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Would you say that, given your knowledge, etc, of the Goat-herder's Guide to the Galaxy ( Bible) and...
brentan comments on Feb 8, 2019:
In all fairness, goat-herders did not write the Old Testament scriptures. The scriptures were conceived and written by educated, pious people who wanted to project meaning into their lives at a time when they were living in exile around the 6th century BCE.
Triphid replies on Feb 9, 2019:
@brentan My dear Sir, there is an old saying that goes something like, " There are none so dumb that than those who simply REFUSE to listen or Learn," so, if you do NOT mind, I think I may go and watch the grass grow for I feel it may be far more productive in many ways.
I just read a disturbing post from one of our Agnostic Ladies whom I have great respect for.
Mooolah comments on Feb 9, 2019:
Yep. They are out there. It is up to us to hold the line for freedom & justice for all. A man I really admire here also revealed himself to be unsupportive of Israel, the ONLY democracy in the area.
Triphid replies on Feb 9, 2019:
@Countrywoman There NEVER was a country named 'Israel' UNTIL AFTER W.W.II when the Balfour Accord came into being and the land, now known as Israel was STOLEN from the original peoples knowns as the Palestinians. Just as the Native American Indians fought to retain their own Tribal Lands against the land-grabbing European Settlers the Palestinians are fighting to regain their Identity, Rights and Freedoms from the Jewish Invaders. The Jewish - Palestinian War was begun by the Jewish Invaders in late 1947-early 1948 when antagonistic Jewish Zealots in a number of settlements agitated and stirred the settlers into hostile actions against their Palestinian neighbors. The whole then then escalated and has since continued with the U.S.A, being one of the prime suppliers of both financial and ordnance support, etc, for the Jewish side of the war.
Would you say that, given your knowledge, etc, of the Goat-herder's Guide to the Galaxy ( Bible) and...
brentan comments on Feb 8, 2019:
In all fairness, goat-herders did not write the Old Testament scriptures. The scriptures were conceived and written by educated, pious people who wanted to project meaning into their lives at a time when they were living in exile around the 6th century BCE.
Triphid replies on Feb 9, 2019:
@brentan Just watched it and, A) there was no Iran or Iraq or even Persia at that time mentioned in Prophecies of Daniel, there WAS only Mesopotamia divided into separate nations/cultures, b) as we all, we most of us do, Prophecies are just that, Prophecies, NOT actual histories but merely HOPEFUL GUESSES/Dreams at the very least and are NOT the visions given by some Imaginary, Invisible Sky Dwelling Supreme Being that is non-existent, c) given that I am, as are quite a number of other TRUE Scholars, quite conversant with Cuneiform and both able to read, decipher and translate it as well as Egyptian Hieroglyphics ( both the Hieratic and Demotic) and that the true 'diplomatic' language of that era was Aramaic, the original language from which both Arabic, Hebrew, etc, sprang in the late 5th Century B.C.E. but only as a common method among traders at markets, etc, btw, and last but by no means least, d) history has proven that ONLY 30 of the so-called Leaders of the refusal to pay tribute were taken as hostages, NOT the almost entire 13, yes, THIRTEEN tribes of the land then known as Phoenicia and Philistia NOT Judaea or Israel ( especially NOT Israel since that only came into being AFTER W.W.II and the Balfour Accord btw), ergo 'biblical history' is complete wrong to say the very least. Now, my dear Sir, I humbly suggest that you at least TRY to read something far more enlightening than Mythology and Religion for a change, it MAY help with your understanding of Human history, etc.
Would you say that, given your knowledge, etc, of the Goat-herder's Guide to the Galaxy ( Bible) and...
brentan comments on Feb 8, 2019:
In all fairness, goat-herders did not write the Old Testament scriptures. The scriptures were conceived and written by educated, pious people who wanted to project meaning into their lives at a time when they were living in exile around the 6th century BCE.
Triphid replies on Feb 9, 2019:
@brentan Brentan, so nice to see that you have ACTUALLY learned to use the correct dating notation of B.C.E. ( Before Common Era) than the IMPOSED arcane, archaic B.C. ( Before Christ) dating notation. However, I hazard to say that merely reading Religion, Mythology and Psychology are NOT the best foundation for knowledge of REAL History.
Would you say that, given your knowledge, etc, of the Goat-herder's Guide to the Galaxy ( Bible) and...
brentan comments on Feb 8, 2019:
In all fairness, goat-herders did not write the Old Testament scriptures. The scriptures were conceived and written by educated, pious people who wanted to project meaning into their lives at a time when they were living in exile around the 6th century BCE.
Triphid replies on Feb 9, 2019:
@brentan Actual HISTORICAL and Archeological records not those purely mythological Hebrew stories.
Why is it that nearly all of the ladies who show up with high compatibility scores for me are in ...
Triphid comments on Feb 9, 2019:
Jeez mate, you think you've got it bad, I live in Far Western N.S.W. Australia and the nearest female member to where I am is over 1,100 kms away, there are none within even cooee distance of me.
Triphid replies on Feb 9, 2019:
@mischl That's why we call American Males overs out here, they are, Over-paid, Over-Fed and bloody well all OVER our Women. Btw, we also have another nickname for Yanks out this way, we call them Seppos, short for Septic Tanks. No offence meant to the decent Americans of course, just the ones that are so full of 'it.'
Would you say that, given your knowledge, etc, of the Goat-herder's Guide to the Galaxy ( Bible) and...
brentan comments on Feb 8, 2019:
In all fairness, goat-herders did not write the Old Testament scriptures. The scriptures were conceived and written by educated, pious people who wanted to project meaning into their lives at a time when they were living in exile around the 6th century BCE.
Triphid replies on Feb 9, 2019:
@brentan I'd hazard that given my degrees in both Ancient and Modern History plus my ThD that I might know a wee bit more about the so-called 'biblical' history than Google.
Try this to weed out on the scammers ladies!
Triphid comments on Feb 9, 2019:
Or have him collected by the local Poundkeeper instead....LOL.
Triphid replies on Feb 9, 2019:
@AntaresRose Out here in the Aussie Outback we'd probably dump shit like them down the nearest disused mine shaft and then fill it in.
Words to live by
mzbehavin comments on Feb 9, 2019:
I don't agree. Sounds like the, "god never closes a door that he doesn't open a window" bs. There are lots of tasks ahead that people are not strong enough to deal with. Cancer, death of a child, abuse, just to name a few. If this were true suicide would not exist.
Triphid replies on Feb 9, 2019:
@mzbehavin Sorry about that, I think I was on the wrong page at the time, computer keeps going tRumpo from time to time.
Would you say that, given your knowledge, etc, of the Goat-herder's Guide to the Galaxy ( Bible) and...
Moravian comments on Feb 9, 2019:
"goat herders guide to the galaxy" love it. I'll borrow that if I may.
Triphid replies on Feb 9, 2019:
Feel most free and welcome to do so any time you wish my friend, any time you wish.
Would you say that, given your knowledge, etc, of the Goat-herder's Guide to the Galaxy ( Bible) and...
brentan comments on Feb 8, 2019:
In all fairness, goat-herders did not write the Old Testament scriptures. The scriptures were conceived and written by educated, pious people who wanted to project meaning into their lives at a time when they were living in exile around the 6th century BCE.
Triphid replies on Feb 9, 2019:
@brentan Yes and probably proof that Noah's Ark rests in the mountains of Anatolia as well.
Would you say that, given your knowledge, etc, of the Goat-herder's Guide to the Galaxy ( Bible) and...
genessa comments on Feb 8, 2019:
i am not familiar with most of what christians call the new testament, and of course old testament does not describe the hebrew bible, with which i am more familiar, and which is the only bible on which judaism is based at all (i think islam gives a nod or two to jesus). i agree the god of the ...
Triphid replies on Feb 9, 2019:
@genessa Which has never happened and more than likely never will.
Words to live by
mzbehavin comments on Feb 9, 2019:
I don't agree. Sounds like the, "god never closes a door that he doesn't open a window" bs. There are lots of tasks ahead that people are not strong enough to deal with. Cancer, death of a child, abuse, just to name a few. If this were true suicide would not exist.
Triphid replies on Feb 9, 2019:
Have you ever been personally involved with children, in particular, battling for THEIR lives against cancers, etc, I have.
Would you say that, given your knowledge, etc, of the Goat-herder's Guide to the Galaxy ( Bible) and...
genessa comments on Feb 8, 2019:
i am not familiar with most of what christians call the new testament, and of course old testament does not describe the hebrew bible, with which i am more familiar, and which is the only bible on which judaism is based at all (i think islam gives a nod or two to jesus). i agree the god of the ...
Triphid replies on Feb 9, 2019:
@genessa Yes, but are not the Laws of the Hebrews/Jews ALL contained within the Talmud? E.G. "No Hebrew/Jew shall profit by loaning to a fellow Hebrew/Jew money for that is against Hebrew Law, BUT he may make as much profit as he can from loans made to the Gentiles."
Try this to weed out on the scammers ladies!
Triphid comments on Feb 9, 2019:
Or have him collected by the local Poundkeeper instead....LOL.
Triphid replies on Feb 9, 2019:
@AntaresRose Nope, way too kind and humane for 45 and Co. Put the lot in a huge cage suspended over an Alkaline Lake in the blazing summer heat with only 2 litres of water and loaf of stale, mildew encrusted bread between them then turn your back, walk away and forget them completely.
Does anyone else find it ironic that a man who has been accused by 17 different women of rape, ...
kiramea comments on Feb 9, 2019:
Current Christianity has nothing to do with Jesus. It's all about me, me, me and how much money/power can I get out of the stupid.
Triphid replies on Feb 9, 2019:
@Mortal Old 'Gut-shot' Reagan was a total dip-shit idiot but tRump somehow manages to make even him look intelligent from time to time.
So a right wing think tank funded by rich white Australians has written a piece in the Age ...
Simmer51 comments on Feb 7, 2019:
I was very interested in the Get Up organization, they have a similar colour scheme to that of the New Democratic Party in Canada. Just sayin'. But the irony of the name Advance Australia it quite something. Of course there is the Anthem and the animals in the emblem. I was told that the Kangaroo ...
Triphid replies on Feb 9, 2019:
@FrayedBear Thank you, I tried my very best on that one.
Would you say that, given your knowledge, etc, of the Goat-herder's Guide to the Galaxy ( Bible) and...
brentan comments on Feb 8, 2019:
In all fairness, goat-herders did not write the Old Testament scriptures. The scriptures were conceived and written by educated, pious people who wanted to project meaning into their lives at a time when they were living in exile around the 6th century BCE.
Triphid replies on Feb 9, 2019:
@brentan Well, since there never has any evidence, Archaeological or Historic ( other than the Mythology of the bible), of either the Hebrews being enslaved in Ancient Egypt or being captives in Babylon/Mesopotamia, etc, then one, with their RIGHT mind in full use can simply dismiss those claims as 100% erroneous to say the least, as can 100% of the claims made by the bible and Xstian religion in my honest and very well educated opinion.
Would you say that, given your knowledge, etc, of the Goat-herder's Guide to the Galaxy ( Bible) and...
genessa comments on Feb 8, 2019:
i am not familiar with most of what christians call the new testament, and of course old testament does not describe the hebrew bible, with which i am more familiar, and which is the only bible on which judaism is based at all (i think islam gives a nod or two to jesus). i agree the god of the ...
Triphid replies on Feb 9, 2019:
Well, the FIRST 5 books of the Xstian Bible, the Pentateuch, are somewhat loosely lifted and based upon the Hebrew Torah.
Summer is coming, time to get ready for the beach. This guy blew it.
JeffMesser comments on Feb 8, 2019:
If he is comfortable then more power to him. I'm a fat guy and it's bullsh!t how people try to shame you into not feeling free to be comfortable. Except in court I wear whatever the hell I want and anyone else can kiss my fat patootie. Dont like it, don't look. We fat people don't dress to please ...
Triphid replies on Feb 8, 2019:
@creative51 Ditto, though I wouldn't even accept doing that even as a dare with a prize of millions.
Would you say that, given your knowledge, etc, of the Goat-herder's Guide to the Galaxy ( Bible) and...
brentan comments on Feb 8, 2019:
In all fairness, goat-herders did not write the Old Testament scriptures. The scriptures were conceived and written by educated, pious people who wanted to project meaning into their lives at a time when they were living in exile around the 6th century BCE.
Triphid replies on Feb 8, 2019:
Biblically ASSUMED exile, but never ever proven to be a factual exile.
Summer is coming, time to get ready for the beach. This guy blew it.
JeffMesser comments on Feb 8, 2019:
If he is comfortable then more power to him. I'm a fat guy and it's bullsh!t how people try to shame you into not feeling free to be comfortable. Except in court I wear whatever the hell I want and anyone else can kiss my fat patootie. Dont like it, don't look. We fat people don't dress to please ...
Triphid replies on Feb 8, 2019:
@creative51 My comment above wasn't intended as 'fat shaming' just that the bathing suit was not one that anyone in their right frame of mind would wear publicly in my opinion. And, btw, I am a wee bit on the excessive weight sized as well.
On the Zodiac I'm a Gemini. Whats yours?
DeStijl comments on Feb 8, 2019:
I don't really care but my birthday is coming up-- March 1.
Triphid replies on Feb 8, 2019:
Happy Birthday to you in advance from me.
Endless war . . .
Donna_I comments on Feb 8, 2019:
must feed the industrial beast!
Triphid replies on Feb 8, 2019:
Very much like one of favorite Julian Lennon songs, " Keep the People Working," from his album " Help Yourself."
So a right wing think tank funded by rich white Australians has written a piece in the Age ...
Simmer51 comments on Feb 7, 2019:
I was very interested in the Get Up organization, they have a similar colour scheme to that of the New Democratic Party in Canada. Just sayin'. But the irony of the name Advance Australia it quite something. Of course there is the Anthem and the animals in the emblem. I was told that the Kangaroo ...
Triphid replies on Feb 8, 2019:
True, the 'roo and emu cannot move backwards unlike most of the Australian Political Parties who seem to be eternally stuck in reverse gear these days.
So a right wing think tank funded by rich white Australians has written a piece in the Age ...
Simmer51 comments on Feb 7, 2019:
I was very interested in the Get Up organization, they have a similar colour scheme to that of the New Democratic Party in Canada. Just sayin'. But the irony of the name Advance Australia it quite something. Of course there is the Anthem and the animals in the emblem. I was told that the Kangaroo ...
Triphid replies on Feb 8, 2019:
@FrayedBear Poor Old Clive, been in a VERY long and erotic relationship with his own 'Mrs. Palmer and her 5 daughters' for way, way too long in my opinion.
There are good things in the world.
Triphid comments on Feb 3, 2019:
It was the look on my dog's face that stopped me from suicide a few months after my daughter had passed away, the look, to me anyway, was kind of like her was asking "If you die, who will love me and who will I have to love back?" Old Charlie, my treasured and cherished Blue Heeler, by my side ...
Triphid replies on Feb 7, 2019:
@Alvinsmama Before he got started there was a plague of stray and feral cats in this neighborhood and everyone was complaining but nothing was done. Everyone had to spray down around the front of their houses every morning with a strong solution of bleach and hydrogen peroxide because of tomcat urine smell. At least with Charlies talent I found out that dead cats, once buried deep enough, make excellent, ready to use fertilizer for newly planted trees and shrubs around my yard.
A good friend of mine headed up the Emergency Dept at a hospital in Toronto and he would sometimes ...
MerlinZap comments on Feb 7, 2019:
People do crazy things.
Triphid replies on Feb 7, 2019:
Oh, you're not kidding there my friend, you ARE definitely not kidding in the least.
My own hand-painted mural decorating my hallway.
Surfpirate comments on Feb 7, 2019:
Isn't that Anubis weighing the souls of the dead?
Triphid replies on Feb 7, 2019:
Yes, But Anubis only weighed the heart of the dead in Ancient Egyptian Mythology since the heart was believed to contain both the good and bad of the living person.
My own hand-painted mural decorating my hallway.
MerlinZap comments on Feb 7, 2019:
Fairly graphic...
Triphid replies on Feb 7, 2019:
@MerlinZap I've lost count of the number of hours spent on doing the mural, it was a kind of therapy for my insomnia period after my daughter passed away, I'd usually only get between 3 and 4 hours sleep per week so I started doing the mural whilst the world outside slept.
My own hand-painted mural decorating my hallway.
MerlinZap comments on Feb 7, 2019:
Fairly graphic...
Triphid replies on Feb 7, 2019:
Graphic, how? It is a depiction of the Ancient Egyptian Myth of Creation, Living, Hoping, Death and Final Judgement when read from top left through to bottom right as found on the wall of the Tomb of Ramses the Great.
My own hand-painted mural decorating my hallway.
MissKathleen comments on Feb 7, 2019:
You can walk like an Egyptian down the hallway.
Triphid replies on Feb 7, 2019:
Well, anyone can walk like an Egyptian since they would have walked pretty much the same we do now....LOL.
Sorry squito!
KKGator comments on Feb 5, 2019:
I guess, "Die, motherfucker!", doesn't fit the theme.
Triphid replies on Feb 7, 2019:
@KKGator Hey, at least the C.S.I.R.O. got a spider to start extracting venom from and create an antivenom for its bite though.
Drove this beauty off the lot yesterday - all mine now! Next up - outfitting her for life on the ...
Triphid comments on Feb 5, 2019:
Very nice, how does it travel?
Triphid replies on Feb 7, 2019:
@bubaj50 Mine was registered and drivable, travelled many, many places in it, clocked up over 180,000 miles before I needed to sell it because I started a family. The next owner used it as well for many years. Mine had all the accoutrements needed for travelling around the Aussie outback, a nice comfortable bed, a toilet, kitchenette, cupboards, a roof that could raised or lowered, a settee for 3 people, etc, and a shade canopy that rolled out from one side of the vehicle as well.
Writing on the walls of your home is only acceptable if you are in a Stanley Kubrick movie.
Triphid comments on Feb 6, 2019:
So what does it say about painting murals on the walls of your home then? I have murals all over the walls of my hallway, painted by my own hand.
Triphid replies on Feb 7, 2019:
@CaroleKay Thank you, much appreciate you kind comment.
There are good things in the world.
Triphid comments on Feb 3, 2019:
It was the look on my dog's face that stopped me from suicide a few months after my daughter had passed away, the look, to me anyway, was kind of like her was asking "If you die, who will love me and who will I have to love back?" Old Charlie, my treasured and cherished Blue Heeler, by my side ...
Triphid replies on Feb 7, 2019:
@Alvinsmama My dear Lady, I don't mean nor intend to sound derisive, dismissive, denigrative, etc, etc, but please excuse my usage of sarcasm when I ask most sincerely, Where exactly is this Utopian Land in which you dwell?
So we not gonna talk about the Pope admitting the nuns were sex slaves???? Oh, ok... ?☕️
thinktwice comments on Feb 6, 2019:
Not the nuns I had in way...they were way cool...
Triphid replies on Feb 7, 2019:
@thinktwice Er, since when and where did I say the word "all" in my comments, etc?
So we not gonna talk about the Pope admitting the nuns were sex slaves???? Oh, ok... ?☕️
thinktwice comments on Feb 6, 2019:
Not the nuns I had in way...they were way cool...
Triphid replies on Feb 7, 2019:
@thinktwice They MAY have seemed so to you, etc, but it IS what goes on behind the scenes that is in question here. I grew up in a house that backed onto a Catholic School with the Ministers Residence right next door to it. Our house, and my bedroom, stood on a much higher piece of land than did the Catholic School, etc, and having recurrent bouts of Pneumonia and Bronchitis throughout the years of my childhood I was forced to stay in my bedroom and my only view was that of the School, etc, the goings on I saw , were I to write a book, it would be classed as XXX rated BEFORE it ever hit the shelves OR have innumerable bans placed on it by the Catholic Church. By Canon Law your beloved and admired Nuns ARE forced to wear 'two hats,' i.e. the hat of sexual availability to the Priests when NOT in public, etc, and, b) the 'hat' of piety, purity, morality, etc, when in public. The Catholic Church and its nefarious goings on, etc, are darker and more vile than the deepest pits of any coal mine and you can be assured of that fact.
So we not gonna talk about the Pope admitting the nuns were sex slaves???? Oh, ok... ?☕️
MsHoliday comments on Feb 6, 2019:
Why would anyone support the Catholic church is the real mystery.
Triphid replies on Feb 7, 2019:
Shouldn't supporting such a vile Criminal Organization, as the Catholic Church has shown itself to be, be classified, legally as a) Aiding and Abetting a criminal act/s, and, b) being an accomplice to a crime/crimes both before, during AND after the fact? Just think, IF that were so then EVERY ONE of those Self-righteous, Ring Kissing Catholics everywhere would be leaving their beloved church and religion in droves.
So we not gonna talk about the Pope admitting the nuns were sex slaves???? Oh, ok... ?☕️
thinktwice comments on Feb 6, 2019:
Not the nuns I had in way...they were way cool...
Triphid replies on Feb 6, 2019:
Don't bet on it, you'd lose your money quick as Pan.
Drove this beauty off the lot yesterday - all mine now! Next up - outfitting her for life on the ...
Triphid comments on Feb 5, 2019:
Very nice, how does it travel?
Triphid replies on Feb 6, 2019:
@bubaj50 Not if you compare it to the 30+ mpg I once got from 1964 VW Kombi, decked out for traveling and the 1600 motor replaced with a 2.4 litre Porsche engine, rear wheel drive version of course, perfect fit plus converted from 6 volts to 12 volts, better lighting for night driving, etc.
Sorry squito!
KKGator comments on Feb 5, 2019:
I guess, "Die, motherfucker!", doesn't fit the theme.
Triphid replies on Feb 6, 2019:
@KKGator Mine was pretty bloody horrible, it oozed pus and serum for days even weeks after treatment, couldn't wear socks and it was in the middle of winter here, had have dressings done 3 times per day for over a month until it started to clear up finally.
It’s important
Skeezwazzle comments on Feb 6, 2019:
I didn't know anyone else like their butt touched-- harder time trying to find someone who will and want to! ??
Triphid replies on Feb 6, 2019:
All volunteers take one step forward after me please.
Gotta love music humor.
Mokvon comments on Feb 6, 2019:
"Spare him his life from this monstrosity"
Triphid replies on Feb 6, 2019:
"Mamma mia, mamma mia………"
There are good things in the world.
Triphid comments on Feb 3, 2019:
It was the look on my dog's face that stopped me from suicide a few months after my daughter had passed away, the look, to me anyway, was kind of like her was asking "If you die, who will love me and who will I have to love back?" Old Charlie, my treasured and cherished Blue Heeler, by my side ...
Triphid replies on Feb 6, 2019:
@Alvinsmama Oh there's nothing worse than other people's cats straying around the neighborhood killing birds, etc, and just leaving the dead bodies everywhere or bloody Tom cats howling, fighting or pissing on the front of the house. If people want to have cats then keep them inside or in escape proof runs outside, dog owner are required by Law to keep their dogs confined to their own property so why not the for cats as well.
Flirting with death...
Triphid comments on Feb 5, 2019:
Are you sure that is Death and not a Muslim woman on her way to do a bit of gardening....LOL
Triphid replies on Feb 6, 2019:
@snytiger6 Dangerous to flirt with ANY woman hold a long sharp object in my opinion...LOL.
Writing on the walls of your home is only acceptable if you are in a Stanley Kubrick movie.
Triphid comments on Feb 6, 2019:
So what does it say about painting murals on the walls of your home then? I have murals all over the walls of my hallway, painted by my own hand.
Triphid replies on Feb 6, 2019:
@CaroleKay And my rendition of the Egyptian paintings in the tomb of Ramses the Great, all my murals are painted by hand using brushes and mostly acrylics and house paints. Mind you, I'm only an amateur and only ever given away my artworks to those who appreciate them.
Writing on the walls of your home is only acceptable if you are in a Stanley Kubrick movie.
Triphid comments on Feb 6, 2019:
So what does it say about painting murals on the walls of your home then? I have murals all over the walls of my hallway, painted by my own hand.
Triphid replies on Feb 6, 2019:
@CaroleKay Unfortunately I can't find the photos of my hallway murals at present, so I'll take some more later and post them for you. But here a some of my outside mural, a job in the process, which, for some strange reason, seems to get a lot of attention from passers-by and tourists alike. From left to right, the beginning to the penultimate stage, the final stage will, hopefully, begin when the cooler weather sets in around here.
Sorry squito!
KKGator comments on Feb 5, 2019:
I guess, "Die, motherfucker!", doesn't fit the theme.
Triphid replies on Feb 6, 2019:
@KKGator we get white-tailed spiders around here at times and close relatives of theirs from the bush known as the Grey-tail or the Acacia spider, both are nasty rotten little buggers and a Grey-tail bit me about 7 years ago now, it was just two tiny prick like marks at first but within 24 hours my lower right leg had swollen to about 3 times its normal size, I could barely walk but managed to get a taxi to take to the local A&E Department where they started me on I.V. Antibiotics twice per day for a week, no antivenom because I couldn't identify the spider at the time, but about 4 days later I found the little bugger hiding the sock I was wearing. The Hospital contacted the C.S.I.R.O. and they immediately asked if it was still alive, which it was, so they then requested that it be shipped to them asap as they had no venom from such a spider to use to create an antivenom from. Like yours mine is starting to fade slowly but the scars are still visible where necrosis of the skin was at its worst.
Sorry squito!
KKGator comments on Feb 5, 2019:
I guess, "Die, motherfucker!", doesn't fit the theme.
Triphid replies on Feb 5, 2019:
@creative51 Yeah but those are very few and far between, ladybugs are okay, native Australian Honey Bees are okay as are ordinary bees as well but that's about the extent of it.
One of my most favorite songs.
Triphid comments on Feb 5, 2019:
It'd sound great at full volume through my surround sound system I reckon.
Triphid replies on Feb 5, 2019:
@Kynlei More like he needs to a) find a life, and, b) get into reality asap. At the present though it's all quiet from him since he's been away surfing since November, not bad for someone on the Social Security, what do you think?
Drove this beauty off the lot yesterday - all mine now! Next up - outfitting her for life on the ...
Triphid comments on Feb 5, 2019:
Very nice, how does it travel?
Triphid replies on Feb 5, 2019:
@Justjoni Shit, only 15-18mpg that's pretty heavy on juice then.
Sorry squito!
KKGator comments on Feb 5, 2019:
I guess, "Die, motherfucker!", doesn't fit the theme.
Triphid replies on Feb 5, 2019:
It fits perfectly in and around my house, KKGator, I see a bug that doesn't belong and it's Good night Irene Bug time.
One of my most favorite songs.
Triphid comments on Feb 5, 2019:
It'd sound great at full volume through my surround sound system I reckon.
Triphid replies on Feb 5, 2019:
@Kynlei When he, the Evangelist, gets complaining I often respond by playing either the soundtrack of Jeff Wayne's War of the Worlds or Jesus Christ Superstar, both, especially J.C.S are considered as being 'satanic' but J.C.S., in his own words is " Blasphemous, Heretical and an insult to the bible and Xstians alike." He had the E.P.A. come around about 12 months ago to check the Db levels, etc, and even at full volume they gave me a clean bill of health, then he sent his Pastor to my door after that to TRY and get me to ' change my ways' but the Pastor ended up sitting and enjoying a coffee with me whilst listen to some of my favourite tunes which, I might add, he quite enjoyed asked where he could get copies of them from.
You're tastier than you think.
Elganned comments on Feb 5, 2019:
All of which assumes you to be "flavorful", which is not demonstrated; maybe the reason you are rejected is simply because you're an ass. (But then, some people acquire that *taste*, which explains why when I was a lad the assholes got all the girls...) But the view expressed makes the world more...
Triphid replies on Feb 5, 2019:
@ProudMerrie Nothing more 'interesting and attractive than a decent sized 'stern' in my opinion. After all, " the more the padding the better the bounce," LOL.
One of my most favorite songs.
Triphid comments on Feb 5, 2019:
It'd sound great at full volume through my surround sound system I reckon.
Triphid replies on Feb 5, 2019:
@Kynlei I designed and built it myself with a Quadrophonic adaptor I also built. It runs Digital 5.1 Surround Sound from dvds in ways that some 'affionados' can't believe. My first test of it was with the cd of Julian Lennon's 'Rebel King' because of the helicopter fx at the beginning, it even surprised me at first, sadly full volume literally only gets a run very rarely since it rattles everything including windows, furniture, etc, because it pumps out over 350 watts RMS per channel. I also have it hooked up so as I can switch it from just inside the house to outside the house so I can have music whilst working in the gardens, etc, No complaints from most of my neighbors thus far, except for Evangelist neighbor when I play certain types of music that he deems as being 'satanic,' like Julian Lennon, C.C.R. and a few other really well known and respected bands, etc.
Do you think that standing up for Freedom of Religion helps promote Freedom from Religion?
genessa comments on Feb 4, 2019:
freedom of religion INCLUDES freedom from religion. g
Triphid replies on Feb 4, 2019:
Sorry BUT no it does not simply because the Religious are indoctrinated to always push their religion onto others, even if those being pushed don't want it anyway. Ergo, there is NO true Frreedom FROM Religion.
Which is the correct way
Cat021958 comments on Feb 4, 2019:
Obviously 0 is not a number
Triphid replies on Feb 4, 2019:
IF zero is not a number the WHY is it always used in countdown for launches such as at NASA then?
Me, my wool jacket, black lacquer cane, a computer, the library - gentlemen and ladies, it is a good...
Triphid comments on Feb 4, 2019:
Oh you Heathen, going the Library ( the Atheist Temple of Facts and Knowledge) of all places you'll be condemned for all eternity....LOL. Btw, I'll be condemned as well after tomorrow because it's my day to go to the Great Temple as I do every fortnight without fail.
Triphid replies on Feb 4, 2019:
@Jamespuck Ah, nice to see that you are honouring Thoth there. As a wee after note, our local Librarians get a laugh every time I call the Library " The Temple of Thoth."
How do you feel about assisted suicide at the end of your journey in this life.
Sofabeast comments on Feb 4, 2019:
I am in favour of it. However we must be careful about its use and abuse. Firstly, our life belongs to us, and therefore cannot belong to another person or society. Secondly, having seen this from my fathers perspective and that of my wife, who both died at the end of illnesses. He had had his ...
Triphid replies on Feb 4, 2019:
@freeofgod One can be allowed to die with dignity, but death does not bring dignity with it when one is FORCED to linger whilst waiting for it simply because of some archaic Bronze Age system of out-dated, ridiculous belief.
How do you feel about assisted suicide at the end of your journey in this life.
Boomtarat03 comments on Feb 4, 2019:
Death comes in natural way...if its your time then your time but suicide thing is far different...i am a nurse too,caring children with autism.
Triphid replies on Feb 4, 2019:
Have you ever actually sat beside the bed of your only child as he/she is in the final stages of Cancer? I have and it literally tears your heart to pieces as you watch them in pain, slipping in and out of consciousness, with a catheter inserted between her legs as it was with my beloved 16 year old daughter, the bloody indignity of it for a proud and private person such as she, to have to endure.
In mint condition.
Triphid comments on Feb 3, 2019:
Me, I'm definitely one of a kind, a bit battered and worn, a few tattered edges, more creaks and groans than an outside dunny door in a strong wind though.
Triphid replies on Feb 4, 2019:
@Jamespuck Jeez I eat vegetable with almost every meal already and have since childhood, as the s-x bit, like the countryside around here, I've been in a prolonged drought.
Has anyone else found dating to be really difficult these days?
Triphid comments on Feb 2, 2019:
Bloody oath it's tough, especially way out here in Outback of Australia.
Triphid replies on Feb 3, 2019:
@AntaresRose No probs there my friend, happy to oblige.
Was thinking Iwas going to have to keep the shotgun oiled for my daughters sake.
Triphid comments on Feb 3, 2019:
Any boyfriend my daughter brought home was instantly told by me that I had be lamb marking for years and ALWAYS used a very sharp knife to make the cut and then my teeth to grip the testicles while I cut them out. Lorrae would just sit there and quietly smirk whilst the prospective suitor broke ...
Triphid replies on Feb 3, 2019:
No joke there, azzow2 mate, I could average at least 50 male lambs per hour in younger days, before they brought in those elstrator rings, it never hurts a bit, UNLESS you nick your finger or thumb with the knife that is.
Has anyone else found dating to be really difficult these days?
Triphid comments on Feb 2, 2019:
Bloody oath it's tough, especially way out here in Outback of Australia.
Triphid replies on Feb 3, 2019:
@AntaresRose Yeah we get red clay way out here, it's bloody everywhere especially when we get huge dust-storms that roll in from West/South West, this year has been notorious for them since we've been in drought conditions for well over 5 years so far. The countryside out here is dry and dead looking, the native animals like 'roos and emus are dying from thirst and starvation or coming into town looking for water and food all the time. I've had 2 emus come into my yard so far, the buggers ate everything growing in my vegie patches and even pulled out the roots to eat as well. Draw a line due west on the map below between Port Macquarie and the Hunter Valley and you'll hit the name of my home town. The town is situated about where the letter is in the name.
Has anyone else found dating to be really difficult these days?
Triphid comments on Feb 2, 2019:
Bloody oath it's tough, especially way out here in Outback of Australia.
Triphid replies on Feb 3, 2019:
@AntaresRose Tweed Heads, that's near enough to being the Big Smoke. I'm over 1,000 kms away as the crow flies.
Has anyone else found dating to be really difficult these days?
azzow2 comments on Feb 2, 2019:
We are in the same row boat rowing with one oar on this subject.
Triphid replies on Feb 2, 2019:
At least you're not in barbed wire canoe paddling against the flow in shit-creek Mate.
[] Why Nazis are super into NASA.
Triphid comments on Feb 2, 2019:
Hey, IF the Neo-Nazis love it so much then why not the scumbags there to live?
Triphid replies on Feb 2, 2019:
@sassygirl3869 On a One Way ticket of course.
Tell me about your absolute best day ever! How old were you?
Triphid comments on Feb 1, 2019:
12/7/1984 the day my daughter, Lorrae, was born.
Triphid replies on Feb 1, 2019:
@JenBeberstein Thank you for you kind thoughts, I still grieve over losing her but not quite so much as I did in the beginning.
I just read a disturbing article about Antarctica glacial melt rates increasing. We must prepare:
DarrelScott comments on Jan 31, 2019:
We can't stop climate change. It's a natural event. Heck maybe Greenland will be green again like it was 1,100 years ago.
Triphid replies on Feb 1, 2019:
@DarrelScott We had a bloody MASSIVE Hailstorm here about 2 years ago and, to the best of my knowledge, NO solar panels were damaged by hailstones around the size of baseballs, there are still a number of roofing crews working in and around town replacing damaged roofs, mostly the Corrugated Iron types but some tiled roofs as well. I was lucky since my Corrugated Iron roof is done with Industrial Strength and not the usual Domestic Strength.
God I miss cuddles.. sometimes the best part of sex..
Cutiebeauty comments on Feb 1, 2019:
Cuddling and snuggling is the best..... After sex....
Triphid replies on Feb 1, 2019:
@F-IM-Forty Aw, what's a little fart between friends....LOL.
Must be my lucky day, just finished mowing my lawn, kind of a bit long and dryish thanks to Level 1 ...
creative51 comments on Jan 31, 2019:
You have a fair number of venomous snakes over where you are. I guess you have to watch your step and be cautious a bit more then in the US.
Triphid replies on Feb 1, 2019:
@creative51 We also get Red-bellied Black Snakes, about 1.5 - 2 metres long and very nasty as well as highly venomous, Yellow-bellied Black Snakes about the same as their cousins, Eastern Browns, fairly shy but dangerous when cornered, Fierce Snakes, real nasty buggers ( keep clear of those at ALL costs, numerous non-venomous species including my favourite pet as a child, the Desert Python, had one from a hatchling that grew to about 2.5 metres long and was as friendly as any pet dog, plus the sand goannas who will actually climb up your body when cornered and their claws can and do often rip chunks out of your skin as they climb but they are non-venomous as well.
Tell me about your absolute best day ever! How old were you?
Triphid comments on Feb 1, 2019:
12/7/1984 the day my daughter, Lorrae, was born.
Triphid replies on Feb 1, 2019:
@JenBeberstein Only had the one, Lorrae passed from cancer in January 2001, aged just 16 years and 6 months.
Must be my lucky day, just finished mowing my lawn, kind of a bit long and dryish thanks to Level 1 ...
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 1, 2019:
Who told you chickens were vegetarians? Very few birds are...
Triphid replies on Feb 1, 2019:
@AnneWimsey When I can go fishing, and the river water isn't full of toxic Blue Green Algae and killing the fish, we usually catch an average of 1 decent edible native fish to every 10 disgusting, feral, imported European Carp, I keep a few carp to give to the chickens, they strip the carp clean and then devour the bones, etc, at the moment they are getting regular amounts of Shell-grit because there are no carp safe enough to use.
Movie Test! UPDATED How many movies have you seen?
Triphid comments on Feb 1, 2019:
21/50 but my tastes are more diverse than the list, I have over 380 dvds, 6 flashdrives and about 30 old VHS tapes in my collection at present, all of different genres, etc.
Triphid replies on Feb 1, 2019:
@jimdaughters I usually try to buy 2 new dvds every pension day, we can get them for $5 each at a store called Cheap as Chips, mostly excellent quality and some really great movies and docos available.
Why does everybody in the world own a silver 2006 Honda Civic?
Novelty comments on Feb 1, 2019:
Replace a window with a piece of cardboard, it really makes a car stand out in the crowd. Just imagine what it was like when the parking lot was full of model T Fords, they came in two colors, black and dark black.
Triphid replies on Feb 1, 2019:
Ah yes, the old Henry Ford advertising bit, " You can your car in any colour you like just so long as it's black."
I just read a disturbing article about Antarctica glacial melt rates increasing. We must prepare:
DarrelScott comments on Jan 31, 2019:
We can't stop climate change. It's a natural event. Heck maybe Greenland will be green again like it was 1,100 years ago.
Triphid replies on Feb 1, 2019:
@DarrelScott Well, about 20 miles from where I'm sitting we have a Wind Farm of 40 Turbines going and they are far more than enough to supply a city of 100,000 people according to the calculations. A friend of mine owns a Sheep property of 90,000acres, he recently installed enough Solar panels to generate, and they do as well, ALL the 240volt electricity to run everything on his property. Since, we in the Outback of Australia get well over 298 + days of sunshine per year and some of the strongest and most constant winds in the Southern Hemisphere I'd reckon we could just about generate enough electricity to supply the country.
Must be my lucky day, just finished mowing my lawn, kind of a bit long and dryish thanks to Level 1 ...
powder comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Chooks eat anything. They love grass hoppers, I used to catch them for mine. They love fish bones.
Triphid replies on Feb 1, 2019:
@powder Yeah, normally in the cooler weather I average out about 10 - 14 eggs per week from my 8 hens and I usually give them away to families I know that are doing things tough.
Must be my lucky day, just finished mowing my lawn, kind of a bit long and dryish thanks to Level 1 ...
powder comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Chooks eat anything. They love grass hoppers, I used to catch them for mine. They love fish bones.
Triphid replies on Feb 1, 2019:
@powder Should be but the heat has stopped them from laying at the moment unfortunately.
Must be my lucky day, just finished mowing my lawn, kind of a bit long and dryish thanks to Level 1 ...
powder comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Chooks eat anything. They love grass hoppers, I used to catch them for mine. They love fish bones.
Triphid replies on Feb 1, 2019:
@powder Almost, they haven't started eating my laundry as yet, but they manage to almost strip one of my nectarine trees of fruit though, I hope they get a bloody HUGE belly ache for their efforts.
God I miss cuddles.. sometimes the best part of sex..
Cutiebeauty comments on Feb 1, 2019:
Cuddling and snuggling is the best..... After sex....
Triphid replies on Feb 1, 2019:
@Cutiebeauty Yeah, for as long as and as much as possible.
Has anyone here read Edward Gorey's work? That horse would fit right in.
Triphid comments on Jan 31, 2019:
I kind of get the impression that the dog is trying to tell the horse, " Just stay away from my food supply and we'll get along fine, Okay?"
Triphid replies on Feb 1, 2019:
@Hathacat Aw, what a horrible thing to happen, the owner of the pit bull should be forced to pay reparations and stopped from owning dogs ever again in my opinion.
God I miss cuddles.. sometimes the best part of sex..
Cutiebeauty comments on Feb 1, 2019:
Cuddling and snuggling is the best..... After sex....
Triphid replies on Feb 1, 2019:
Before, during and after in my opinion.
Let's stop protecting the superwealthy. This is a no brainer. []
Triphid comments on Jan 31, 2019:
The Wealthy and the Uberrich have the power and the lobbyists to 'persuade' governments to leave loop-holes in the Taxation Systems that should ethically be sealed shut. For example, IF a government decides to give everyone a taxation cut of 5% then it simply means a person earning $10 per hours ...
Triphid replies on Feb 1, 2019:
@BryanLV No my friend no jealousy this way at all, just facts, pure and simple FACTS. Besides the 'Bullshit Emoticon' perhaps, and in my opinion, we may also need a 'shoveling away the Bullshit' Emoticon for when certain people post such utter dribble, don't you agree?
Triphid comments on Feb 1, 2019:
Was wondering where you were, now I know, nice to see you're back though.
Triphid replies on Feb 1, 2019:
@Cutiebeauty My pleasure.
Must be my lucky day, just finished mowing my lawn, kind of a bit long and dryish thanks to Level 1 ...
creative51 comments on Jan 31, 2019:
You have a fair number of venomous snakes over where you are. I guess you have to watch your step and be cautious a bit more then in the US.
Triphid replies on Feb 1, 2019:
@brentan Okay, they call that a Mulga Snake, out here we still call it a King Brown, what we call a Mulga Snake is much smaller, about 3 feet in length, light greyish silver in colour and they inhabit stands of mulga, especially dead mulga where they can crawl up inside to attack bird nests, white ants, lizards, etc. The one that was sliced and diced today by the lawnmower is often called a Saltbush or Spinafex Snake by the really Old Timer Bushies out this way as well.
Must be my lucky day, just finished mowing my lawn, kind of a bit long and dryish thanks to Level 1 ...
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 1, 2019:
Who told you chickens were vegetarians? Very few birds are...
Triphid replies on Feb 1, 2019:
Well the feed I buy for them says it's 'meat free' pellets, maybe that's just to keep the Vegans/Vegies happy and buying eggs...LOL.
Must be my lucky day, just finished mowing my lawn, kind of a bit long and dryish thanks to Level 1 ...
powder comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Chooks eat anything. They love grass hoppers, I used to catch them for mine. They love fish bones.
Triphid replies on Jan 31, 2019:
Mine even pick clean the bones left over after I've roasted a chicken for myself, I just chuck the bones into their coup and it's like watching a school of piranhas.
Must be my lucky day, just finished mowing my lawn, kind of a bit long and dryish thanks to Level 1 ...
DrT comments on Jan 31, 2019:
I am pretty sure my cat would be fine with me dying somewhere she can reach.
Triphid replies on Jan 31, 2019:
That's one of the many reasons why I don't have a cat or cats.
Must be my lucky day, just finished mowing my lawn, kind of a bit long and dryish thanks to Level 1 ...
brentan comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Do you guys have something you can buy that acts as an antidote if you are bitten?
Triphid replies on Jan 31, 2019:
@creative51 Why waste time praying when there is no god, just put a pressure bandage on the wound area and get help asap, BUT most of all DON"T PANIC.
Must be my lucky day, just finished mowing my lawn, kind of a bit long and dryish thanks to Level 1 ...
brentan comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Do you guys have something you can buy that acts as an antidote if you are bitten?
Triphid replies on Jan 31, 2019:
Yeah, antivenom is available at the hospital, a quick phone call and the ambulance will come and get. If you're out in the bush for any length of time it's always advisable to carry a phial of polyvalent antivenom in the first aid kit as well though.
Must be my lucky day, just finished mowing my lawn, kind of a bit long and dryish thanks to Level 1 ...
KKGator comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Chickens are omnivores. Just like humans and pigs.
Triphid replies on Jan 31, 2019:
You're telling me, I've seen mine grab small lizards, grasshoppers, snails and even pick clean the bones my dog used to leave laying around.
Must be my lucky day, just finished mowing my lawn, kind of a bit long and dryish thanks to Level 1 ...
creative51 comments on Jan 31, 2019:
You have a fair number of venomous snakes over where you are. I guess you have to watch your step and be cautious a bit more then in the US.
Triphid replies on Jan 31, 2019:
most snakes out my way usually stay away from towns and cities but because of the drought they seem to coming into town a bit more due to the shortage of water and food out in the bush. Mulga snakes are the real wanders though, small compared to most others, a light greyish silver in colour, averaging about 3 to feet long and pretty nasty and venomous for their size, it's the second one I've had in my yard in 18 years, not a bad run I think.
Interesting and makes me feel good about having no love of eating oysters.
Triphid comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Oysters- snot in a half shell, Escargot(snails) - snot in a crash helmet.
Triphid replies on Jan 31, 2019:
@Hathacat She had quite a 'way' with words, did my daughter.
Interesting and makes me feel good about having no love of eating oysters.
Triphid comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Oysters- snot in a half shell, Escargot(snails) - snot in a crash helmet.
Triphid replies on Jan 31, 2019:
@Hathacat Those 'descriptions' come from daughter when she was aged 10 years and she tried them at school once.
I just read a disturbing article about Antarctica glacial melt rates increasing. We must prepare:
DarrelScott comments on Jan 31, 2019:
We can't stop climate change. It's a natural event. Heck maybe Greenland will be green again like it was 1,100 years ago.
Triphid replies on Jan 31, 2019:
WE can STOP the man-made trends causing the Climatic Shifts that are happening at present, just stop using fossil based fuels such as coal to run power stations and turn to inexpensive alternatives such Solar Energy, Wind Farm Generation, etc, and find more efficient, less exhaust gas producing systems to run cars, etc. Plus, FYI as Elganned just commented, Greenland has been 92% covered in ice and snow for at least the last 40,000 years, it has never a completely green country since then, so please try to get your facts right.
Vatican's Chief Exorcist Warns That Yoga Causes 'Demonic Possession'
SeaGreenEyez comments on Jan 31, 2019:
I wondered why they were advertising training for more Exorcists last year. I see now. Yoga. Those creative demons. ?
Triphid replies on Jan 31, 2019:
Another way for those accursed Crows to get in a quick 'fiddle' perhaps?
Let's stop protecting the superwealthy. This is a no brainer. []
SCal comments on Jan 31, 2019:
This is low hanging fruit. It's easy to blame the rich, but it's a fake argument. If you turn the US into a tax farm, more so than it already is, you will all be looking for jobs. Your jobs will go away to Asia, India and Mexico. This is plainly obvious as it has happened before. He didnt tell that ...
Triphid replies on Jan 31, 2019:
Sorry my friend BUT all I can say to your comment is Where is the " Bullshit Emoticon", in my opinion it IS sorely needed here.
Toilet paper and "courtesy" flush.
Triphid comments on Jan 30, 2019:
So, I presume that you maybe advocating going around with 'dags' dangling from your arse after your last 'offering' to the porcelain 'God.' So, may one ask who get the divine pleasure(???) of washing the 'skid marks' out of your underwear? It is easy to see that you've never had the ...
Triphid replies on Jan 31, 2019:
@zorialoki Could be so, but it's still an Aussie term for a female though.
Greetings from the home of the polar vortex.
powder comments on Jan 30, 2019:
Cannon balls used to be brass and they used to be stacked in a pyramid like shape, called a monkey. When cold, the brass would alter ever so slightly and a cannon ball would roll off eg the expression. From memory, not word perfect but close enough. Should be able to google it.
Triphid replies on Jan 31, 2019:
@RavenCT Shit, we have to know the Road Rules and Laws before we can even get a Learners Permit to start to learn to drive.


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