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Women in Islam are a commodity in the hands of men, created to be a housewife and pleasure only, as ...
bobwjr comments on Feb 21, 2021:
Something by men who can't make it with women, just wrong
Triphid replies on Feb 21, 2021:
As an old jke goes, " Most men who have Camels end up preferring women" ....LOL.
Nashville Pastor Criticized After Admitting the Bible Isn’t the “Word of God” | Hemant Mehta |...
Alienbeing comments on Feb 21, 2021:
Why do Christians think parts of their bible are called "the book of Luke" or the book of Peter? Maybe because those parts were written by Luke & Peter & etc?
Triphid replies on Feb 21, 2021:
Actually NONE of the New Testaments were written by ANY of the so-called Mythical Apostles since it WAS WRITTEN circa 327 C.E. AFTER the Council of Nicaea DECIDED what it should contain as the Bible of the Messianic Sect/Cult which become Christianity ONLY after the 2nd Council of Nicaea decided upon its present name.
I have asked the same question many times
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Feb 19, 2021:
We got store-bought white bread, & water in the moron churches I had to attend.....I could never think of them as anything but what they were.
Triphid replies on Feb 21, 2021:
Was yours FRESH or the Stale, dry old stuff they dished out when I was researching for my ThD at the Moron ( Mormon, sorry typo...LOL) Temple here in Broken Hill?
Just got 'hailed' by the neighbourhood Evangeloon.
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Feb 21, 2021:
This gawd thing sure falls down on the job, huh?
Triphid replies on Feb 21, 2021:
Precisely "Arse up and Tits down" as we say in Australia.
Evangelist: Pray for Me in Asia Because Buddhists Have “Emptiness on the Inside” | Hemant Mehta ...
altschmerz comments on Feb 21, 2021:
One of the commenters on the site said, "Ignorant, arrogant evangelist trying to use words like 'animus' and 'spiritus' to suggest something unholy. 'Animus' simply means (1) hostility or ill feeling or (2) motivation to do something, and 'spiritus' just means breath or spirit." Typical ...
Triphid replies on Feb 21, 2021:
In actual fact the term 'animus' is derived from the Latin word meaning simply personality, impetus, personal psychology/ thought processes and behaviour. I.e. a male person may be described as having both an animus ( masculine attitude/side to their person/personality) and an anima (feminine attitude/side to their person/personality), a female may also have the same as well. Animus/Anima DOES NOT mean " unholy/violent, hostile, etc, as you have attempted to state. For example, Gaius Julius Octavian Caesar, later to be known as Emperor Augustus Caesar btw, was once described as having both an Animus and an Animi as well as having a Cruel, Brutal and Hostile Spiritus or a ROTTEN Soul.
I was in the kitchen having toast and coffee in my slippers and pajamas reading agnostic.
Twitch65 comments on Feb 21, 2021:
Not really a "higher Power", but Intelligent Design is pretty strong, especially if you understand the science behind entropy.
Triphid replies on Feb 21, 2021:
"Intelligent Design" via "entropy" you've got to be joking here. There is NO "Intelligent Design" obvious in either this planet and its myriad of lifeforms NOR the Entire Cosmos, it is all very much a case of "Hit and Miss" evolutionary-wise where NOTHING is certain, NOTHING is Guaranteed, etc, etc. Even we mere mortal Humans are faulty to the maximum, Stars come and go, Comets, Asteroids and the like have, can and do bombard planets all over the Cosmos, Galaxies are known to crash into each other or swallow each other up, Stars (Solar Bodies) have a limited amount of materials to convert into heat, light , etc, then they either collapse and die or expand and swallow up the planets that orbit them before going Super Nova. For example, OUR Solar Body, the Sun, has an estimated 4.5 - 5 Billion years of 'life' left in it BEFORE it swells up and swallows Mercury, Venus, the Earth and possibly Mars as well TERMINATING what ever life is left on Earth permanently.
This is a world wide pandemic.
p-nullifidian comments on Feb 19, 2021:
The trend has always been that the inhabitants of a country in which an advancement was made benefit from them first. One could argue that until herd immunity is achieved in the country of development, vaccines should not be widely exported, particularly in light of the fact that the costs are borne...
Triphid replies on Feb 21, 2021:
@p-nullifidian Well now since humans are animals when it is all boiled down to the basics it IS only logical that this so-called "Herd Immunity" cannot be attained just as for example Drenching Livestock against worm infestations, etc, MUST be repeated over and over EVERY YEAR as each new generation is born and that is just for starters. Plus, as we have already seen very plainly C-19 is mutating into newer variants ergo the Immunity to Variant 1 may quite well be useless/invalid to Variants 2, 3, 4, etc, etc.
The USA does not have a monopoly on raving idiots.
GeorgeRocheleau comments on Feb 20, 2021:
I'm disappointed. I thought we were special.
Triphid replies on Feb 20, 2021:
Somehow, in some obscure manner, imo, the the Absurdity of the U.S., the U.K, etc, etc, has crossed the oceanic barriers and infected some Australians sadly and regrettably. BUT perhaps the solution is on-hand in the way of FLICK, i.e. " Remember ONE Flick and they ARE ALL gone"....LOL.
This is a world wide pandemic.
JacarC comments on Feb 19, 2021:
"some better than others." Wrong. They are all different, and affect populations differently. And all provide protection against deep illness, and death.n DUH! I AM GETTING ALL THE VACCINES BECAUSE I AM NOT STUPID!
Triphid replies on Feb 20, 2021:
@powder Apologise, a typo, now corrected.
This is a world wide pandemic.
JacarC comments on Feb 19, 2021:
"some better than others." Wrong. They are all different, and affect populations differently. And all provide protection against deep illness, and death.n DUH! I AM GETTING ALL THE VACCINES BECAUSE I AM NOT STUPID!
Triphid replies on Feb 20, 2021:
@powder Good, BUT as usual we who dwell OUTSIDE of the 'Big Smoke Regions' are scheduled to get the 'Roll-Out" later than than everyone else so it appears.
This is a world wide pandemic.
Jolanta comments on Feb 19, 2021:
Well some do refuse the vaccine to others, ie Israel will not vaccinate the Palestinians.
Triphid replies on Feb 20, 2021:
@JacarC Excuse me BUT, IF a Palestinian WORKS in Israel and PAYS taxes to Israel THEN he/she WILL be Vaccinated, BUT those who do NOT do so WILL be last on the Israeli Lists. Hence, and imo, should this travesty continue, then BOTH Israel and Egypt SHOULD be Charged with Crimes Against Humanity in the The Israel/Egyptian Blockages STILL stand firm and solid even in these Pandemic times, thus severely limiting/curtailing the availability of C-19 Vaccines to the WHOLE Palestinian Populace. Then, imo, SHOULD this Israeli-Egyptian Travesty continue on then BOTH countries MUST be Charged with Crimes Against Humanity in the Universal Courts of Justice in the Hague IMMEDIATELY.
This is a world wide pandemic.
Triphid comments on Feb 20, 2021:
What precisely would YOU deem as being "a holistic approach" when handling a Global Pandemic such as C-19 has proven to be thus far? Medical Treatments have advanced a very, very long way since the Old and Brutal days of, for example, "That limbs is broken = amputate it," or "that person has been ...
Triphid replies on Feb 20, 2021:
@powder I think you ARE 'barking up the wrong tree' here in regards to my reply. By no means was I suggesting you disregard, etc, etc, your children, etc, I was merely suggesting that ALL Humanity NEEDS to act as ONE in the Pandemic Crisis which are ALLinvolved in WITHOUT Exception or Exemption.
This is a world wide pandemic.
JacarC comments on Feb 19, 2021:
"some better than others." Wrong. They are all different, and affect populations differently. And all provide protection against deep illness, and death.n DUH! I AM GETTING ALL THE VACCINES BECAUSE I AM NOT STUPID!
Triphid replies on Feb 20, 2021:
@powder It seems, imo, you are not quite up-to-date as per the recent 'Vaccination Rollout " in Australia which is, to best of my knowledge, has either begun already or DUE to start in March of this year.
This is a world wide pandemic.
Triphid comments on Feb 20, 2021:
What precisely would YOU deem as being "a holistic approach" when handling a Global Pandemic such as C-19 has proven to be thus far? Medical Treatments have advanced a very, very long way since the Old and Brutal days of, for example, "That limbs is broken = amputate it," or "that person has been ...
Triphid replies on Feb 20, 2021:
@powder Medicine STRIVES to Cure Diseases, etc, etc, IT works with the Patients it treats. Economics, etc, are NOT a Holistic Approach to Diseases, they are, imo, the Catch Phrases of Governments who are ONLY concerned with things Fiscal in relation to the Fiscal Budgets of the Country they govern. In other words, " Can we make the National Budget read as being in the "Black," THEY, imo, ARE only concerned with Fiscal Balances and the Economy NOT the Peoples they were ELECTED to Govern and Care FOR in the First and Foremost place. Then, imo, WE also have those whose ONLY concern seems to be " How can I get around to selling a property of MINE in another country/State and ensure that I make a profit from said Sale." THIS SIR, IS A GLOBAL Pandemic and it is ONE we have NEVER before experienced on such a scale, ergo, to Treat in a 'Holistic Manner ' IT needs the ENTIRE Human Species to Co-operate completely and Totally as one with NO exceptions NOR exemptions.
This is a world wide pandemic.
p-nullifidian comments on Feb 19, 2021:
The trend has always been that the inhabitants of a country in which an advancement was made benefit from them first. One could argue that until herd immunity is achieved in the country of development, vaccines should not be widely exported, particularly in light of the fact that the costs are borne...
Triphid replies on Feb 20, 2021:
I think you WILL find, sadly and unfortunately, that this "Herd Immunity" is little more than either a Myth or wishful thinking.
Priest from COVID-Spreading Church in San Francisco Dies of COVID | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist ...
CuddyCruiser comments on Feb 19, 2021:
All that matters to these sickos is money, not lives.
Triphid replies on Feb 19, 2021:
Imo, the only true interest ' Tithe Collectors ' have is, 1) Relieving their sheeple of monies while they are still alive and kicking, and, 2) living high on the HOG from the monies they've scammed, and, 3) perpetuating the scam by telling the next flock of Sheeple how many non-existent 'souls' they have saved.
A Kentucky City Plans to Use $1.
CuddyCruiser comments on Feb 19, 2021:
The power of the excuse to be a moron.
Triphid replies on Feb 19, 2021:
Yes, and also a Justification/Reason for being self-serving, Money-Grabbing Arse-holes as well imo.
I was in the kitchen having toast and coffee in my slippers and pajamas reading agnostic.
Kojaksmom comments on Feb 19, 2021:
Spirituality is important for the human animal. A life devoid of feeling, compassion and emotion means if you can't eat it, beat the shit out of it, runaway from it or fuck it, it doesn't exist. The way I see it if you are a Christian, Muslim or Jew I'm an atheist. However, no one has any evidence...
Triphid replies on Feb 19, 2021:
What precisely is Spiritual/Spirituality, it has far more definitions/ meanings, imo, than a stray dog has fleas. Emotions do NOT come from anything remotely 'spiritual' they are generated responses caused by the release of certain chemicals from the endocrine systems in the body, nothing more, nothing less. IT all depends upon how the body as whole reacts to these chemicals when they are released.
Q. What is the difference between a Shopping Cart/Trolley and a Politician?
St-Sinner comments on Feb 18, 2021:
Bloke, next time I want a real joke
Triphid replies on Feb 19, 2021:
@St-Sinner Mind IF I block you to save my sanity?
Why Texas energy grid failed
seattlepanda comments on Feb 16, 2021:
News to me...Long-time resident of WA and MI...power outages are always due to transmission failure(downed power lines), never source disruptions...
Triphid replies on Feb 19, 2021:
@seattlepanda Power Grids are, to best of my understanding SUPPLIED by Generating Stations, these Stations and the Generators, etc, have a limited OUT-PUT capacity so when the demand is higher than the Generators can produce the Grid Systems fail. The same/similar occurs with the Alternator in a motor vehicle, i.e. Too much drain on it Out-put capabilities and it too fails to generate enough to re-charge both the battery and run the vehicle as well.
HOW WE WASTE TAXPAYER DOLLARS Workers use PPE if employers give it to them, CDC study finds ...
wordywalt comments on Feb 18, 2021:
An absurd post.
Triphid replies on Feb 19, 2021:
@St-Sinner And So say you but no-one else thus far.
President Biden just publicly screwed radicals Bernie Sanders and AOC [cnn.
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 17, 2021:
Again,dragging Bernie into everything....if i ever make you pancakes i will write "Bernie" on top in Redi-whip so you cannot enjoy them!
Triphid replies on Feb 19, 2021:
@St-Sinner Imo, IF being YOU is what 'normal' is then I'll happily stay UN-normal thank you.
We can still jail him
Robecology comments on Feb 19, 2021:
Coulda-woulda-shoulda....I'm getting tired of even seeing his face....
Triphid replies on Feb 19, 2021:
You mean that was his face we've all been seeing for the last 4 years? And here was me thinking that it was his arse doing all the talking....LOL.
Q. What is the difference between a Shopping Cart/Trolley and a Politician?
St-Sinner comments on Feb 18, 2021:
Bloke, next time I want a real joke
Triphid replies on Feb 19, 2021:
@St-Sinner Didn't anyone ever tell that IS NO prize for Second Place here?
Q. What is the difference between a Shopping Cart/Trolley and a Politician?
St-Sinner comments on Feb 18, 2021:
Bloke, next time I want a real joke
Triphid replies on Feb 19, 2021:
Imo, IF you want a REAL joke then try looking in mirror.
Watchdog groups outline how to prevent Trump from ever holding office
Robecology comments on Feb 19, 2021:
Yada-yada- so far all talk, no action. I'm thinking that between his advancing age, his hidden ill effects of COVID19 and his lawsuits against him he - nor any of his family - will NOT run for office in the near future.
Triphid replies on Feb 19, 2021:
IF tRump had Covid-19 as he claimed then I'm a frigging Chinaman.
Why Texas energy grid failed
seattlepanda comments on Feb 16, 2021:
News to me...Long-time resident of WA and MI...power outages are always due to transmission failure(downed power lines), never source disruptions...
Triphid replies on Feb 18, 2021:
Ah, BUT sometimes Power Failures are resultant from "Excessive Loads' placed on the Grids themselves as well.
Why Texas energy grid failed
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 17, 2021:
One aspect: Wind farms work in Alaska, Northern Europe, Siberia, etc. but you must use proper lubricants, probably not ever expecting this cold they used much cheaper ones & the lubricants thickened up & prevented free movement. So, one source gone. Personal knowledge of this: I have to heat my ...
Triphid replies on Feb 18, 2021:
@AnneWimsey Ah, but when it is broke, as in your Washing Machine, then do the re-lubeable Bearings trick.
HOW WE WASTE TAXPAYER DOLLARS Workers use PPE if employers give it to them, CDC study finds ...
wordywalt comments on Feb 18, 2021:
An absurd post.
Triphid replies on Feb 18, 2021:
Wouldn't it be great if there were points deducted for Absurd Postings?
President Biden just publicly screwed radicals Bernie Sanders and AOC [cnn.
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 17, 2021:
Again,dragging Bernie into everything....if i ever make you pancakes i will write "Bernie" on top in Redi-whip so you cannot enjoy them!
Triphid replies on Feb 18, 2021:
@St-Sinner That IS a point I shall gladly leave YOU to ponder upon.
Question: How do you know if you’ve been chucked out of a group?
davknight comments on Feb 17, 2021:
I dont know. But I just got banned for 72 hrs from Facebook, for saying Americans are dicks!
Triphid replies on Feb 18, 2021:
Bloody Snowflakes, just couldn't the TRUTH.
Christian “Prophetess”: A Talking Scroll in Heaven Says Trump is Still President | Hemant Mehta ...
Barnie2years comments on Feb 5, 2021:
Ha, ha! And I thought I had weird dreams! 🤣
Triphid replies on Feb 18, 2021:
Yup, I dreamed last night that I was being smothered by Dolly Parton's Boobs. Sadly I woke up only to find that is my pillow.....LOL.
Christian “Prophetess”: A Talking Scroll in Heaven Says Trump is Still President | Hemant Mehta ...
Paul4747 comments on Feb 5, 2021:
"You can’t see it unless you’re a seer." What a great excuse to make up any old bulloney you feel like pushing on people on any given day. Well, now wait. I'm a seer, and I see something different. Prove that I don't! A-ha!!! Gotcha!
Triphid replies on Feb 18, 2021:
" Do you see what I see?" asked the Blind man to the Deaf Mute......LOL.
Christian “Prophetess”: A Talking Scroll in Heaven Says Trump is Still President | Hemant Mehta ...
freedom41 comments on Feb 5, 2021:
Can one of the psyc wards take another patient. She's making the more sain christians look bad.
Triphid replies on Feb 18, 2021:
Plenty of spare Padded Rooms at Resort Asylum Bikini Atoll and NO Waiting Lists either.
President Biden just publicly screwed radicals Bernie Sanders and AOC [cnn.
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 17, 2021:
Again,dragging Bernie into everything....if i ever make you pancakes i will write "Bernie" on top in Redi-whip so you cannot enjoy them!
Triphid replies on Feb 18, 2021:
@St-Sinner Imo, that explains quite well why you are always a 'Little Behind."
Why Texas energy grid failed
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 17, 2021:
One aspect: Wind farms work in Alaska, Northern Europe, Siberia, etc. but you must use proper lubricants, probably not ever expecting this cold they used much cheaper ones & the lubricants thickened up & prevented free movement. So, one source gone. Personal knowledge of this: I have to heat my ...
Triphid replies on Feb 18, 2021:
@AnneWimsey Yes, the 'modern ideology of " Built-in Obsolescence" in almost everything, Oh for the days when things were actually built to last. I still have and use a refrigerator that I bought in 1980 and it is still working even to this day. As to the bearings on your Washing Machine, a GOOD mechanic worth his salt can replace the sealed bearing with ones that can be regularly re-lubricated.
Apparently there are 52 Countries where it’s difficult for missionaries to take bibles.
Buttercup comments on Feb 18, 2021:
The Tora is roughly the same as the early chapters of the Bible. I think both are banned in the same places for the same reason.
Triphid replies on Feb 18, 2021:
Actually the Pentateuch, the first 5 Chapters of the Goat-herders Guide to the Galaxy, were taken and plagiarised directly from the Hebrew Torah.
Why billions of people won't eat pork (or why we don't know) - YouTube
bobwjr comments on Feb 18, 2021:
Love my bacon
Triphid replies on Feb 18, 2021:
NOTHING beats a nice Pork Stir-Fry with a Sweet and Sour Sauce.
Why billions of people won't eat pork (or why we don't know) - YouTube
Fernapple comments on Feb 18, 2021:
One reason not mentioned strangely is perhaps, xenophobia, hatred not of pigs, but of the people who eat them. The earliest and most basic part of all Abrahamic religions, and the period from which the law giving first stems, is the story of the Jewish Exodus. How a group of slaves came out of ...
Triphid replies on Feb 18, 2021:
As to your paragraph regarding Exodus and Hebrews escaping Slavery in Ancient Egypt, that tale is a 100% load of biblical CRAP. AND it has been Archeologically proven to 100% FALSE .
President Biden just publicly screwed radicals Bernie Sanders and AOC [cnn.
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 17, 2021:
Again,dragging Bernie into everything....if i ever make you pancakes i will write "Bernie" on top in Redi-whip so you cannot enjoy them!
Triphid replies on Feb 18, 2021:
@whiskywoman Hey, PLEASE do NOT compare me to @St-Sinner. Believe it or not BUT I do have standards.
Does teaching "white guilt" also cultivate a "white pride" backlash?
zeuser comments on Feb 17, 2021:
There are nuances here. I, for example, have a great deal of pride that my Polish and Slovakian ancestors made it to America during a time of world war, pogroms, and another pandemic, mining coal that helped build the national infrastructure and support the American steel industry, railroad ...
Triphid replies on Feb 18, 2021:
@Krish55 Er, try over 15 MILLION as per the records of the International Red Cross that were recorded in Late 1945 through to 1946-7. There has been numerous ESTIMATES that WWII cost well over 20 -30 MILLION lives in total.
President Biden just publicly screwed radicals Bernie Sanders and AOC [cnn.
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 17, 2021:
Again,dragging Bernie into everything....if i ever make you pancakes i will write "Bernie" on top in Redi-whip so you cannot enjoy them!
Triphid replies on Feb 18, 2021:
@whiskywoman Imo, by having those who wish to be come better educated than the average persons/people and FORCING them into Debt is WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, unforgivably WRONG. EDUCATION should BE Free of Charge to ALL who seek it.
Does teaching "white guilt" also cultivate a "white pride" backlash?
Triphid comments on Feb 17, 2021:
Imo, there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with having a LITTLE pride in the achievements of ones predecessors or, for than matter, those of oneself either. Skin colour is JUST skin colour and absolutely NOTHING else. In my opinion, one the BIGGEST problems with this Racism bullshit is those who ...
Triphid replies on Feb 18, 2021:
@rainmanjr WTF. FYI SIN is a biblical concept designed solely to keep the Sheeple miserable and controlled by the Religions that purvey it to be so. Having a bit of pride in ones appearance, ones manner, ones achievement/s, etc, IS a human trait and, more often than not it also encourages one to try to do better than they thought they could. Pride is NOT born of Ego nor is Ego born of Pride and is, imo, never a negative/negativity since, e.g. a child that gets applause from its parent/s for a simple task like taking its first ever step is encouraged to take another and another until it learns how to walk. Good and Bad/Good and Evil are merely 2 sides of the same coin and, imo, EVERYONE has both of them within them, it solely depends on, as an old Native American saying goes " Is like having 2 wolves inside you and which one you choose to feed the best depends upon which one wins out." Satan, Lucifer, Darth Vader, etc, etc, are NOTHING more than the imaginings of fevered minds or Hollywood Scriptwriters at best. So, as a well Qualified Psychologist may I most humbly suggest that you try to get yourself more educated in the realms of Reality, TRUE Reality that is, and and a little less in the foggy, misty mysticisms of the woo-woo that is Spirituality.
Newsweek: Atheists Hate Homeschooling Because Kids Spend Time with Their Parents | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Feb 17, 2021:
What a truck load of unadulterated bullshit imo.
Triphid replies on Feb 17, 2021:
@KKGator Kind of like one we have over here, WBM, which God-botherers often mistake for meaning Well Bless Me BUT actually means "Well Bugger me."
Newsweek: Atheists Hate Homeschooling Because Kids Spend Time with Their Parents | Hemant Mehta | ...
PondartIncbendog comments on Feb 17, 2021:
What year is it again?
Triphid replies on Feb 17, 2021:
The year of the Rise of the Religio-Slugs perhaps?
A somewhat Hippie looking bloke wanders in to a Fast Food Joint dressed in all the regalia and asks ...
St-Sinner comments on Feb 17, 2021:
Ha... ha... why don't you make the girl prime minister instead of the conservative hog sitting there?
Triphid replies on Feb 17, 2021:
Have you forgotten your meds again today perhaps?
President Biden just publicly screwed radicals Bernie Sanders and AOC [cnn.
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 17, 2021:
Again,dragging Bernie into everything....if i ever make you pancakes i will write "Bernie" on top in Redi-whip so you cannot enjoy them!
Triphid replies on Feb 17, 2021:
@St-Sinner Can you hear what I am hearing, it is the sound of the world's smallest violin and it IS playing just for you.
Newsweek: Atheists Hate Homeschooling Because Kids Spend Time with Their Parents | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Feb 17, 2021:
What a truck load of unadulterated bullshit imo.
Triphid replies on Feb 17, 2021:
@xenoview Or, Religio-slug shit instead perhaps?
Why Texas energy grid failed
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 17, 2021:
One aspect: Wind farms work in Alaska, Northern Europe, Siberia, etc. but you must use proper lubricants, probably not ever expecting this cold they used much cheaper ones & the lubricants thickened up & prevented free movement. So, one source gone. Personal knowledge of this: I have to heat my ...
Triphid replies on Feb 17, 2021:
@AnneWimsey No it costs about the same as ordinary lubes BUT it is easier to apply and lasts a whole lot longer. I've been using it for years on the bearings in my Evaporative Air Cooler, actually I fitted bearings that I can pump lube into via a grease pump because most bearings these days are the sealed type and they tend to wear out or dry out and need regular replacing. And, I even use it on the chain guides for my Chainsaws regularly PLUS the chain oiler because it keeps the chain cooler, running smoother and cause far less wear on the chain as well.
Why Texas energy grid failed
Triphid comments on Feb 17, 2021:
Texarse - the State where the women are sexually frustrated and the cattle are always nervous, so why am I NOT surprised at this article?
Triphid replies on Feb 17, 2021:
@whiskywoman Which is why they wear 10 gallon hats to try to HIDE the smallness of the men's brains and other 'attributes' as well....LOL.
Why Texas energy grid failed
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 17, 2021:
One aspect: Wind farms work in Alaska, Northern Europe, Siberia, etc. but you must use proper lubricants, probably not ever expecting this cold they used much cheaper ones & the lubricants thickened up & prevented free movement. So, one source gone. Personal knowledge of this: I have to heat my ...
Triphid replies on Feb 17, 2021:
Try a Lithium based Aircraft Grade Lubricant it IS designed for operating in both very high temps and very low temps as well.
Americans are unwelcome in most countries.
Organist1 comments on Feb 17, 2021:
I know this to be true from talking to a friend in Mexico. Americans don't wear masks usually, and act like they own the place. :-(
Triphid replies on Feb 17, 2021:
I've encountered many a Seppo (Yank) in my 60+ years and at least 90% of them give thev impression that they actually OWN the World and the Universe. And, I'd have to say that, in my personal opinion, the Texarseans ARE the worst of the worse.
Beto: ‘We are nearing a failed state in Texas’ thanks to GOP leadership
JackPedigo comments on Feb 17, 2021:
Texass has been going down that road for generations. When growing up in Dallass parts of the economy crashed in 1960 when Kennedy came in and sent governments to democratic states like California (where we moved). It is a state that has miserable heat, is mostly flat, with no inland natural bodies...
Triphid replies on Feb 17, 2021:
It MAY be just me and my imaginative mind BUT when one looks at a map of the U.S. I see Texarse as being somewhat like the arse-hole of the country.
Florida County Will Consider Allowing Alcohol Sales on Sunday Mornings | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
Triphid comments on Feb 16, 2021:
So WHY do the Bible-Bashers want booze banned anyway on Sundays? Does NOT the Holy and Great Goat-herders Guide to the Galaxy state clearly that Jeebus Chrust turned water into wine so there could one hellova Piss up party at a Wedding?
Triphid replies on Feb 17, 2021:
@Emerald Feel most welcome and free to use the title at will any time you like.
Widow of Slain Atheist Avijit Roy Says Executing His Killers Won’t “Bring Peace” | Hemant ...
Triphid comments on Feb 16, 2021:
I agree with her totally, we NEED less Martyrs and executing those deranged Scum WILL only make them Martyrs and Role Models for their Islamic ilk imo. Instead condemn them to Life Imprisonment, For Terms of Their Natural Lives, Total Isolation from ALL others and ALL religious Practices, etc, NO ...
Triphid replies on Feb 17, 2021:
@CuddyCruiser According to records from the Nuremburgh Trails the remains of Convicted and Executed Nazis were NOT cremated but were buried instead. Some requested burial at Sea, some were returned to their surviving families, others were buried in unmarked graves and others buried in Paupers graves. Since ALL of them CLAIMED to be either Catholics or Lutherans they insisted that their bodies remain intact to await the Resurrection.
I'm beginning to think that just maybe the birds around here in my town, especially the Magpies have...
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Feb 16, 2021:
VERY wise birds!
Triphid replies on Feb 16, 2021:
@Lilac-JadeCanada Oh, I should have also that our magpies are also well renowned for 'Stuka Diving' Mormon Missionaries as well.
If You Had To Choose?
OldMetalHead comments on Feb 16, 2021:
Dropping some peyote and going on a vision quest doesn't sound too bad. I don't know how long I could keep it up without getting kicked out though.
Triphid replies on Feb 16, 2021:
@OldMetalHead Mostly for medicinal purposes such as pain relief during birth, injuries, etc, and on very very rare occasions by the Medicine Chief as weak 'vision quest' stimulant in times of hostility from other nations.
If You Had To Choose?
OldMetalHead comments on Feb 16, 2021:
Dropping some peyote and going on a vision quest doesn't sound too bad. I don't know how long I could keep it up without getting kicked out though.
Triphid replies on Feb 16, 2021:
@OldMetalHead It was done when my daughter and I went over to the Cherokee Lands in Oklahoma in 1998 to meet our long lost Cherokee relatives and friends. we were asked IF we'd like to do the Vision Quests, one for the women/girls and the other for the Men/Boys separate of course, to gain our Tribal names and get to know our Animal Spirit Guides as well. After that I became known as "Grey Wolf from Far Lands," Lorrae became known as " Singing Yellow Headed Bird." Unfortunately I can NOT reveal the name of my Animal Spirit Guide only that it is an Owl with a white face.
If You Had To Choose?
OldMetalHead comments on Feb 16, 2021:
Dropping some peyote and going on a vision quest doesn't sound too bad. I don't know how long I could keep it up without getting kicked out though.
Triphid replies on Feb 16, 2021:
In actual Fact, you do NOT "drop peyote" to do a Vision Quest, I have done one, No peyote, just a Steam Lodge, stark bollocking naked, no food, very little water and few hours or more of sweating then straight into the coldest water available. Then you are asked what you have seen and are told that the first animal seen in your vision quest is you Animal Spirit Guide BUT IF you speak the name it tells you to anyone it will desert you.
I'm beginning to think that just maybe the birds around here in my town, especially the Magpies have...
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Feb 16, 2021:
VERY wise birds!
Triphid replies on Feb 16, 2021:
Funny thing about that little event, the Nesting Season is over here and Maggies ONLY swoop attack occasionally during Nesting Season. I've had pair of Maggies nesting in one my trees for years now and they've never once swooped me or anyone passing by so why did they decide to swoop the God-botherer and drive him off?
If You Had To Choose?
thyperson comments on Feb 15, 2021:
I'd create atheism
Triphid replies on Feb 16, 2021:
You beat me to it answer-wise.
Our power was off until about 2:00 A.
Triphid comments on Feb 15, 2021:
Ever thought about getting Solar Panels installed as back-up Power Supply?
Triphid replies on Feb 16, 2021:
@azzow2 Well, imo, that's the U.S, for you. IF I had the cash to spare I could get a 20Kilowatt Solar Panel system fitted to my home PLUS Tesla Storage Units for around $5,000 for the Panels and $10,000-$15,000 for the Storage Units. Plus for Heating in Winter I use a wood-burning Heater and collect the firewood myself.
Our power was off until about 2:00 A.
Triphid comments on Feb 15, 2021:
Ever thought about getting Solar Panels installed as back-up Power Supply?
Triphid replies on Feb 15, 2021:
@azzow2 Well we have both here and are inter-connected. Maybe we Aussies are a bit more advanced in the world of Technologies than the rest of the world thinks we are?
Assuming life exists throughout the universe, may we reasonably assume that Survival of the Fittest ...
anglophone comments on Feb 15, 2021:
I have grown leery of assumptions in all such matters. I would regard it as a useful working hypothesis for observing extraterrestrial life, but until it is backed by observational data I would go nowhere near assuming that it is a universal.
Triphid replies on Feb 15, 2021:
@Buttercup Yes there are a FEW cases of single organisms being capable of self-reproduction, worms being one of them btw, but there are also documented cases of those self-same organisms REQUIRING a type/types of Sexual Reproduction to stop their Gene pool/s from becoming stagnant.
Our power was off until about 2:00 A.
Triphid comments on Feb 15, 2021:
Ever thought about getting Solar Panels installed as back-up Power Supply?
Triphid replies on Feb 15, 2021:
@azzow2 Odd, it works well over here though.
Just remembered and am so sorry for forgetting as well btw.
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Feb 14, 2021:
Things are turning in her favour, & the house sounds fantastic for her & the kids. I am so pleased to hear something good come of it all.
Triphid replies on Feb 15, 2021:
@Lilac-JadeCanada Although Rusty and Co. don't know it as yet, that is in the works right now. I know of a person who still breeds Whippets and has a litter due to re-housed in about 10 days. Lorrae grew up with a Whippet as a friend and companion, they were almost inseparable, in fact, Ben, the Whippet actually helped her learn to walk. My personal favourites of Dog Breeds are Whippets, Greyhounds, Blue Heelers, Dingoes, Salukis, Borzois and Bassets. In fact, I've been dogless since Charlie, the Blue Heeler died of old age and have been tossing around in my mind thoughts of getting a retired or non-raceable Greyhound as a friend and companion perhaps later this year.
Lol, I'd ALMOST forgotten just how 'whiiffy' a baby's dirty Nappy (Diaper) can be until I ...
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Feb 14, 2021:
Makes a person wonder how something so little can be so full.
Triphid replies on Feb 15, 2021:
@Lilac-JadeCanada Oh yeah I remember so well the episodes of Lorrae and her poops. Especially her 'offerings' when she started eating solid foods. Many were the times when it was easier to hold in the shower and wash the 'offerings' off than to sit there and wipe them away. Why our little ones seem to find such fascination with 'playing' with their own poop I'll never know but Lorrae went from being an Expert at aim her Projectile Vomiting after every bottle feed to an equally Expert Poop Artist until at about 14 months plus old she discovered that Poop was "Yuk."
She has been growing and grooming her Vegetable and Flower Gardens now for decades, but these days ...
bookofmorons comments on Feb 15, 2021:
Sadly they only sell the essence
Triphid replies on Feb 15, 2021:
Essence is good since added to water it makes for a very good liquid Fertilizer.
Assuming life exists throughout the universe, may we reasonably assume that Survival of the Fittest ...
anglophone comments on Feb 15, 2021:
I have grown leery of assumptions in all such matters. I would regard it as a useful working hypothesis for observing extraterrestrial life, but until it is backed by observational data I would go nowhere near assuming that it is a universal.
Triphid replies on Feb 15, 2021:
@Buttercup Premises, basic or not, are open to be re-thought as we learn more and more imo. But, imo, where ever life evolves it would ALL most likely have the same urges/impulses, i.e S.A.R. S. ( Sustenance, Adaption, Reproduction and Survival) .
Just remembered and am so sorry for forgetting as well btw.
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Feb 14, 2021:
Things are turning in her favour, & the house sounds fantastic for her & the kids. I am so pleased to hear something good come of it all.
Triphid replies on Feb 15, 2021:
To say that she is thrilled would be a complete understatement. According to Rusty, the ONLY missing is a Puppy....LOL.
Lol, I'd ALMOST forgotten just how 'whiiffy' a baby's dirty Nappy (Diaper) can be until I ...
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Feb 14, 2021:
Makes a person wonder how something so little can be so full.
Triphid replies on Feb 15, 2021:
AND, how can something so small and helpless manage to get so much poop into almost every crease and fold below the waist as well.
Lol, I'd ALMOST forgotten just how 'whiiffy' a baby's dirty Nappy (Diaper) can be until I ...
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Feb 14, 2021:
Makes a person wonder how something so little can be so full.
Triphid replies on Feb 15, 2021:
Tonight I’m posting this beautiful song by The Carpenters as my last post before bed.
Triphid comments on Feb 14, 2021:
Such a beautiful voice and a beautiful person as well, so sad she lost her battle with an Eating Disorder if I remember correctly.
Triphid replies on Feb 14, 2021:
@Marionville I seem to remember that she was battling Anorexia Nervosa for most of her sadly short life.
Christian “Prophetess”: Prayers Form Missiles to Destroy Satan in Second Heaven | Hemant Mehta |...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Feb 14, 2021:
She doesn't realize that god's football is Amerikan soccer.
Triphid replies on Feb 14, 2021:
@PadraicM Bugger Ruby, Football and the like, give me Women's Beach Volleyball any day.
After Jebus killed off the dinosaurs, Satan buried the bones to deceive and mislead the faithful ...
Surfpirate comments on Feb 14, 2021:
Although, maybe Odin had a part to play in the extinction of the dinosaurs too. ;)
Triphid replies on Feb 14, 2021:
@Surfpirate Hey I live next door to one of those mate.
What do you know about accountability, Pooh?
Triphid comments on Feb 13, 2021:
I have hopes that tRump will not escape punishment this time around, BUT, I also have doubts that tRump will cop what he truly deserves though. Imo, these days Justice although being blinded, does appear to a penchant for receiving a bit of stray cash from time to time unfortunately.
Triphid replies on Feb 14, 2021:
@AnonySchmoose Never has and never will, that IS the way he has always been.
just claims on jesus' resurrection 👍
Triphid comments on Feb 13, 2021:
Hey, laugh ye not, I saw and spoke to Sasquatch (Bigfoot) every day for 16 and a bit years, that WAS he nickname I gave my daughter, Lorrae, because she truly had big feet even when she was born. Though she was NOT hairy as such, she had long Corn silk coloured Blond hair that hung down her back as...
Triphid replies on Feb 14, 2021:
@TimeOutForMe When Lorrae was in Kindergarten and Primary School her Teachers always called her " The Gentle Giant" because she actually stood head and shoulders above the other kids. When Lorrae was born by Caesarian section she weighed in at 9 pounds 12 ounces and was 22 inches long from her head to her toes.
The oldest known large-scale brewery discovered in Egypt.
bobwjr comments on Feb 14, 2021:
Beer makes things better , it's how the workers were paid
Triphid replies on Feb 14, 2021:
Along with Beer brewed by mixing bread, water and grain together and leaving it to ferment, they were also paid with fresh meats, fruits, vegetables, fish, were given good and decent accommodations, had their families with them, i.e. wife and children, worked 8 days and had 2 days free of work plus had the BEST medical care available for the times. Actual money, Coinage, was NOT used in Ancient Egypt until AFTER the Greeks went there much later in the country's history, everything was done on Barter System before the Greeks.
Mrs Murphy, a devout Catholic with 15 children goes to her family G.
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Feb 13, 2021:
The mormons are just as bad.
Triphid replies on Feb 14, 2021:
@Lilac-JadeCanada Yeah and it often makes me feel sorry for my Nan who would walk for miles following the Baker's Horse and Cart with a Dust Shovel and a bucket to collect the manure when she could have gotten tons of it FREE from any Church on a Sunday.
After Jebus killed off the dinosaurs, Satan buried the bones to deceive and mislead the faithful ...
Surfpirate comments on Feb 14, 2021:
Although, maybe Odin had a part to play in the extinction of the dinosaurs too. ;)
Triphid replies on Feb 14, 2021:
Funny that since Vikings wearing horned helmets IS only absolute fiction added to movies and the like for an extra bit of 'decoration as well as to make them even more scary, etc.
Mrs Murphy, a devout Catholic with 15 children goes to her family G.
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Feb 13, 2021:
The mormons are just as bad.
Triphid replies on Feb 13, 2021:
@Lilac-JadeCanada Me, well I wasn't excommunicated as such, just EXPELLED from every Sunday School and School Scripture Lessons I was forced to go to.
Mrs Murphy, a devout Catholic with 15 children goes to her family G.
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Feb 13, 2021:
The mormons are just as bad.
Triphid replies on Feb 13, 2021:
@Lilac-JadeCanada Oh well done, very, very well done, I applaud you most sincerely.
Mrs Murphy, a devout Catholic with 15 children goes to her family G.
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Feb 13, 2021:
The mormons are just as bad.
Triphid replies on Feb 13, 2021:
@Lilac-JadeCanada And, btw, IF you are an Ex Mormon, please accept my most heartiest congratulations for being so.
Mrs Murphy, a devout Catholic with 15 children goes to her family G.
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Feb 13, 2021:
The mormons are just as bad.
Triphid replies on Feb 13, 2021:
@Lilac-JadeCanada You mean an Ex Mormon do you?
Mrs Murphy, a devout Catholic with 15 children goes to her family G.
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Feb 13, 2021:
The mormons are just as bad.
Triphid replies on Feb 13, 2021:
You're not telling anything that I didn't already know there.
What do you know about accountability, Pooh?
PBuck0145 comments on Feb 13, 2021:
No bias here!
Triphid replies on Feb 13, 2021:
@JackPedigo, @yvilletom Ideally SHOULD NOT Justice ALSO be separate from Politics?
What do you know about accountability, Pooh?
PBuck0145 comments on Feb 13, 2021:
No bias here!
Triphid replies on Feb 13, 2021:
@JackPedigo In other words, About as useless a Chocolate Teapot then.
What do you know about accountability, Pooh?
PBuck0145 comments on Feb 13, 2021:
No bias here!
Triphid replies on Feb 13, 2021:
That MAY have been so ONCE UNTIL, imo, the Bleeding Heart Snowflakes came along and screamed out about their badly perceived ideas that Felons, etc, were being mis-treated, etc, and made the Victims the Defendants instead.
I know that Americans are very fond of ALIENS and the possibility of them visiting us.
MizJ comments on Feb 11, 2021:
Why are Americans the scapegoat for ignorance in this post? I have traveled and can say with certainty that ignorance exists everywhere. Does life exist in other places besides Earth? Almost certainly. Does it look anything like the human species? Doubtful. On this planet one can find ...
Triphid replies on Feb 13, 2021:
@MizJ Hey, I'm almost in the 70 year old bracket, well not all that far from it, and I love that the things I was taught decades ago as being ' the Facts and nothing but the FACTS," are being changed, altered and sometimes even torn apart as we learn more and more. Jeez Louise, I cannot conceive of how anyone else can actually live 'Ostrich-like' with their head buried in the sands. Some say that "You can't teach an old dog new tricks," well, imo, that may be the case with some old dogs, but definitely not this one. Blimey, I'm even learning NEW things from my 7 year old nephew, Henry, these days and enjoying doing so as well. Perhaps we might remind @McFlewster that it IS REALLY MUCH, MUCH easier to BREATHE when one's head is NOT buried in one's own sandpit.
I know that Americans are very fond of ALIENS and the possibility of them visiting us.
MizJ comments on Feb 11, 2021:
Why are Americans the scapegoat for ignorance in this post? I have traveled and can say with certainty that ignorance exists everywhere. Does life exist in other places besides Earth? Almost certainly. Does it look anything like the human species? Doubtful. On this planet one can find ...
Triphid replies on Feb 13, 2021:
@Mcflewster "Aliens Will be...." so one gets the impression here that BECAUSE you say it shall be SO then therefore IT MUST be so? You SAY that you were once a Teacher of Science then how, when and by whom, may one asks, were you elected to be the New Supreme Entity known as God?
I know that Americans are very fond of ALIENS and the possibility of them visiting us.
Triphid comments on Feb 11, 2021:
In my opinion it would be the absolute peak of totally unbridled human arrogance to think and believe that ONLY this tiny chunk of rock called Earth would be the ONLY place in this vast Cosmos where life evolved. May be NOT life as we know it, but life any way. For example, we know that the ...
Triphid replies on Feb 13, 2021:
@Mcflewster Nope, can't swallow that Good versus the Bad and the Ugly concept in relation to Evolution and Evolutionary Processes, sorry, since it sounds a wee bit too much like a biblical based scenario of God versus the Devil imo. Friend, IF that be your concept/s of Evolution/the Evolutionary Processes then, imo, we should ALL throwing the towel here and now while totally accepting that the Earth is merely 6,000+ years old and IS the only place in the vast Cosmos where life actually lives BECAUSE some strange, unseen, unknowable Supreme Entity DEEMED it to be so.
I know that Americans are very fond of ALIENS and the possibility of them visiting us.
DenoPenno comments on Feb 11, 2021:
When do invisible radio waves and other electro magnetic invisibilities get involved? Then we can bring in the gods easily enough.
Triphid replies on Feb 13, 2021:
@Mcflewster "Human like in many. many aspects, " Why do you posit that it should be so? Imo, Evolution is a kind of tricky business when combine with the literally countless external influences, etc, that are in both surrounding environs and the Cosmos. Could it not have that IF the Asteroid that struck the Yucatan Peninsula some 65 Million years ago and wiped out at least 99% of the then DOMINANT species, the Dinosaurs, that those self-same Dinosaurs may have continued to evolve even further, eventually becoming far more intelligent, etc, etc? For ages we have thought that they were just big blundering reptilian like animals in comparison to us with our so-called bigger and better brains but researches done recently have shown in many cases that they were often smarter than we were led to think/believe. After it IS all boiled down, we Homo Sapien Sapiens ( Modern Humans btw) DID evolve from eventually from a somewhat smallish, scared little scavenging mammal like creature that once hid from the Dinosaurs since it WAS a quick snack for the Carnivorous ones. There have been numerous E.L.E's ( Extinction Level Events btw) throughout the history of this planet that have resulted in great changes to the Evolution of Life here as we now know it. At first, there were ONLY Cyano-bacteria evolving on this planet with an atmosphere that was literally TOXIC to ALL other forms of life, then came along other minute forms of life that exuded oxygen instead of the toxic gases that the Cyano-bacteria exuded, the Cyano-bacteria, though they still exist in a few places around the planet, kind of lost the Evolutionary Race and the atmosphere began to contain more and more Oxygen thus allowing oxygen breathing life forms to begin evolving slowly, this also occurred in the waters as well, thus aquatic life began to gain a foot-hold as well. And so on and so forth it went. But that does NOT mean that exact same cycle occurred EVERYWHERE in the Cosmos, it also may well mean that simply because Life here is about 99% Carbon Based that it MUST have occurred EVERYWHERE else. For example, the element Silicone can easily combine naturally with of elements on the Periodic Table so could it not be probable that life elsewhere in the Cosmos could have evolved from a Silicone based organism that does NOT oxygen, free or otherwise, to breathe. We also seem to tend to forget that we share this planet with another species that is almost as much intelligent as we are, the Cetaceans, the Whales and Dolphins, it is NOT unimaginable that had the Wheel of Evolution revolved in the opposite direction/rotation that instead of us, the Cetaceans may well have evolved and become the Dominant Species? After all, they WERE once a Terrestrial ( Land-based) living species with actual pronounced ...
Well known and not much liked, often Foul Mouthed Chef, Gordon Ramsey enter the kitchen at his ...
yvilletom comments on Feb 12, 2021:
A “very large tasting” of the “bubbling mixture”?
Triphid replies on Feb 13, 2021:
@yvilletom No, I'm normal I let it cool a bit then sip it like everyone else does. How do you do it?
Well known and not much liked, often Foul Mouthed Chef, Gordon Ramsey enter the kitchen at his ...
yvilletom comments on Feb 12, 2021:
A “very large tasting” of the “bubbling mixture”?
Triphid replies on Feb 13, 2021:
What, have you never cooked up soup?
I'm posting this partly so I can find it again in case shidmark renigs.
Triphid comments on Feb 12, 2021:
WHY should, in this C-19 Pandemic, VACCINATIONS NOT be mandated as being both Important and Legal for EVERYONE to have? I see you are complain, imo, that you HAD TO have a Flu shot so you MAY visit someone in a Nursing home. WTF is so wrong with that, does it NOT both protect YOU and the other ...
Triphid replies on Feb 12, 2021:
@PondartIncbendog Funny but I'm hearing the sound of the world's SMALLEST violin playing atm, and I think it is playing just for @Powder somehow.
I'm posting this partly so I can find it again in case shidmark renigs.
Triphid comments on Feb 12, 2021:
WHY should, in this C-19 Pandemic, VACCINATIONS NOT be mandated as being both Important and Legal for EVERYONE to have? I see you are complain, imo, that you HAD TO have a Flu shot so you MAY visit someone in a Nursing home. WTF is so wrong with that, does it NOT both protect YOU and the other ...
Triphid replies on Feb 12, 2021:
@powder Yes, America twice, Egypt once, New Guinea once for 2 months, East Timor, Vietnam as a Pilot in Medivac Choppers for 2 tours of Duty, N.Z. once and Sri Lanka once. How about you, DID you serve your COUNTRY?
I'm posting this partly so I can find it again in case shidmark renigs.
Triphid comments on Feb 12, 2021:
WHY should, in this C-19 Pandemic, VACCINATIONS NOT be mandated as being both Important and Legal for EVERYONE to have? I see you are complain, imo, that you HAD TO have a Flu shot so you MAY visit someone in a Nursing home. WTF is so wrong with that, does it NOT both protect YOU and the other ...
Triphid replies on Feb 12, 2021:
@PondartIncbendog In my opinion here, I sincerely doubt IF he'd actually know and realize what a Medical Emergency was EVEN if it got up and bit on the arse a few times. Not kidding ,etc, but I have dealt with more Emergencies than I care to count in my Working Life, both Medical and otherwise.
I'm posting this partly so I can find it again in case shidmark renigs.
Triphid comments on Feb 12, 2021:
WHY should, in this C-19 Pandemic, VACCINATIONS NOT be mandated as being both Important and Legal for EVERYONE to have? I see you are complain, imo, that you HAD TO have a Flu shot so you MAY visit someone in a Nursing home. WTF is so wrong with that, does it NOT both protect YOU and the other ...
Triphid replies on Feb 12, 2021:
@powder Now when the beep sounded to tell that I had another Alert to an incoming post HOW did I guess that it would HAVE to be you? Jeez Louise, may be, just maybe, I've suddenly become the reincarnated Nostradamus or someone. I reckon, imo, YOU"D argue the toss with a Mortician as whether or not you were REALLY dead or not.
On the epistemological syllogism that "God, by definition, is that for which no greater can be ...
David1955 comments on Feb 11, 2021:
Which God, of the 5,000 or so apparently invoked by humans over 40,000 years of human history, does this apply to? All of them? One of them? Which one? Psst. I don't know if you've noticed, but we don't live in a single God worshipping (or denying) world. Maybe they exist out there in the ...
Triphid replies on Feb 12, 2021:
@David1955 Er, try a bit of re-calculating please, 5,000 is MILES below the total I have mentioned AND there are MORE Cultures/Civilisation that I did NOT mention as well btw.
I'm posting this partly so I can find it again in case shidmark renigs.
Triphid comments on Feb 12, 2021:
WHY should, in this C-19 Pandemic, VACCINATIONS NOT be mandated as being both Important and Legal for EVERYONE to have? I see you are complain, imo, that you HAD TO have a Flu shot so you MAY visit someone in a Nursing home. WTF is so wrong with that, does it NOT both protect YOU and the other ...
Triphid replies on Feb 12, 2021:
@powder CAN YOU ACTUALLY Guarantee that as 100% ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY both in Thailand and ELSEWHERE as well? NO, you cannot by any means do so and NOT in ANYONES Wildest of Dreams.


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