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DEBUNKED: Top 5 AR-15 Lies! | Louder With Crowder Honestly, I have both some conservative, and ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 8, 2019:
Crowder is dumb as a box of shit. I've called him out many times. The AR-15 was designed in 1955 by Eugene Stoner (after the AR-10). It was designed to replace the M-14 (now the M-16 and M-4). It was designed for one reason. To kill humans. It was lighter than the M-14, and infantrymen could carry about 2.5X more ammo. Biden is right about a shotgun. That is the last thing I'd grab for home defense. Oh, and 5 rds is the max for hunting in Nebraska. Standard for the AR-15 is 30. His lever gun theory is dumb. Most mass shootings are done with an AR-15 or AK-47. "This holds 13". Hey dumbfuck, they have mags to you can change them fast! Look at the North Hollywood shootout that happened in 1997. Around 300 LAPD officers could not take those guys down. They had to call in a SWAT team. The ATF does consider the AR-15 as an "assault weapon". Look it up. Trump now is banning bumpstocks.
Ursula Andress or (Ursula Undress for Playboy) This is the woman I am named after.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 8, 2019:
Best bond girl ever.
NiN - Ringfinger []
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 8, 2019:
One of the best jams on the album. Been a huge fan or Reznor's work for a long time.
Parody but sexy? What do you think?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Bet it's a real porn...
Moby ft. Gwen Stefani - South Side []
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Don't tell noone, but I remember when that song came out, and I like it. Gwen is my GF too. Even tho she's a christer... Never saw the video (till now). Looks dildos.
All living former presidents refute Trump's claim they privately voiced support for border wall with...
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 7, 2019:
I read a similar article. Pathetic but funny. I want Obama to say something like " Bitch, I don't even talk to that motherfucker". lol
Goodnight Kittez
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 7, 2019:
I'm reporting this post because the pictures are just too fuckling cute! I got beat to the too cute part tho. No I'm not reporting you. This time. lol
Well, this look worked for Marvel's The Thing.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Funny thing is he is not on speaker phone and she is in New York...
Who here, is for the wall, who thinks this shutdown is the way, Trump can get his money?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 7, 2019:
I didn't vote for him. :P I made a group specifically about the wall.
Rena, a model I used to work with. Too skinny?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 7, 2019:
What's skinner? Her or the twigs....
Anyone know what happened to @bigpawbullets? It looks like he's gone?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Just posted a few hours ago...
cannot lose
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 7, 2019:
He should replace finger with pistol...
Sniffed you out!
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 7, 2019:
It's not stealing if you give the memes back!
While we're on the subject...
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 7, 2019:
My dad will be 73 in feb. Had a hard time finding some steers for the F-700. He said he had two. They were cupped so bad... I asked him about them. They were defective. I told the tire guy about the incident. He said "well they're no good, but you might need them some day". Made me laugh!
Is there any way to write 7: PM without it turning into 7:PM, without leaving a space in between?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Guess I was wrong...
Is there any way to write 7: PM without it turning into 7:PM, without leaving a space in between?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Test. 7:PM
Is there any way to write 7: PM without it turning into 7:PM, without leaving a space in between?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Looked it up. Go to your profile. Click on "my account". Then click on alerts/settings. Disable "Send Smile" button from your profile.". Try that.
Is there any way to write 7: PM without it turning into 7:PM, without leaving a space in between?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 7, 2019:
There might be a way to disable smileys. Lots of forms have that option.
The origin of the wall: []
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Thanks for the share!
Who would have thought that Trump would take action before he thought of the consequences?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Do I even want to read the article? Seriously.
Iron Maiden- King of Twilight []
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 7, 2019:
I don't remember this song. Must have been a rare b-side?
Run kitty run!
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 6, 2019:
Similar look from one cat talking to another. The reply was "lesbians eat what"?
Choice Bottom Round
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 6, 2019:
Very sexy lady. Lovely body, and a cute face to match!
Building The Wall.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 6, 2019:
It's hard to see but look at the lower RH side of the box. lol
Jesus saves!
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 6, 2019:
He's also the goalie for a soccer team...
Mike Pence Takes a Knee
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 6, 2019:
It probably should be the other way around? If trump ends up on prison, and he becomes president, can't he pardon him?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 6, 2019:
Okay they are running their church as a business (even tho it already was before this). The fuck they gonna do? Bless the firearms so the bad hombres don't shoot anyone? Is the profits from S&W shares also non taxed? Bullshit all the way around.
It warmed my heart.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 6, 2019:
Obama said motherfucker in his audio book. It is so funny to hear him swear. lol
A few goodies
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 6, 2019:
My name is Ralph Wiggum, I'm running for president and I've been a good boy! That episode cracks me up.
She's so SHI-NAY!
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 6, 2019:
The original chastity belt...
Enjoy the day! ?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 6, 2019:
I'd settle for not punching someone in the face... you are too optimistic.
Was just watching , "Monster-In-Law," on mMine was worse .
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 6, 2019:
Can't find that, but have been looking.
What you lookin' at?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 6, 2019:
Looking at her tummy. She is skin and bones! I'll get that poor gal a sandwitch...
Hi I'm new. Be more than happy to chat
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 6, 2019:
Welcome! If you like music, there are several groups on here that are dedicated to music. I have a group called "Guitars Only!". I don't know what type of music you want to make, but, I am sure someone on here can help you!
A very early photo of Heath that popped up on my Kindle today....
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 6, 2019:
Tell kitty I said hi!
NOT Batgirl! She's grown up. This is Batwoman. Great paint job!
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 6, 2019:
I just found the batcave...
Who is single? I have big problem with meeting a girl
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 5, 2019:
Not to sound rude, but are you socially awakward? Do you have a friend (a female one) that can take you to a bar or club? A wingwoman can make a world of difference. She can scout out who is single. Wish you the best.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 5, 2019:
Words have not been invented yet to describe how I feel about him. Work for free, I (and others) get a pay raise! Just like the bank bailout. Fucked up, yet gave CEO's a raise. Some of which are more than some people make in a year.
Women, how do you explain to others that catcalling isn't a compliment?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 5, 2019:
I'm not a gal, but here is what I would do. Stop (if you are in a safe public place) and talk to him. Say he looks familiar. Ask about stupid things (matters not, these people will continue to talk). Reiterate about how he looks familiar. That will draw his attention even more. After a few minutes say "I REALIZED HOW YOU LOOK FAMILIAR"! He would say how so. "YOU WERE IN THE GUNISESS BOOK OF WORLD RECORDS". He'd might say yes, or what for. Reply "YOU HAVE THE WORLD'S SMALLEST PENIS"! Walk off like a boss. :)
Witness: Colorado man says 12-year-old son ‘just earned his man card’ following murder of woman ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 5, 2019:
I don't think the 12-year-old will be tried as an adult. Especially since what the POS said... Pathetic.
What is the algorithm that determines someone is a "Top Contributor" ? Just curious.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 5, 2019:
They throw a dart at a dartboard with pics of members...
Something Fuckery This Way Comes... []
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 5, 2019:
AKA General Deferent
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 5, 2019:
Napolian/hitler mix?
The insanity from our Moron in Chief escalates. []
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 5, 2019:
Look at the end of the video. He had to look over to get an okay saying what he said was true! LMFAO! Only a few secs before the vid ended. He also talked about fentynol. That is only given to people that are near dying, and China is making it a crime. What about herion? That is far stronger.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 5, 2019:
I don't blame them. Find another job ASAP. If this lasts years... Dipshit gets free room and board! Even tho he claims he won't take a salary (except $1), I doubt that is true.
Would you pay $30 per gram for fresh tuna?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 5, 2019:
Does cocaine and a hooker come with it for a couple grams?
How do I ask a woman at the bar for some fun ;)?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 5, 2019:
Just say "hey bitch, you suck dick?". Works every time...
Are you a paranoid individual?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 5, 2019:
Damnit I was going to say "who is this". lol Where in Nebraska do you live?
Can Phoenix Remain Habitable? | Sierra Club
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 5, 2019:
I lived in Phoenix for a year. Loved it. Want to go back.
Who or what do you dress for?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 5, 2019:
Bank robbery...
Wonder what Trump's base will think when food stamps get cut?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 5, 2019:
Ran out of articles for the month on WP. Mentioned this before, but the biggest recipiant of EBT is single white mothers... Not illegal Mexicans!
Please leave the building before posting on social media.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 5, 2019:
Sadly, that is what people do nowadays. When they see someone in trouble, they take their phone out and make a video rather than help. Pathetic.
Maybe people believe in God because they are cowards with themselves.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 5, 2019:
I wouldn't want to say coward. Let's face it, if you are taught there is a space god that gives you everlasting life, you don't want to accept that you are probably nothing more than worm food when you die.
I'm one year cigarette free! I tried a few times to smoke one and it was so disgusting.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 5, 2019:
Good for you! I'm trying like hell to quit. The pills they give me don't work. I hate waking up every morn and coughing my lungs out. Keep it up!
PUUURFECT! I think I was just discovering pot when David Bowie cranked out Space Oddity... ????
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 5, 2019:
Take your protine pills and put your helmet on!
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 5, 2019:
Online dating has not done good in my favor. Just easier to meet a friend of a friend. When you least expect it, you find someone...
Slow dancing ?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 5, 2019:
Slow dancing? Is that like head banging?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 5, 2019:
Is there supposed to be a picture?
Soundgarden - Fell On Black Days []
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 5, 2019:
Shame Chris killed himself. One of my favorite SG songs. So much talent.
Seems we may see a live experiment in whether more guns solves a gun murder problem.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 5, 2019:
Comparing apples to oranges. For the people that want strict gun control in the US is far different than lifting some restrictions in another country. If tomorrow EVERYONE had to give up every firearm, how many do you think would do so? Not many. I bet them bad hombres would be the first in line to turn theirs in. You also need to take into account the culture. Some are simply more violent in nature. Plus homicide could be defined different in one state. Some places would call it homicide, or manslaughter. Other places might say it was self defense. Here in Nebraska if someone breaks into my house, and I shoot them going into the door, they fall backwards, and are lying on the porch. Here if you shoot someone in self defense, better make sure the body is in your house. Other states say it is acceptable to shoot someone out in the open if you "feel threatened".
A beautiful objects. What could go wrong?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 5, 2019:
Put the knives down, and we'll talk!
I've been mulling over something today and I thought I'd bring it here.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 5, 2019:
I used to be a grammar nazi. Just pisses people off. In a world of "hru", "brb", "IDK", etc, I really don't care anymore. Btw I don't capatillize nazi, or trump.
Sometimes I wake up in the morning feeling like this... Anyone else?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 5, 2019:
That's usually how I start the day followed by the bathroom, then a smoke.
To protect your energy its okay to cancel a commitment.....Its okay to let go.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 5, 2019:
Police: why haven't you been answering our calls? Me: the internet said I didn't have to. lol
Hello everyone, I just joined yesterday and I'm so glad I did.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 5, 2019:
Welcome! We have a group for about everything on here. There is one you might like called "Canadian, Eh". Might like that one. Handfull of canadians on here.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 5, 2019:
I can hardly stand pizza anymore. If I get some it is thin crust with something like an alfredo or garlic sauce. I've just eaten too much of it in my life. Casey's pizza I still eat every once in a while, but that is getting old too.
Sepultura- Refuse/ Resist []
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 5, 2019:
My fave Sepultura jam.
I've heard of tit for tat but tit for tax?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 5, 2019:
This is a really interesting story, well told with some fun graphics, but warning you will need an ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 5, 2019:
I love cheese! Almost any type! Except "cheese food" or "cheese product". Except every once in a while I get nacho cheese for curly fries. Maybe some dip for chips. I also don't like american cheese. Even if it is real cheese, they put it on EVERYTHING. Cheddar, sharp cheddar, munster, baby swiss, swiss, havarti, string cheese, marble jack, colby jack, parmisian, etc...
i'm pretty sure he's never read this book....or any book.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 5, 2019:
Unless if it's a coloring book, no.
[] slayer/expendable youth
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 5, 2019:
Not my favorite jam on that album, but better than a few Slayer songs. But almost anything Slayer is pretty good. Seasons is my fav on the album (they only played it twice tho). War Ensemble, and Dead Skin Mask are the best 3 on the album IMHO.
How long have you or do you wait to change relationship status on fb?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 5, 2019:
I'd say at least 3 dates. One date does not automatically mean you are going together.
Apocalypse by Hypocrisy []
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 5, 2019:
Emperior Magnus Caligula doesn't look right without corpse paint.
She's a thigh master !!! Check her out...
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 5, 2019:
I'd probably be scared to get between those thighs! I don't think the jaws of life could get me out!
So true...
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 5, 2019:
Reminder: Tomorrow, January 6th is our next Trivia Nite.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 5, 2019:
Can't use a search engine if we want to dispute the final answer? :)
Laughed out loud!
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 5, 2019:
Anyone with a functioning brain doesn't support him.
Pedro is at it again..
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 5, 2019:
Saw this before. Still funny!
Not only has Trump shutdown the Gov't because he fucked up thinking he could get Mexico to pay for ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 5, 2019:
Mike, read my post about how his shutdown is effecting farmers.
Sure, there are many things we have no control over but, I still firmly believe we can influence a ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 4, 2019:
Your positivity is bringing me down...
Definitely more than five rules, but it’s a start.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 4, 2019:
3 is one that has bitten me in the ass too many times.
Reminds me of something...I'll think of it in a minute.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 4, 2019:
That's actually a little disturbing...
What is this for?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 4, 2019:
And why do they have a huge flight of stairs with no handycap access? Jokes aside, I think they have to put that there by law.
Trump is out of control. []
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 4, 2019:
I had to look up how much of government employees. 90% of the people that work for HOMELAND SECURITY can't work! What a dumbfuck!
Who wants to go camping this weekend with me?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 4, 2019:
It's probably gonna be cold as shit this weekend. Can we set up a tent indoors?
Dammit Siri!
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 4, 2019:
I need to look for alternative specs. Searching for alternative sex...
I am pissed.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 4, 2019:
Mentioned this many times before. The majority of food stamp recipiants are single white mothers. Not illegal mexicans...
It is 230 am.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 4, 2019:
Poor baby...
This is messed up
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 4, 2019:
1) He's a fucking criminal. That's why Cohen is in prison. 4) He banned bumpstocks. Need I go farther?
Someone earlier said corsets were hot...
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 3, 2019:
Once again corsets and thigh highs are hot!
He knows more about drone technology than anyone!!!
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 3, 2019:
He had to talk to Palin... I can use Google Earth!
Young? Yes, 'Enhanced'? Yes, But, but, but.... Wow!
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 3, 2019:
Her tits are staring into opposite ends of the universe.
Hottie or naughtie?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 3, 2019:
Both. I hope that is bush and not a penis...
in another group someone introduced themselves as gender fluid can someone explain to me what that ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 3, 2019:
Sometimes guy. Sometimes girl. I had to look that up myself a while ago...
I have been thinking of taking piano lessons...
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 3, 2019:
I've been spelling piano wrong all these years...
For those of you who enjoy watching the CBS-TV sitcom 'The Big Bang Theory', can you figure out ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 3, 2019:
Sheldon atheist. Lenord agnostic. The indian guy religous. Penny and Bernadette, religous.
First new adventure of 2019.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 3, 2019:
I'm done learning! There are some things I want to unlearn tho...
What happened to knocking... busted
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 3, 2019:
That looks exactly like my cat Simba! And I have the same damn computer! Trippy.
Lucious lady
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 3, 2019:
Corsets are sexy AF!
Teach a man to fish and eventually someone's gonna microwave that fish in the break room at work.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 3, 2019:
You can microwave salmon and talipia!
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