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What kind of cellphone should I buy?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 19, 2019:
There are essentially three types and you said you hated iPhones, do not care for them myself, and the other two are the Blackberry, which I thought had died off, and the Android, which I find does a great job as a smartphone. So, I suppose you are asking what company or number, etc of Android. I am pretty easy and need less than I own. I have owned Samsung made phones for years and would or will continue to do so. I know nothing about the Google phone. Had and LTE and it was okay, a long time ago. So, basically, sorry, check the NET.
I know I wouldn't have had the reaction I did if it weren't for the things going on in my head, but ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 19, 2019:
I've heard this. Very good. Learn about the Boss as a parent.
What are your thoughts of the late inventor and humanist, Jacques Fresco?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 19, 2019:
Haven't read much. DNA and philosophical musings.
Every French man, woman, juvenile, or infant consumes 44,2 litres of wine every year.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 19, 2019:
While in the Navy, we sailed for a while with a French ship. Their crew had a ration of two bottles of wine a day. I always wondered, if they went to war, where the hell did they store the munitions?
How Liberals are Destroying America!!!
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 19, 2019:
Making the rich accountable.
Why do train horns mesmerise me?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 18, 2019:
Sounds like the lyrics for a country song. Play it on YouTube and drop it off here.
No white men involved, so no coverage, and no thoughts and prayers: Nigeria: Muslims kill 120 ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 18, 2019:
It isn't covered because it was black people from a "shit" country and only black people got killed. It should be covered, no mater who or where when such a large number of people get killed or injured. Nigeria is a country that has been teetering on the verge of a civil war for many years. And most of the violence there is directly linked to conflict between the two major religions (which both war each other, and unite to kill those citizens of their country who still practice nativism).
Hey kids.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 18, 2019:
I would be willing to add my name to your list of tell the AH's to shove off.
So, l work with this 23 year old virgin Mormon kid, and l was asking him why he hasn't had sex yet.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 18, 2019:
Similar things. I've meet many in psych groups with multiple kids from multiple partners. Not uncommon.
Was jesus entirely made up
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 18, 2019:
The evidence is not historic at all, nor convincing as the most quoted source comes a hundred years after the supposed death. Also, the story of Jesus follows a common story line if many others and through a number of cultures.
Do you believe in Doomsday prepping?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 18, 2019:
No, especially if you want to live a normal life in regular society. First, what are the odds any individual survives let's say the zombie apocalypse, then what comes next? If you do survive a catastrophe of a war, and you have some medical and mechanical knowledge, everything you need will most likely be available in any left over buildings (No guarantee a prepper's place will survive either). Go take what you need. This is not the same as preparing for a couple of weeks of bad weather.
Ok this is a debate group so.....Convince me this meme is not accurate
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 18, 2019:
Or, add, the shooter is white, so the US President's spokesperson says, "Read the manifesto."
Suppose in the near future some entity, either private or collective devises the means to generate ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 18, 2019:
A better world would be one in which science discoveries are free. That idea, however, may already be in the works with AI and such. The world already has a wealth gap, which, who knows, may be eliminated after the machines take power, share and control resources, and destroy religion and government as we know it.
Know the difference! Stolen from FB.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 18, 2019:
Or, it's evangelicalism.
I'm new, so as yet, I don't know how to search the agnostic.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 18, 2019:
Just post People often double post by accident. Just means fewer people may comment once they did elsewhere. ?
What do you say to the law of conservation of energy argument?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 18, 2019:
Simple. Ok, you are standing by a law of science so stand by it: how did god get energy? And keep a science answer, no bullshit he always had it Crap without proof.
Rep Steve King R-Iowa posts meme about new civil war. Why is he still there?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 18, 2019:
Economics is the way to go. More red states depend on federal dollars.
In real life and on the net, if you don’t make yourself ultra clear, someone will always find ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 18, 2019:
Most? I want to see those six legged ones.
Pennsylvania Firefighter with Prosthetic Questioned over Handicapped Parking Request ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 18, 2019:
York is a mix of assholes and over the top treat handicapped nice - depends on area, etc. That is totally messed up though.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 18, 2019:
Another reason the Rocky Hall of Fame is B.S., no Dale.
Captain Marvel ...not as good as I thought it would be ....pretty boring in some place'
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 17, 2019:
I enjoyed it. Midlevel of a lot of Marvel films.
Please help me! Finish this sentence: “Sending a prayer chain to an atheist is like .
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 17, 2019:
Chaining Superman with an aluminum foil chain.
Damn, that's a way more practical use.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 17, 2019:
It's all good fun until someone gets hot sauce in their eye.
Curiously, the recent mass shooting in New Zealand did not result in the expected deluge of anti-gun...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 17, 2019:
No need. Nothing will get done. And besides, it was a white nationalist, the prez gave a nod by not fully denouncing and allowing his white haired witch to say it was an eco terrorist.
I don't know what to do today! Gave up church for Lent, but have found out they are serving Irish ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 17, 2019:
Is one shot worth the agony of an hour or more? I say nay, time is important and, depending on your locale, bars are or should open soon.
Wow! What is there to say? []
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 17, 2019:
If only. And then, if only witches were real and had some power. Such B.S. Those folks are the ones who look sideways when the Saudis do anything that doesn't include a xtion (including beheading women as witches - most of which are simply out spoken females).
Those fucking dragons . . .
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 16, 2019:
Most don't. If the person had said, when in Indonesia, then I would have given them props and said good one.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 16, 2019:
Wallace, on occasion, tries his hand at journalism. My thoughts on him are that is psychologically scarred from childhood and his desire to be like his daddy, a respected journalist. However, daddy left acting to be a journalist when his eldest son, a budding journalist died. All before Chris was born to a different mother.
What If You're Wrong? - YouTube
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 16, 2019:
What if we are some 7th grader's forgotten science fair project left running in a messy closet?
What If You're Wrong? - YouTube
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 16, 2019:
Darkmater is pretty cool.
Too much to think about for the closed mind ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 16, 2019:
Yep. Bbbb but. BTW, my answer to all those who fear and condemn Sharia law is: I agree, all Abrahanic law is evil and quite similar.
If we are put on this earth to help others, what are the others here for?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 16, 2019:
Soylant Green?
Reading about Teddy's square deal and all the advancement in workers rights from the early 1900s.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 16, 2019:
Not sure the key point or peak. The sledge hammer finished off so much and set everything back decades or more under Ronnie "McDonald" Raygun.
Man, this seems to be a pretty high tech site, I'm just stoned and pissed off at religion in the ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 16, 2019:
Not sure how high tech. Various levels. Welcome. A good place to vent. Some great people, some annoying, pretty much a good family.
I like this one.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 16, 2019:
Which is why we need a class of benevolent AI overlords to watch over us. Right now, with all of humanity's bull shit, I'm feeling somewhat okay with that idea. I wouldn't be exchanging gods because human created gods aren't real.
You ever watch movies from the eighties and count how many of the actors are dead?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 16, 2019:
Sounds like a drinking game.
Something to ponder.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 16, 2019:
And those religious types who follow such a doctrine are the ones I tolerate and can come to have respect for. Those are few and far between. People like that wouldn't tolerate abysmal treatment of others, bigotry, or other offenses of humanity. Unfortunately, too many atheists are not much different.
I am not a robot box...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 16, 2019:
The future according to Asimov's rules.
Fuck the Pentagon - If it were not for all their interference in the affairs of other countries, we ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 16, 2019:
Not going to disagree with much, except, they aren't the only evil. Last year's statistics show that in the US, White Nationalists are the worst and most dangerous terrorists.
Pretty much .....
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 16, 2019:
Kelly Ann Conway already gave him cover calling him an ecoterrorist.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 16, 2019:
I wouldn't poo poo this thought. Just imagine if only 1 percent of his supporters took up arms or violence, there would be lots of destruction and deaths.
Have you noticed the people who do not want to help refugees because we have our own poor don't want...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 16, 2019:
Just like they won't help poor children after they make families have unwanted ones.
I literally cannot stop laughing.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 16, 2019:
He's just a poor boy, nobody loves him. I'll bet he comes from a poor family.
Does beleif in god justify how much should people be allowed to spend on end of life care?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 16, 2019:
Skipping everything else and just answering the title question: no, however, with that said, one can make arguments on humanitarian terms. I don't have a definition for what those would be, so that would be the first argument. But god, absolutely not. And, if so, what would be the argument? They're going to go to god so let them go, or the more common, but not necessarily bibly correct that all who somehow being about a death are wrong: except for all the bibly exceptions that are expressly written
Last night I said I would post Rowan Atkinson as Mr.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 16, 2019:
The Chinese may have had an extravaganza of an Olympic opening, but the Britts had fun and did very well - I especially liked Bond parachuting in with the Queen.
Seems like the right group to post this
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 16, 2019:
And, Kelly Ann Conway said the shooter was an ecoterrorist. Total bull and those words will ring off the trumpies lips.
I can agree with Samuel L.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 16, 2019:
How many cons have volunteered to help pay their relative's medical bills?
Our distant cousins use an interesting tool. Bonobos mating ritual Not so attractive
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 16, 2019:
Bonobos don't just mate. They use sex to defuse tense situations. And lots of sex - MF, MM, FF, GROUP.
Trump wants a wall.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 15, 2019:
Dont give him any ideas. Countries around the world still suffer from old mine fields. Go to Northern Thailand to cross over and visit Cambodia be sure to stay on the paths and obey the mine field signs. I would not be surprised to read about mines still in Eastern Europe that were missed.
I know
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 15, 2019:
Tnxs for tbe laugh. Liked that.
So recently I’ve been researching more on Jehovahs witnesses.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 15, 2019:
In high school 40 years ago I argued this with a JW. He talked about a JW doctor who was working on a blood substitute and how it would save millions. Hmmm. It ain't here yet, and millions aren't saved.
0 (ZERO) Number of days without a religious motivated killing.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 15, 2019:
And counting. And counting. And can be posted again tomorrow.
Deplorables disgust me:
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 15, 2019:
All societies have fallen through internal rot, if not externally conquered.
The agony and the ecstasy
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 15, 2019:
We may never know, especially if we wipe out all species, but the ones we have stupidized for food. Saw an arrogant video on a tree falling in the forest and the definition of sound needing a receptor, and since no humans no sound. I cry bull, squirrels etc, even insects hear.
I wish I could remember, how many do?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 15, 2019:
Yep. At the elementary there was a strip of land then the farmer's field and ever once in a while you could make it to the field.
[] 10 Best Shakespeare Movies
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 14, 2019:
There was a playback error. Here is possibly, mojo, up? No Henry V is a travesty. Titus is outstanding and the most bloody of all. The 90's RIchard the III is brilliant. I enjoy Branaugh's Hamlet, but I really like Kevin Kline in the PBS version from 90. And Olivier, a marvelous actor, did not produce the full plays, cutting a lot out of them, especially his Hamlet which won an oscar. Side note - Olivia De Hussy was 17 when she did the 68 Romeo and Juliet, thus her exposed breast is, by the statute of law, child pornography. Think about that.
This is sooo true.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 14, 2019:
Edited term paper: If it were possible for me to complete the task and do as requested, I would do so in an expedient and jovial manner, alas at this time and at this juncture of my life and of the Earth's movements through space and time I am unable to complete the said task as requested.
There are no secular country artists left in this world. Prove me wrong.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 14, 2019:
so many old timers, mostly blues and country, who fit that are dead..........Maybe KD Lang or the Dixie Chicks? Pete Wernick, "Dr. Banjo" from bluegrass still alive but his harmonica player died a few years ago How about Samuel L Jackson - sings and plays guitar here
Anarchy Cat . .
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 14, 2019:
Remember this coming election - vote your heart in the primary, and if that fails, vote your brain in the election: be pragmatic and dump tRump.
Shakespeare was kinda violent. []
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 14, 2019:
Best and most violence in Titus.
Who grew up watching this show?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 14, 2019:
For sure. My best friend Dave did a passable imitation as a kid.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 14, 2019:
One step at a time. Took me years. Feel pretty good now.
Diocese of Brooklyn: SNL Must Apologize for the “Harassment” by Pete Davidson | Hemant Mehta | ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 14, 2019:
Take note...............sexual abusers are on the offensive, just like their god, tRump.
Two wrongs don't make a right, take your parents as an example.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 14, 2019:
A truer statement has never been said. I mean really, just look at my sister.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 14, 2019:
Good post. Thank you. I will share with my math prof son.
Should You Tell Your Partner Everything?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 14, 2019:
Why make your significant other an accomplice. Really, should they need to make an untenable decision or end up in prison?
Do we know if Socrates was a historical character or a literary device used by Plato?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 14, 2019:
Like any ancient character or personage, there are varying schools of thought. Some, like for jesus are easier to show that there is no evidence. For Socrates, though, there is more evidence for him than for the king of jews. That said, there are those with credible arguments against. He is mentioned in at least three plays, which again may not be real proof..............etc. Anyway, here is a pretty good summary argument for him being real.
These Celebrities Can Prove That Time Travel is Absolutely Real -
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 14, 2019:
Naa. A picture of two pepperoni pizzas still looks similar with the same ingredients.
Frank Cali, reputed Gambino crime family boss, fatally shot outside Staten Island home: reports
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 14, 2019:
Unless the FBI has a current and active investigation with taps, etc, this most likely won't be solved: good pros leave little evidence, and the regular cops are too busy solving other crimes and murders that affect the common people.
Do you want a replacement foreskin?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 14, 2019:
Ack, ugh and ouch. Anyone read Michner's The Source and remember what happened to the Jewish athlete who gets a foreskin sewn on? I looked, the Greeks did do that- lots of infection death.'s disgusting..
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 14, 2019:
The evangelical right loves locking up people - abortionists, women who get abortions, sassy people of color, Muslims, non xtions in general, gays, etc.
Curious on people's thoughts on this: [] Feel free to weigh in.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 14, 2019:
Sadly someone will most likely go to jail. We are a land of law, supposedly (maybe the shooter will be a rich white guy). People just can't go around shooting people, no matter the emotional feeling for the revenge. Hopefully, the law will take into account the mitigating circumstances.
In what ways has your non-theist beliefs affected your daily interactions?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 14, 2019:
I never give prayers. Thoughts while meditation maybe. Just ignore most people. I had one friend who told me my thoughts,were more appreciatived thsn most people's prayers. Honest with friends, usually silent unless the person is an ass.
It’s only heroin!
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 14, 2019:
Those folks are that crazy.
This college scam stuff is not news to anyone who knows how legacy admissions work and so on.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 14, 2019:
My kids didn't even try for the Ivys, even one a valedictorian and an other with a couple years of high level college math. The system is draining and rigged as you say. Both boys got very good scholarships from an excellent and small liberal arts school which cost more than my salary. My math son then got paid to PHD at Temple and is a math prof (He is also an athlete - could have gotten a division 2 free ride for soccer, but didn't). I remember when I applied for schools in HS, I got offered a 50% tuition cut at a well known Catholic college - but they rescinded the offer once they found out I wasn't Catholic. All for the best, I wasn't ready, did the Navy then college.
Trump grounds those airplanes.... Finally did something right! Too little, too late?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 14, 2019:
Late and needed pressure. He didn't cause any crashes, the world hasn't done much either. No credit for being forced into the right thing. Trump also praised the "great" company of Boeing. However, with new pilot reports coming out, there may be a question on what Boeing knew or covered up.
Chickens kill fox. How's that for a headline! []
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 13, 2019:
Chickens will defend themselves. They will also attack an injured chicken if it is bleeding. They are not known for being nice.
Bible signed by Trump sells on eBay for $325
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 13, 2019:
I hope the seller was an anti maga atheist. Doubtful though as there would have been checks "at the door."
This must be the time of the greatest number of political agnostics throughout history.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 13, 2019:
Many days I envy the Brits. At least you can have this conversation. In the states, we have a pompus POS posing as a leader signing bibles (with historic support by evangelicals) while consistently breaking all of the "rules" of the hypocritical churches.
Russia introduces chemical castration for pedophiles — RT World News
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 13, 2019:
Link wouldn't come up. Anyway, many places including here in the US have used chemical castration in varying forms for quite awhile. I've nothing against using it, but don't think it is a cureall. Not by a long shot. A pedophile is sick and their sickness makes them the most likely of criminals to have the highest rate of recidivism. Remember, they don't need their dck to cause harm. That type of program has been used in the US to allow guys to stay out of jail. Not always a wise choice. So, simply put, it is a program that has some use, some varying success, and shouldn't be counted on to stop a problem. Personally, I'm extremely liberal on jail reform and sentencing of offenses EXCEPT for pedophiles who are too often released early because full prisons need space for mandatory bull shit drug offenders.
Meet the First Gold digger of the United States
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 12, 2019:
Jerry Falwell Jr probably lusts in his heart while showering with that photo.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 12, 2019:
Especially the ones in league with Sinister Pharma.
Beware the ides of March, ...... anyone recognise Charlton Heston? []
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 12, 2019:
Mark Antony
Impeaching Trump "just not worth it" says Nancy Pelosi.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 12, 2019:
Not a supporter a realist. He has his staunch assholes and protection in the Senate. Let Mueller do his damage, then await the N.Y. attorney general from whom his family can not get pardoned. Beat him on election day and let the law ruin him as it catches up - Keep his gun toting loonies off the streets
Safety first and ?‍♀️ moments - part 4
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 12, 2019:
Having done masonry, I love the books. You do realize if they had simply covered that with morter no one would have noticed. Once tearing down, to replace, a block wall, we discovered that areas supposed to be full of cement were newspaper filler with cement in top. The wall to be replaced was about 25 years old.
Jesus Christ: How Much History, How Much Myth?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 12, 2019:
Jesus is too similar to past characters and myths, dating at least into ancient Egypt. There is no concrete evidence Jesus ever existed. The evidence mostly used is by a historian born a hundred years later. At least Buddha has a guy who can be located historically if not his sayings or actions. Both Jesus and Buddah share traits of a long ago created figure though. Unless some solid evidence shows up Jesus should be seen like Beowulf, a literary character meant to instruct, and surrounded with some historical people and events.
King James everyone.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 12, 2019:
Yep. And it is considered by bibly experts to be the worst translation, which I believe just makes it even more loved by the evangelical branch
Catholic Leaders Demand ‘SNL’ Apologize For “Alarming” Sex Abuse Joke [deadline.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 12, 2019:
SNL should double down and do a joke about this and its hypocrisy.
True. Very true.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 11, 2019:
That is true, and what is sadder is that most who decide to embark on such a journey accept that as an acceptable loss.
What’s the difference between making a wish in a wishing well and saying a prayer?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 11, 2019:
Somebody collects the coins in the well and uses them, maybe for something good.
Can someone put Gareth to bed?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 11, 2019:
Put up a net, start collecting hats. Best of luck.
Today I had a burrito!
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 11, 2019:
Can't beat a good burrito. Best within one to to hundred miles in York and Lancaster, Pennsylvania is Roburritos. Damn good meal.
I was talking with a friend over on my FB page about Meatloaf and I replied thus: "Yep, one of the ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 11, 2019:
Nice. Saw Meatloaf right before radio play, in Seattle, at a 99 cent "Meatloaf Special" performance. A friend from the Midwest had heard of him and insisted we go. ?
Feline science of reasoning !
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 11, 2019:
You have to love your cat. Too true.
How do you know who to believe anymore?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 11, 2019:
The Red Cross is not involved in any of these aid shipments. I ask, what does that little tidbit say about them?
I hate Daylight Savings time.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 10, 2019:
It is a stupid relic of the past.
What is the difference of significant importance between a handshake and having protected vaginal ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 10, 2019:
HIV syphilis gonorrhea etc. Versus the flu
World Naked Gardening Day is back for 2019! Are you in? - Lincolnshire Live
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 10, 2019:
No, I have sunburned my ass once, truth.
My response to a person who complains about scientists being skeptical about UFO's: .
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 10, 2019:
It is a one horned animal, thus a unicorn
Around 1980, when I was in the navy I worked as a cook on the USS John F Kennedy aircraft carrier.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 10, 2019:
East coast right? Did liberty boats in the Pacific and Indian- Africa (lots of sharks)
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