted to contact me by email. I gave her an address, even though she was way too young (mid 30’s). When she contacted me and she was looking for “a God fearing....” man, the jig was up! I send a message back and told her she might want to look somewhere besides an Atheist website for her God fearing men. English grammar was off as well as some other obvious signs of fake profile. She came back with some shaky run around. Gave me a good laugh anyway.
Have we really evolved that much from when these signs were out on display here in America?
Barnie2years comments on Apr 17, 2018:
The signs aren’t there, but the sentiments are. And thanks to the current administration and their so called religious freedom interpretation of law, the signs will soon become commonplace once again.
Let’s Stop Pretending Christianity is Actually Relevant, Okay?
Barnie2years comments on Apr 17, 2018:
Loved this! Just sent the link to a young Christian friend who trends to the classic American Christian Right. I hold out some hope for him and he seems open to criticism more than many more mature Christians I know.
What is a liberal snowflake?
Barnie2years comments on Apr 17, 2018:
A figment of the Far Right’s imagination. Or anyone who does not accept that the country is not a theocracy overseen by an Orange despot. ?
Mourning a death
Barnie2years comments on Apr 16, 2018:
I have found most religious people I know seem to suffer as much, probably more than I do. I consider myself a realist. Every thing that lives dies. No one escapes. I admire their lives well lived, sad if they are short (lost my first son at 15 months old), grateful if they are long (my father died 3 years ago at 90), and happy for the time I got to spend with them. I may miss them, but I accept that life is fleeting and those alive carry on.
What happens after death?
Barnie2years comments on Apr 16, 2018:
Death is void. The only part of you (or in this case your dog) that stays behind is the happy memories you shared with the people around you, your children or in this case puppies that will carry on your DNA and photos taken. I find it the highgth of idolatry for humans to believe they are so important in the scheme of the universe that their lifetime is not enough, they need an extension in some form. We are born from the random matching of one of millions of sperm with one random egg. We spend whatever time we manage to survive on this earth and then at some random time, we die. End of story. Anything else is memories and fantasy for those who remain. And I actually find that comforting.
Who else is spring cleaning?
Barnie2years comments on Apr 14, 2018:
I tend to nothing on a schedule. Spring cleaning makes as much sense as New Years resolutions. Why does it have to be spring, when there are so many much more fun things to do? The warmer weather is great for going hiking, playing outside, motorcycle or bicycle rides, visiting friends and any number of things much more fun than tortureing yourself about what to throw out, what to keep, cleaning every speck of dust, given that with spring pollen, most of it will be back with a vengence within a few days anyway. If you have to pick a season to clean, do it in the winter when you are stuck inside anyway on cold dreary days.
Fighting in the middle East will continue as long as the religions hate each other because of the ...
Barnie2years comments on Apr 14, 2018:
It will continue far beyond that. Even taking relgious beliefs out of the equation, these are decendents from nomadic tribes thousands of years old, they have been at war with each other for those thousands of years. They were ruthless killers the entire time. Then only real thing that changed is the weapons they use and the devestation they cause. No religion could change that.
Marcus Green on Twitter: "Kentucky Gov.
Barnie2years comments on Apr 14, 2018:
Marcus Green on Twitter: "Kentucky Gov.
Barnie2years comments on Apr 14, 2018:
The degree of desperation and hate in these states and now our federal government has absolutely reached an all time low! The elections are going to require at least an R rating and should be banned from prime time, given the venom and subject matter of the current Republican primary commercials in Pennsylvania.
How about.
Barnie2years comments on Apr 12, 2018:
Regret, much like worry, is wasted energy. I have often told people that life doesn't have a rewind button. Those things you did, or did not do, in your past are what got you to where you are now, good or bad. You can affect the future, you live in the present, the past is over and done. And, as a non believer, there is nothing after! ? Don't waste it trying to rethink what could have been. In the long run, it might have turned out worse.
Teen Age Sex, the worst outcome!
Barnie2years comments on Apr 12, 2018:
Actually, the first answer is better than the two middle ones, but why choose a arbitrary start age? There are many kids who don't wait even until their teen years to become sexually active in some way. Why wait? Make it age appropriate as much as possible, don't threaten and don't lie. These defeat the purpose.
Ken Ham Can’t Find Enough Creationist Employees, So He’s Loosening Restrictions – Friendly ...
Barnie2years comments on Apr 11, 2018:
Ha, ha! My guess they pay pretty crappy too. Money is always the bottom line.
Prostitution, how do you feel about it?
Barnie2years comments on Apr 11, 2018:
Interesting article on this subject.
WOW and/OR implications anyone?
Barnie2years comments on Apr 11, 2018:
This is way beyond what I want to know. And given the current state of the world, not only does AI not scare me, but I'm thinking it could do a better job than humans.
Fair Weather Beggars Warmer weather has a foot in the door and soon those with cardboard signs ...
Barnie2years comments on Apr 9, 2018:
I drove city bus most of my working life. A lot of these people are scammers. The one guy in particular used to get off work (I think at Alcoa Aluminum) then set up at the mall exit for a couple of hours with a variety of cardboard signs he carried in his backpack. One said he was a homeless veteran, yet on Veterans Day, when anyone with proof of service could ride free, he paid his fare. A couple of the others used to coordinate schedules so they each had a turn. I donate nothing to them.
What do you say on facebook to friends or family that have lost a loved one?
Barnie2years comments on Apr 8, 2018:
I say my thoughts are with you at this difficult time. If it is a close friend, I would offer my help in any capacity they might need.
I just got a video call from my ex boyfriend who is working on a project for Brookings Institute in ...
Barnie2years comments on Apr 8, 2018:
I stayed friends, after a cooling down period of about 5 years, with two of my three wives. The second one just died last year, so now I only get to talk to one, but I help her and her son out as much as I can. And since I don't have any other relationship, it gives me some human contact. Besides, I fell in love with her little boy as much as I did with her and I am the only father he has ever really known, since her choice of men has been rather crappy at least as far as he is concerned. I would say a lot of your "friendship" with this fellow will depend on how his wife chooses to deal with it. I never got friendly to the point that I wanted to hand around with either of their boyfriends. Luckily, they didn't hand around too long! LOL!
Prostitution, how do you feel about it?
Barnie2years comments on Apr 7, 2018:
Found this to be interesting. For such a divisive activity, not sure how accurate the numbers are. But still gives at least a snapshot of the usage of paid sex workers in several countries.
What moral code do you follow now that you are non-religious?
Barnie2years comments on Apr 7, 2018:
The same as if I were religious. Do no harm.
Prostitution, how do you feel about it?
Barnie2years comments on Apr 5, 2018:
Prostitution should be legalized and regulated as any other business. Everyone sells their body, if not their soul, when they go to work, especially in physical jobs. Is a coal miner, a sweatshop factory worker, or even a professional athlete not selling their youth, their bodies to the highest bidder? If they are doing it willingly, with full knowledge of what the risks are, what is the difference? Except religion decided long ago that if it could control people doing the things they enjoyed the most (sins), they could easily control other thoughts and actions of their believers. So they threaten hell and damnation to those who don’t subscribe to the churches whim, and when that doesn’t work, use their influence to create laws to met out earthly physical punishment. Anything that provides physical pleasure needs to be a sin, because if you’re having too good a time in life, the afterlife reward starts to look a little less enticing and you might not feel the need to go spend your money at church to buy your way into heaven next Sunday. And religion is a business for sure.
Cremation or burial for your funeral?
Barnie2years comments on Apr 3, 2018:
Ashes to ashes as they say. And I already have my biodegradable tree growing urn! Ashes in the urn, seed in the top and plant it, water it, and a maple tree shall grow. I told my son when all those little propeller seeds come down, and the leaves in the fall, they will be cursing me out for decades! ??
I think I understand a little bit of what's behind the idea of "blasphemy", and as I see it, the ...
Barnie2years comments on Apr 3, 2018:
Blasphemy has less to do with the physics of the universe and more to do with the fear of insignificance. If people are permitted to mock or defame the religious uber being of whatever religion happens to dominate the culture, it demeans the greatness of that entity. And, since there is no such thing as a god to meet out punishment, the only way to instill fear and obedience in the flock is for the human believers in that diety to punish the maligner, usually physically and in a horrible manner so as to scare the rest of the population into quiet submission to the leaders of that relgion. In areas of the world that are wracked by poverty and violence, it is even more important for them to fear not believing, as they might be less willing to accept their lot and fight against the ruling, supposedly god chosen leaders.
My hair is dark again. Like my soul.
Barnie2years comments on Apr 3, 2018:
You look great either way! I have never been hung up on hair color.
Barnie2years comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Just for the record, I only recently got on this site and I find the topics extemely varied both in content and context. As for if I would make statements in social media outside of this site? I have been for years on Facebook. It has offended some people who don't have stopped my newsfeed (many of whom still remain friends in real life) and brought new friends from people I had no idea felt the same way. If you are offended by posts that dig into the creepyness of religion, you are not madated to read them. If you think they are the only subject posted on here, I am not sure what you have been looking at, but it might be time to widen your search. I have seen (and contributed) posts on dating, cooking, recreation, sexuality and any number of other subjects, none require you to point out the hypocricy of relgions.
How would everyone feel about being refused a date because you’re an atheist?
Barnie2years comments on Apr 1, 2018:
You’re better off without him. Chances are he would have other issues down the line as well.
Does anyone still balance their checking account?
Barnie2years comments on Apr 1, 2018:
I use Quicken, have since 1989. I balance all my accounts, to the penny. If there is a discrepancy, II will work at it until I find the problem, even if it’s only 5 cents! I even keep track of my cash expenditures!
Stumbled on this article today.
Barnie2years comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Interesting premise and also helps explain why the fundamentalist and most severe religious believers can overcome the much greater numbers of secular or even moderates believers. They use the power of community and shared faith to organize and back regressive political parties and candidates, with little abstention. While non believers debate the differences between Atheist and Agnostic, Liberal and Progressive, the religious conservatives are circling the wagons tighter with little dissent, making it easier to get them to vote en mass with little critical thinking. As much as I enjoy being an Atheist, my prognosis for the near future of liberalism and turning the tide of religious dominance of politics is dim. Our best chance of effecting change is the implosion of the Republican Party by its own greed and total lack of humanity. If they can become as fractured as the Democrats, there may be a time when our country can reclaim the mantel of a great democracy. At the moment, we have become more and more an Oligarchy, run by corporate greed and Christian Theocracy. Only if the masses of scattered liberals and moderates can find common ground can this path be changed.
Well, it is (what's so dang) Good Friday... []
Barnie2years comments on Mar 31, 2018:
I frequently find myself humming or singing this song when things in my life seem to be going in the dumpster! Great tune, funny movie. ?
Prophets Gather At Trump's Washington Hotel To Unleash Angel Armies On His Deep State Enemies | ...
Barnie2years comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Welcome to Trumperica!
"Be fruitful and multiply": Why the Abrahamic religions are winning the evolutionary race.
Barnie2years comments on Mar 30, 2018:
Political leaders like high birth rates of followers. They need cannon fodder for their wars, worker bees for their wealthy, voters for their vision. Population in the poorest countries continues to climb because they have nothing better to entertain themselves than sex and no means of birth control. Even in the areas of war and starvation, if you watch the videos, there are no shortage of children even with the high mortality rate. I like to think that if I was in that situation, I would do whatever I had to not to bring a child into that kind of hell. But maybe you have to be there to understand.
As of now I'm Agnostic. Wondering if I should fully convert to Atheism. Thoughts?
Barnie2years comments on Mar 30, 2018:
You don’t convert, there is no catechism, no graduation. If you have doubts about there being a master being but unable to let go of the need to feel something controls you life and fear the absolutism of death, you are Agnostic. If you no longer need to believe that there is more than the life you are living, that yourself and chance control what happens to you, and that when you die, you no longer exist, then you are an Athiest. There should be no stigma attached to either appellation. Then there is always Humanist and non-believer if you don’t feel like you need to choose one of the other labels.
I have one friend who is defiantly atheist, he also happens to be a scientist, a good person who has...
Barnie2years comments on Mar 29, 2018:
I have many friends who are religious, and as long as they don’t follow me on Facebook (I tend to post a whole lot of Athiest, humanist, secular memes) we get along fine. If they want to start a conversation on belief and faith, I wouldn’t shy away. Most choose not to and we focus on those things that made us friends in the first place.
I find myself using the expression, “Thank God!” in a pretty regular manner.
Barnie2years comments on Mar 29, 2018:
I have made every effort to switch to “thank goodness!”, or “oh my gosh!” By the same token, though I may “fuck that!” or “fuck you!” Does not mean I want to have sex with that or you. It’s all semantics and habitual, usually learned from friends and families. And then quite often if I do something stupid or painful I just invent words and say them loudly! :-)
Would you date a woman that had sex on the first date?
Barnie2years comments on Mar 28, 2018:
I have, with far less buildup than the one described above. We went out, dug each other had a good time and at the end of a fun evening had sex. If we enjoyed it, we continued again next time.
Has anyone here had a NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE?
Barnie2years comments on Mar 27, 2018:
Actually I have had several. The most recent being last month, though according to the doctor it was not a near death experience but I was actually dead for 10 seconds. The previous one was when I was a kid, fell through the ice crossing a quarry. Was on my third time up for air and running out of steam when my toes caught the side of the bank and turned into claws and I managed to get out and around to the path out. The most recent one, I was driving home from my son's hockey game. He was ahead of me in his car. The light at the intersection we were stopped at turned green, we started into the intersection and I felt a slight tingle in my head. Next thing I was aware of was a crashing sound and having no idea where I was or how I got there. I had passed out, gone down the road about 100 ft, crossed over and ran into a parked pickup in a parking lot. Later, in the hospital after they downloaded information from my pacemaker, they told me I had V-fib and was technically dead for 10 seconds, until the crash apparently was enough to shock my heart back into rythme. All the doctors told me I was a lucky guy, since most people who have a V-fib don't come out of it. According to info online, the chance of survival outside a hospital is only about 17%. Anyway, my cousin asked if I saw the flash of white light. I did not! I also have a crazy religious friend who insisted that God saved me so that I could find him and get myself saved. I told her that I guess it's a good thing I don't believe then, or I would have been dead! Didn't go over too well LOL! Those 10 seconds, there was nothing, black, like other times when I was younger and passed out. So now, I have a turbo pacemaker with defib, and I will live god free until the next time I die! No fear, life is for living, not fear of dying.
It seems all totalitarian/authoritarian states are officially atheist. Coincidence?
Barnie2years comments on Mar 27, 2018:
Totalitarian states are hardly Atheist. Turkey, Egypt, Russia are not Atheist states by any stretch. The first two are Muslim, the last Christian Orthodox. Most dictators are smart enough to get the dominant relgion of their country on their side and most regligions are smart enough to support their local tyrant for their own nefarious reasons. Nothing keeps people docile for tyranical leaders like a devout populace who are told their reward will come after they are dead, so they should feel blessed to live in whatever conditions their leader creates for them here on earth. Many western European countries on the other hand, have weakened their religions to the point of being tokens after centuries of governement/church collusion in support of monarchies and wars. Sadly, even some of them are having a return of the ephemeral next life syndrome to compensate for the realities of life in the modern world. Feelings of helplessness to change bad situations tend to bring people back to belief in magic and historical placeboes.
Do you celebrate religious holidays?
Barnie2years comments on Mar 26, 2018:
I celebrate them as family time, not religious holidays. And I hate to see them disapear, as in stores staying open, and non emergency personel forced to work. Certain jobs never have a day off, such as first responders, hospital and nursing home workers, cabs, trains and planes. But for the majority of people, having a day to spend with your family should be available on a regular basis. And I enjoy Thanksgiving the most, because it hasn't been taken over as a commercial gift giving holiday as most others have. And even an Athiest can be thankful for what you have in life, what you have achieved, the friends and family you may have around you, your health, or just being alive. Your not "thanking" some ephemeral being, just being thankful your life turned out as well as it has.
Making You Pay for Porn: Does Rhode Island Want to Impose Morality or Cash In? -
Barnie2years comments on Mar 26, 2018:
Once government censorship gets in the door, it's hard to get it closed. The Republicans are in the midst of a big push to get some kind of censorship on the books because they know that once they get the first law passed, they can start working on censoring other things they don't agree on, including news, political movements, talk shows and whatever else they can pursuade voters is causing harm. Porn has always been and alwasy will be available in some format. Hell, I used to get off on my mom's James Bond novels and tampon insertion instructions! LOL! Parents have a responsiblity to monitor what their kids do online and there is software to help them do it. The government is not the arbiter of adult choices in entertainment. I would sooner see them monitor Trump's need to use swear words in his speeches that appear in prime time news.
What if you are wrong and there IS a god
Barnie2years comments on Mar 26, 2018:
First I tell them that since I don't believe in God, I have no fear of meeting anyone. Second, since they have lived in fear all their lives of upsetting their god and not going to heaven, I feel like I will come out ahead anyway. Third, if they truly believe that only their version of god and their way of worshiping him is the correct way to get into this heaven, that means I would be in the company of the millions of people around the world that believe in other gods or worship in diferent way and their heaven would be severley underpopulated. And lastly, I probably wouldn't want ot hand out with a bunch of people like himself for eternity anyway. Depending on whom I am talking to, I can use one answer or any combination.
How old were you when you got married for the first time?
Barnie2years comments on Mar 25, 2018:
I was married at 17, my wife was 19. I was in high school, she was already graduated, We met at my job (gas station attendant, I'm dating myself) and started dating. She was the first woman I had sex with and it was great! At the time, I thought if you had sex, you got married, and I really wasn't digging living at home, even though I had another year of school to go. She missed a period, so we used that as an excuse to talk my parents into letting the marriage happen the summer before my senior year. She got her period the night before the wedding, but we didn't tell anyone. We stayed married, with a lot of issues, for eight years. I developed a much different view of marriage and sex as I aged.
What a rare find this is. Only a hand full I can say that fits this one.
Barnie2years comments on Mar 25, 2018:
I sure never found that person.
Board Games
Barnie2years comments on Mar 24, 2018:
It's been ages since I played. Monopoly, Las Vegas were two favorites.
I detest a mansplainer.
Barnie2years comments on Mar 23, 2018:
That's a problem because I don't speak fluent Womanese! ??
Pffftttt.... there aren't enough sarcastic people here.
Barnie2years comments on Mar 22, 2018:
I have taken to putting a sarcasm alert on FB posts anymore, since I have set people off but putting sarcastic posts on political memes and being attacked by the people who should have been most amused, at least I thought so. Even people I know, who should know better have been confused. Is this a sign of great sarcasm or just not knowing my audience?
What percentage of your relationships are you “out” as an atheist?
Barnie2years comments on Mar 22, 2018:
Since Facebook, pretty much any of my friends and coworkers who follow me are quite aware. I've been told I push the fact too much, but then it's nice being able to express how I feel after years of just not talking about it. And the amazing thing is how many people actually seem to be non-believers that I would not have guessed! That has been eye opening for sure. As to family members and friends who are not on Facebook, most know, but I don't make a big issue of it as long as they don't try and push their particular belief on me. Most of my friends are religious to some extent, some very religious. We get along by not making a topic of conversation.
New Orleans by nightfall or bust. []
Barnie2years comments on Mar 22, 2018:
People need a little more Satan in their lives.
Barnie2years comments on Mar 22, 2018:
Believing in Satan is about the same as believing in God. Despite what the Christians like to think of Athiests, we don't believe in any diety, be it up above, or down below. You can't be a non-believer who believes that some entity lives in a place called hell anymore than a god who lives in a place called heaven.
Barnie2years comments on Mar 22, 2018:
Ha, French Lavender sounds more like what I might expect you to smell like than something I would eat! LOL
First day on this site and I am curious.
Barnie2years comments on Mar 21, 2018:
Not sure about the generalisation of non-thiest as being less happy. I know some really, realy unhappy christians. And much of the happiness thing is just a self delusion that they are the chosen ones, the delusion that even when bad things happen some outside forceis going to take care of you. If it doesn't happen, then you switch to believing that your better life comes after you die, as long as you believe. And they have a built in support system if they are church goers, as long as they tow the party line, or at least pretend to. That can help boost your morale too.
Should athiest really be saying 'rest in peace'
Barnie2years comments on Mar 21, 2018:
I think resting in peace is fine, especially if your life was full of suffering at the end. Cancer, Alzheimers, or other health problems, death is personal peace, an end to suffering. Does not have to have anything to do with what you believe comes after.
I like motorcycles.
Barnie2years comments on Mar 19, 2018:
I ride a 1999 Kawasaki Nomad. I don't have a picture in this new iPad, but will try to come up with one later.
Do you have anyone who you can rely on to be completely wrong, so that no matter what that person ...
Barnie2years comments on Mar 18, 2018:
That would be the definition of Trump, wouldn't it?
Kinda embodies how I’m feeling today.
Barnie2years comments on Mar 18, 2018:
Got the blues? Or feeling a little develish?
[] As close to celebrating this stupid holiday as I get.
Barnie2years comments on Mar 18, 2018:
I've taken to doing the Corned-beef and cabbage ever since I found out I have a lot of Irish in my DNA. Even had a mug of green beer!
[] As close to celebrating this stupid holiday as I get.
Barnie2years comments on Mar 18, 2018:
HA! Quite visual! LOL!
[] Apropos for a Sunday morning.
Barnie2years comments on Mar 18, 2018:
# Ha! Love the Blues!
are you afraid of death?
Barnie2years comments on Mar 18, 2018:
I have never been particularly scared of death. I consider myself a "realist", in that I accept reality. And the reality is that death is the great equalizer, there is no escape. No matter how rich you are, how poor, male or female, healthy or sickly, at some point you are going to die. And unless you kill yourself, you will have very little control over the timing. You can be sickly, like Stephen Hawking who lived to 78, or healthy like Jim Fixx the runner, who died at 52. I plan on enjoying my time on earth, since I don't believe in an afterlife, but I have no great interest in extending it. I have had an interesting life and I am comfortable now. I refuse to not eat food I like or do exercise I don't care for. I recently had a V-FIB and was technically dead for 10 seconds (my cousin asked me if I saw the bright white light! Funny guy! Answer, no) I really can't say even that scared me, other than the fact that it happened when I was driving and could have caused a bad accident involving other people. Fortunately, I only hit a parked truck. When the doctor told me I was a lucky guy, I thought he meant that the accident wasn't worse, he meant that I was still alive!
What is your response when people threaten you with religious punishments? (i.e. Hell/Jahannam)
Barnie2years comments on Mar 17, 2018:
LAUGH! And tell them Santa isn't going to bring them anything for Christmas for being mean! LOL
Is old age something to look forward to or is it generally filled with loneliness, health problems, ...
Barnie2years comments on Mar 17, 2018:
It is what you make it. You can continue to learn, stay active within what your body allows, enjoy time spent with family and friends. You deal with issues as they arrive, and look aroud to realize that there are many coping with issues much worse than yours. or, you can be like my mother (86), and spend you time complaining about everything, everybody, feeling sorry for yourself, even though in truth she is way better off than many people her age. she is the religious one in the family, and it doesn't seem to help much, though possibly she would be much worse without her faith. I am way more positive than her without belief. Maybe when you don't believe in an afterlife it makes you more appreciative of the one you have to live.
Any Slavic Atheists/Agnostics out there?
Barnie2years comments on Mar 16, 2018:
I have met several non religious Eastern Europeans. My ex-wife from Slovakia and a woman I dated from Kiev. Religion was not encouraged during the Soviet rule in those countries and was often practiced in secret. So there was not the intense indoctrination of children we have in the US. But now, the government finds pushing religion a convenient placebo to control the population, just as it does here in the US.
I’m usually a glass half full type of person but I have reason to believe that there are no ...
Barnie2years comments on Mar 16, 2018:
I just started looking around this site. I spend most of my time on Facebook, much different format than here! But it's nice to know there are so many likeminded people. Spent much of my life feeling like I was alone in not believing. Getting to the subject at hand, one of the problems non-believers have is networking. If you're a believer, you have a plethora of churches full of people that you know you have at least one thing in common with. As Athiests we have nothing like that, we spend most of our lives surrounded by thiests who we know do not accept what we believe (don't believe). And unless we are open in our lack of belief, it's very hard to discover those others in our environ who might feel the same way. Maybe there are more non-believers in your area than you think, it's just hard to root them out!


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